Wednesday, March 29, 2023

30 Day Accountability Challenge - April Sign Ups!

Hello lose it folks! It’s almost April! That means a new daily accountability challenge thread!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them regardless of where you are in your journey.

Let’s get down to the business, shall we?

This is the sign-up post to outline your goals. Please don’t limit yourself to weight loss or health goals, we’d love to hear about your reading list, chores, whatever you want to do in the month ahead.

There will be a daily update post for you to post how your day went, you can use whichever daily post fits your time zone if that’s an issue too. Don’t feel bad for missing a day here & there, this post is to help you feel supported however often you would like to check in.

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress, don’t forget that!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Log before I eat everything:

1800 – 2000 calories a day:

Exercise five days a week: I want to get back into the habit of a walk & an on purpose workout. I got new fitness gear for the holidays & I want to use what I already have to make 2023 me a stronger version of me! I want to do yoga twice a week & use the new gloves & impact pads I got twice a week.

Journal for two minutes before playing my Switch: A sneaky way to ensure at least two minutes of journaling most days. X/X days.

Engage with the lose it folks: For example: Today I read some of the top posts & chatted up a couple of you in the comments.

Today's gratitude list: Today, I'm grateful for

Random self-care action I want to conquer today:

Now, onto the fun part. What are your goals for the month ahead? What do you want to learn & enjoy in April?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your thoughts?

Background: I have been a long time lurker on this subreddit however for some reason I felt best not to make any posts, I felt and still feel as if it would affect my progress…. weird.

I have been on a weight loss journey for more than 2 years, started around 15/16 of which im now 18. I basically lost a little fell of track and I rinsed and repeated. At 15 years old I weighed around 132kg and got to my all time lowest of 119.5kg in about 5 months. However I did what I always did and gained all the weight back.. well most of it I went back to 129.8kg in around 5 months. I continued dieting, however with much smaller progress.

This year on the 3rd January I weighed 125kg, I once again continued my weight loss journey, however something felt different, as if I couldn’t give up. As of the 22nd March I had got my weight down to 116.4kg, what an amazing feeling, honestly. There have been some tough times and weeks when I had fallen off, but I kept to it.

Now the reason for this post is that I’m starting to feel lost. I’m currently fasting as I’m a Muslim and it’s Ramadan, however for the past week my weight has fluctuated, with it usually going down to another all time low, however that doesn’t seem to be happening this time. On the 24th I weighed 117.2kg, on the 25th I weighed 116.9kg, on the 27th I weighed 116.7kg, on the 28th I weighed 117.5kg and today, the 29th I weighed 117.2kg. Now this kind of happens to me often, however it usually happens for a day or two and I drop to a new low, this doesn’t seem to be the case. I don’t know what the issue may be, I have been thinking I’m overeating, however I pretty sure I’m not. My calorie goal is 1,500, my adjusted TDEE at 117kg is 2,600, so even if I have over eaten by 200 or 300 calories it certainly wouldn’t make me gain weight, especially that I’m active most days of which I walk around 10,000 - 15,000 steps, of which i don’t eat those calories back.

As previously mentioned I’m confused, and don’t know what I may be doing wrong, especially that I don’t want to fall off again and actually want to make a change.

I apologise for the long read, wanted to give some background information. Any and all advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/CasperDaCat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Artificial sweetners

I gave up my beloved regular Coke ages ago, now I have just one mini Coke Zero or Sprite Zero a day. I drink about a gallon of water throughout the day, however - I use Kroger brand orange flavored water enhancer in my water. All my water. So I’m drinking it all. day. long. Calorie friendly, but It’s sweetened with sucralose. Even though it’s calorie free, could this be inhibiting my weight loss? Today is my second day without it, so time will tell, but what has your experience been?

submitted by /u/slimrose9376
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Postpartum Weight Loss!

Hi all! For background, I’m 27F, 5’2”, weighing in at 154lb after having my second baby.

Before I got pregnant with my first in 2021, I was 136lb and did lots of yoga/Pilates and walking. I’m very active still, with a 20 month old and a newborn but in a less official way, I suppose!

I’m healed from labour now, had my postpartum check with my doctor, and I’m ready to get rid of the excess 18lb, maybe 20lb, so I can feel good again. I’m so happy and grateful to my body for helping me grow two healthy babies but I need to fit into my clothes again so I can feel more like me.

I’m doing CICO and toying with the idea of IF - anyone else on a similar journey?

submitted by /u/idkwhatever2345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I obese?

Some context: I used to be very obese and my highest weight was 108kg a few years ago. I am on my weight loss journey, at 71kg bodyweight now and my current proportions are 37-32-40. Am I really obese? Is the calculator right? Asking because I read that body fat calculator is a much better indicator of body fat than BMI or even the weighing scale. It was quite a bummer seeing that since I've been working pretty hard to lose that fat. I've been eating in moderation and I workout like 3 or 4 times a week, focusing on strength training. Edit : I'm 5'6 and a female

submitted by /u/BigButterscotch1431
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 10KG as of today!

Just wanted to share a short term goal I've been thinking about since I started trying to lose weight!

I started intermittently fasting by accident mid-January. I work from home, so I go for my lunch break as late as possible to reduce the amount of time I have to work after lunch, and I don't have breakfast. I try to walk a couple of miles on my lunch break, before eating anything. I watched this video about dopamine detox, which I tried to apply to my weight loss - Rather than just eating, I try to do activities which release dopamine while I'm hungry, such as going for a walk, so my body/brain adjusts to not mind being hungry. I don't know if it's actually doing anything - but I'll take a placebo.

I didn't start weighing myself regularly until the end of February, but I weighed 114.4kg at some point in January. I was probably heavier than that at some point, but I wasn't checking.

I think I've found it easier than most because I'm a very habitual person. I aim for 1000-1500 calories a day, just depends how hungry I am. Some days I've had as little as 800 with no discomfort.

I signed up for a fitness center this month, which is a 15 minute cycle away. I've been doing bouldering 2-3 times a week. I've also done two gym classes, but they wreck my legs to the point that I can't go climbing for 2 days without feeling like I'm going to hurt myself, so I'm going to be doing those every Monday after work, and climb twice later in the week.

submitted by /u/BEER_IN_CEREAL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

losing motivation :(

hi all! i’m a 21f and i’m starting to lose motivation and am in need of hard truth, encouragement, advice, or really anything at this point.

i’ve always struggled with my body image and it’s taking a toll on me. i got up to 212 pounds (bad college semester, relationship ending, just general bad stuff in my life) by stress and comfort eating. i didn’t fit any of my clothes and i was tired of being out of breath and wanted to be a strong and healthy lady. i joined a gym in august and have been at the gym since then.

i’ve lost 12 pounds. i see all these people that have lost upwards of 60 pounds and i’m pretty convinced it has to be my diet. i was wondering if you guys have any tips for someone who can do and loves the working out part of weight loss but struggles so badly with diet. i know diet is like 70% of it and it’s so upsetting knowing i could have lost serious weight if i had been more serious with that side of things.

i really appreciate any response! i was beating myself up today and thought i should ask for some guidance. if it helps, i kept a food log diary for two weeks and i’m happy to share it if need be :)

submitted by /u/t0phsmang0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat