Sunday, November 19, 2023

Need help losing weight -- haven't lost in months

Hello! Long time anonymous lurker, first time poster. I'm 21F, 5'5", and ~243 pounds. I'm currently looking to be 200 by April 2024 the latest.

I used to be 130lbs but got COVID-19 weight amongst other personal issues. I started with dieting and losing weight at the start of the year, and my body dropped 10 pounds then stopped.


Here's some stuff I currently do / have done: - Work out 2x a week in the morning, 100% cardio. I use both the elliptical and treadmill. - Count calories no matter what (used apps like Noom / FitnessPal) - drink 60oz a water a day - limit calorie intake to 1650 unless needed

Things I've considered doing: - heavily increasing my protein intake (I rarely eat protein since I don't like most, and protein shakes/powders make my stomach feel awful!!) - increase my water intake further - go to the gym 3x a week minimum

Miscellaneous/Health profile: - currently have a bad knee that makes working out hard (it feels like a door hinge and it's 100% genetics) - bad foot as well, hard time putting a lot of weight on it (like running, walking is great!) - hormone imbalance, I use birth control to control it - I go to college and therefore have a meal plan. My meals on campus are usually a chicken wrap, salad with 1tbps of bacon bits, and whatever vegan option for the day. - I also walk around on campus a lot, as well as with friends. I'm on my feet all the time and easily clock 10k+ steps 6/7 days of the week.

I'm not sure how much I should increase my protein and water intake, meals that are easy and good to make, and workouts that are good for you. I'm not low on motivation, and I'm really proud of my progress to change my life as of now, I've learned how to cook in the process! But now I want to look good and avoid health issues.

I used to see a doctor specializing in weight loss but I can no longer see them due to insurance issues. I'd like something similar to keep me motivated and accountable.

Please help!

submitted by /u/Exciting_Percentage1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Help

Hello everyone,

I'm a 5'9" male 29 years old currently weighing 503 lbs. I started out at around 540 lbs back in early September. This past week I've only lost a little over 2 lbs, which doesn't make sense because I'm positive I've been eating around 1,500 calories/day. I think it may have been because Sunday - Tuesday last week I may have eaten a bit more basmati rice than I should have. My goal is to lose around 4-5 lbs a week not exceeding 1,500 calories/day. I want to know how much chicken breast constitues the serving recommended. The food that my family and I get doesn't contain any nutritional information as it is either from overseas or locally butchered as is the case with my meat. How many grams of rice is acceptable to eat within 1,500 calorie daily goal? What about chicken breast? I am tired of being this morbidly obese. I have last about 140 lbs before, but ended up gaining it all back and then some on top of that. The mistake I made back then was due to my diet being very restrictive where I limited myself between 1000-1200 calories max, but I no longer will do that as it isn't sustainable for keeping me consistent. Any advice and guidance would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/Lardicrous
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I convince my dad that I'm not starving myself when I'm simply just not eating as many carbs?

So a little context, in my country it's super, super common to eat carbs for all 3 meals, especially breakfast and dinner. A lot of the time we eat bread or corn flour for both. In my family we obviously follow this too and there's not a single meal where I don't eat carbs cause I still eat plactane, rice or potato at lunch. I've been refusing to eat bread for breakfast or dinner for the last week and my dad is getting all whiny cause for some reason he's hyperfixated on having "balanced meals" but he doesn't have a problem with me not eating vegetables. Not only that, he refuses to take me to insulin or thyroid checks because supposedly I "don't need it" or "don't show any visible symptoms" for insulin resistance or hyperthyroidism, even though three doctors already have told me that I should get BOTH checked. And it just frustrates me because I feel like I have the odds against me for weight loss if my family doesn't let me eat correctly. I went to the extreme and didn't eat for a day cause I refused to keep eating carbs which I admit was inmature but it was an angry impulse

submitted by /u/SanWasHitByABus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 18, 2023

I'm not committing to intermittent fasting and I'm eating like shit at night...

I started my weight loss goal in January and I was doing pretty well when it started. I was eating healthy, going to the gym regularly, and I ended up losing around 60 pounds.

Fast forward to today, I am currently dealing with some financial and personal issues that are making me lose motivation to eat healthy and the gym has lost the therapeutic feeling I get when walking out.

I used to have an intermittent fasting period where I would fast for 16 hours and only eat between the hours of 12-8PM. Now that I have a different work schedule, I understand that I need to change my fasting period to accommodate it.

Unfortunately, I'm not sticking to the schedule and I am eating horribly at night. I could be near the end of my daily allowance of calories and I'll go home and eat bread and butter, a big bowl of cereal, or any type of high calorie snack I can get my hands on.

I need to find a way to kick these bad habits. I'm debating on expanding my eating window to 12 hours and I'm also looking for any recommendations or advice on what to curb my hunger late at night.

Anything you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Gavindude1997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will one cheat day of eating 1000 calories more than my daily 1200 calorie intake have much effect on my progress?

Hi as the question says, I am four weeks into my diet where I hope to reach my goal by early January however yesterday I decided to treat myself to satisfy any cravings I had in which I ate 1000 calories over my usual 1200 and am just wondering if this will have much effect on any progress I've made so far or on my ongoing weight loss rate? Nothing to beat myself up over of course but would just like to know so I know what to expect and am not disappointed if my goal isn't reached at the expected date.

submitted by /u/Solid-Pea-10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why aren’t potatoes considered a weight loss food?

I apologize if this has been asked before, but why aren’t potatoes considered a super effective weight loss food? Yes, they are high calorie relative to other vegetables, and we associate them with french fries and other junk food, but they are SO filling. 141g of roasted potatoes in oil, 168 cal total, and I’m completely full for hours. There’s been studies done on which foods are the most filling with percentages, and potatoes wiped the floor with about 200%. Why don’t we talk about potatoes more! Very nutrient-heavy and delicious roasted, steamed, or baked.

submitted by /u/LiveLaughLove___
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Nearing the lowest weight of my adult life and a bit nervous I'll be stuck here

I haven't been a healthy weight since probably around 8 years old. I've been losing weight steadily since August, and I'm approaching where I was in college...which is by no means my end goal as it's still obese, but it is nice to have dropped the post-grad/covid weight and get back down to ~215.

November's been the hardest month so far though. I've had my period, daylight savings, and vacation. Due to all these, I've definitely been eating a bit more unhealthily and exercising less, and the scale understandably hasn't budged much this month.

Something I've learned is that by far the hardest part about weight loss for me is the patience required. An annoyingly loud part of my brain is telling me that I'm incapable of getting to a weight any lower than this, since I haven't as an adult, and that's why the scale's stalled...and it's the holidays and I might as well throw in the towel and stop trying. I'm going to be trying to ignore that line of thinking though, because I know it doesn't make any logical sense.

A little NSV that's keeping me motivated is that this pair of jeans from college finally fit fairly comfortably again...they started out struggling to even get over my thighs. I'm thinking of wearing them on Thanksgiving to motivate me to make more intentional choices about what I put on my plate, as opposed to leggings I've worn previous years in anticipation of bloating from overeating.

I just thought I'd post here so anyone feeling the same knows they're not alone, and maybe those that have gotten past some of these hurdles can offer some words of wisdom. :)

submitted by /u/nikallze
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from loseit - Lose the Fat