Friday, July 12, 2019

Feels useless and I’ve only just begun - issues with self worth and relationships

Hi Reddit :-) long time lurker of this sub, first time poster - I’ll try to be brief in summary, I suppose I’m looking for anyone’s advice or similar experiences

I’ve always been a chubby kid, never had much self esteem and always very conscious of other people’s opinions in my appearance...but my real issues started around 2015 after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship and going into a new one with a man who made it clear I didn’t have “the best body” and urged me to change eating, work out often and so on - which fair enough, I know I was not in good shape or a healthy weight, but it was in a very unkind way.

I went from around 90kg, to 72 at my lowest, back to around 80-82kg and eventually the relationship ended. Now I’m at a high of 95kg (F, 5”5, 32)

For almost 18 months I have been in a fantastic relationship with someone who has never made me feel like I’m too big or too unfit or in any way not good enough for him - problem is, I still feel this way, and probably more intense than in previous relationships because this one is an absolute keeper :-)

We both love being outdoors, hiking, kayaking and so on - problem being i know I am considerably more unfit than he is and therefore can’t keep up. He’s always patient but I feel in myself I ‘ruin’ things by struggling, then beating myself up in my mind (“if you weren’t so fat and useless you’d be having fun right now”) and after a recent trip we had which was primarily outdoors, I have ballooned from 85-95kg and lost all motivation and self worth. Stopped the gym, stopped jogging, and any other occasional classes I enjoyed like yoga or swimming. And overeating constantly, on very unhealthy foods. I feel I’m struggling with my mental health more than ever

The past week or two I’ve been focusing on getting back into eating the healthy food choices I love (I guess I follow a mix of calorie counting and eating more whole foods to speak broadly) and walking most days to get back into the habit and ease myself from this downward spiral back to healthy choices and weight loss/fitness improvement.

I was feeling good! But I’ve notice lately I am ruminating on thoughts of how desperately I want to enjoy an outdoor lifestyle with my partner (I adore being outdoors) but I want to be able to really enjoy these things with him and feel confident to do so. The realisation I’ve let things get this bad again is hard to get passed, and I have had several ‘meltdowns’ (in private) this last month on silly instances - once he went to the gym (this is new for him, he typically just does outdoor activities and an active job) and when he brought himself a fitness tracker. It’s almost like I feel myself slipping more and more hopelessly behind... I look my worst, and feel my worst mentally and physically

Sorry, this is a wall of text and I don’t know if I have explained things very well, but if anyone has any advice, experience or anything they feel they’d like to add, I would be most appreciative :-)

Additionally, if anyone would like a support buddy (maybe on Whatsapp or another messaging service) - id love one too! Bear in mind my time zone is Australia :-)

submitted by /u/whatsuphdoc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know where to start

Hi everyone,

Everything is in the title.

I would like to lose 30lbs (15kg) but I do not know where to start.

Of course I did the basic, searched through the web to know how people started their weight loss journey but I did not really find my answer.

I think that eat well, I don't eat red meat, lots of vegetables, I might eat fries / pizza once or twice a month and pasta/rice 3 times a week. So I think that my problem is that I should do sport even though I walk a lot and I do bike to go to work (15 + 15 min / a day). I have tried doing sport on my own by watching youtube videos but I feel like I am not doing the exercices right so I give up after 2/3 days, I have tried to go to the gym but it was the same I was easily bored staying on the treadmill.

Now, as many people I have wanted to lose this weight for a while now, but I don't know where to start so if anyone has a an advice or something please give me your input !

submitted by /u/reindearest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Workplace motivation

On July 1st my manager went on a leave for two weeks. It was also when I started a consistent 1300 calorie meal plan, introduced more physical activity into my life and generally committed to a healthier lifestyle and weight loss.

The manager came back today and while we had a quick chat he was looking at my face intently. Finally, he asked "Sorry, but did you lose some weight?"

I am pretty sure my smile could light up the whole city at that moment :) he proceeded to tell me that he was confused because my face looked positively different, he thought maybe I changed something with my hair but now he's sure it's the weight.

So much motivation! I lost almost 3 kilograms during those two weeks and my goal is to go from 73.8 to ~ 60. I feel so much stronger now.

Did you receive any compliments about your weight loss recently? :)

submitted by /u/kamodd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Looking for disordered eating documentary series

I watched this documentary series (about 6 episodes I think) a couple of years ago on Netflix. It has since been deleted and I can't remember the name for the life of me, nor find it online.

It was about a wellness center in America somewhere, for people with disordered eating. I think maybe one had bullimia, there were a few with over eating. I really enjoyed it because it addressed the reasons behind their disordered eating with psychotherapy, and not just putting them on strict weight loss diets. There was only one season.

Can anyone please help me identify what this series was?! I'd really like to re-watch it.


submitted by /u/PorcelainLily
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 12 July 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you set realistic weight loss goals?

Just weighed in today, I never weigh myself because I tend to beat myself up over the scale number but I felt like it was time for a weigh in due to my progress.

I lost 8 pounds in a month, which I know is great! I started this journey a month ago. 8 pounds lost is better than staying at my current weight which was 198, and now I am 190.

I know weight loss is slow and steady but despite this progress, I was hoping I’d lose a little more than 8 pounds. People I know have been commenting saying I look like I’m slimming down. So I expected I lost a little more, around 12 pounds? I don’t know.

I am so proud of my progress, yet I can’t help but be a little defeated as I thought I’d lose over 10 pounds. How do you set reasonable weight loss goals for yourself without feeling defeated? Or should I stop relying on the number and go by how I feel?

submitted by /u/jenna_beterson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss vegan diet

I’m coming out of a 3 year battle with advanced Lyme disease. It caused me to gain about 25 lbs due to many factors. One of them being inactivity. I went from someone that went to the gym and practiced daily yoga to nothing. I’ve gotten about 80% of myself back and am back at the gym. My problem is I’m not losing weight that would of normally come off before my illness. I have a lot of diet restrictions from being sick also. I would like to lose about 10-15lbs to feel like I look like myself again. Yet I can’t eat dairy, soy, eggs, or gluten. (I developed sensitivities to these foods) I used to be vegetarian but because of the restrictions I have brought chicken and fish into my diet, though I prefer not to eat them. Does anyone have any recommendations to feel full and to lose weight with my limitations?

submitted by /u/delilahjonesss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat