Friday, January 3, 2020

Undid most of the progress I made in over 2 years inside 6 months.


I started way back in Dec'17 and by March'19 I had lost over 32pounds and reached 15% body fat. Ideally, I had planned to get lean enough to have abs. But then things took turn for the worse.

One of the major reasons I started on the weight loss journey was to look attractive and have a relationship. Yes. As silly as it sounds, that was my reason and by April, I had a girlfriend. Goal achieved.

I stopped giving two shits about everything else then. Workouts became less and less frequent. Skipping the gym for the smallest of reasons became all too common. I ate all I could. Once a month I used to realise I've gotten fatter than what I was, so, used to calorie count and log in just one meal on MFP.

I have destroyed my progress in no time. From June to December, I ended up putting 20ppunds back and I look in a really bad shape.

Any of you reading this, please set goals that can only get better and more like milestones instead of a final destination.

From today, I change my goal. Get better. Get fitter. Get to 12% bf and get abs. From there, I will see what more I can do.

submitted by /u/bakchod007
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


New to the forum, not new to diet/weight loss/training. 26F, I’ve been into fitness from around age 20 - didn’t always know what I was doing though. I’d like to think I know quite a bit about most systems involved when it comes to manipulating our bodies weight loss/gain, so I had done so on my own for quite a while. I have accomplished many build and cut phases - build, referring to eating in a tracked caloric surplus and utilizing progressive overload within the gym while minimizing most cardio in order to put on muscle; cut, referring to all of that, with the decrease of calories and increase of cardio. This past cut phase ended at the end of summer, my body fat was scanned in at 16.3% with a body weight of 122lbs average (using a dexa, there is room for error there although usually minor). Now, at the height of my build, my body fat is showing at 20.4% at a body weight of 138lbs. I thought it would be neat to document it for myself and anyone who may find it interesting!

Calorie intake will start at 1600 calories, which is -500 from my current intake. My average for water consumption is 5-6L per day. I do have hypothyroidism, so it’s worth mentioning. I train weights for the most part 6 days a week, unless I’m feeling particularly fried or not recovered, then I will drop it to 5 for that week, removing one of the lower body days. I am 5’3 as well! I don’t assume any ‘goal weight’, as it’s nearly impossible to say, with the added muscle, and muscle too that I may lose as a byproduct to dieting. I am going to aim instead for a body fat percentage, as the method I use is quite accurate - my aim is for around 15-15.5%. I don’t have a deadline, however I’m guessing anywhere from 12-16 weeks. I’ll post updates weekly, as well as progress photos if I happen to be so bold!


submitted by /u/peanutbutterandvenom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my meal planning at 1300 calories

So after my post earlier today I received some awesome feedback and feel like I’m now heading toward the right direction. Of course I haven’t DONE any of the things necessary except chose a much healthier meal for dinner (one step at a time). I’m going to do CICO and found a calculator that shows that if I eat 1300 calories a day with exercise 3-5 times a week I can ALMOST be at my goal weight by April. I got home and got on the scale for the first time in a few months and while I’ve been thinking I was between 165 or 167 I looked down and saw 172.4. My goal weight is between 140. Well I have to start somewhere. I’ve decided I will be meal prepping not only my lunch but also my dinner which I have never done. I’ll be weighing in every Friday morning to see if I am on track of my 1.5 to 2 pound loss every week. I want to make a goal of ATLEAST going to the gym 3 times a week but aiming at 5. I hate cardio but for now I’ll be doing a 50/50 balance of weightlifting and cardio where as before I’d only weight lift. In my calorie count for the day I’m going to fit in a treat every night because then I can stay sane. April is also perfect timing for my weight loss goal since that is my husbands birthday and he has decided that he’d like to go a water park.

Quick off topic question, how do I make my stats show up in the post bar? I’m newish to Reddit and would like to update at each of my weigh ins on Friday’s!

Edit: A word.

submitted by /u/Tired_ass_Mom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to stay motivated when people are saying I don’t need to lose weight?

Hello all! I started changing my lifestyle about 2 weeks ago. I’m down about 4 pounds and feeling pretty motivated! However, I have people in my life telling me things that make me feel invalidated. I am 5’3’’ and I currently weigh 184 lbs. I know I carry it well and it’s in “all the right places” (so I keep being told 🙄) but I don’t feel healthy. From a medical standpoint I am not healthy. My BMI is too high and my doctor has encouraged weight loss for awhile now. I really don’t appreciate my friends and family telling me I look fine and don’t need to lose weight. My goal is 140 pounds, which will put me in the normal BMI range. I’m starting to feel like the people in my life saying these things A) don’t really care about my health or B) are jealous that I’m working towards my goal. If anyone has been on the receiving end of comments like this, how did you stay motivated?

submitted by /u/ouchitforrealburns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need to lose weight

Hi everyone! I am looking for some advice. I am doing a 2 month weight loss challenge and I really want to do CICO using My Fitness Pal. I am 21 years old, 173 Ibs, 5’ 7’’, F. I was looking at both 1400 calories/day and 1200 calories/day and I wasn’t sure what to do. I do HIIT ~5 times a week (burning anywhere from 450-600 calories per workout). I was initially planning on eating 1200 calories a day to maximize my weight loss but I heard that if you don’t eat enough your body holds onto the weight and I don’t want that to happen. I also don’t want to feel like I’m starving the whole time because I’m worried I’ll quit :/

Some background, a few years ago I hit my highest weight of over 215 Ibs. I was diagnosed with PCOS around the same time and upon going on medication and doing CICO I went down to 185 Ibs. I don’t remember how much I ate a day to lose the weight but I remember being hungry and feeling deprived the entire time, which is why I ended up giving up. Over the past few years I have jumped between 185 and 195 Ibs every few months. Last summer, I started HIIT and I got down to 173 Ibs but I am stuck and I know it’s my eating.

I’m just frustrated because I know I am the reason I am not losing weight. I’m constantly overeating and snacking. I think I’ve failed at weight loss so many times and I am scared that if I lose weight I’ll end up gaining it back. Most days I still see myself as being 215 Ibs.

I just want to get to a healthy BMI. I haven’t been in the healthy range since I was a baby. Ideally I would love to get to the middle/lower healthy weight range but for now I’m setting my goal to the upper limit of a healthy BMI.

Any advice and tips and tricks are appreciated!

submitted by /u/losethebad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." For those who have lost weight and are now thin - has this been true for you?

I remember vaguely when Kate Moss first said this (controversially) about a decade ago, and it has had some staying power as I see it repeated occassionally from time to time.

I recently went from obese to normal weight and I've been thinking about this statement. The truth is I'm not 100% convinced I agree with it. The compliments about my weight loss from people have felt great, but that was of course temporary. Being able to wear "slim-fit" clothing is great, and I certainly feel more confident about my appearance in public...but I also desperately miss binge eating delicious carb/fat-heavy foods the way I used to.

I guess it's a sacrifice either way, and so I'm curious how others feel about it.

submitted by /u/fzb268
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you make it sink in that slow progress is good progress?

I've had a lifetime battle with weight/food/diet. I've always been told that the faster you lose weight the better, despite reading (and knowing) that rapid weight loss is frequently not sustainable long-term. Cutting a long story short, I'm struggling to get out of the mindset of lowering my calories so that I lose more than 2lbs a week, particularly because I'm so tired of being obese and want to just get on with my life.

How do I teach myself that weight loss of 2lbs a week or less is good and fine?

I want to get into an exercise program that will be quite intense, so it's hard to find a happy medium between reducing calories for weight loss while maintaining sufficient calories to keep up with my exercise. I read a post recently where a guy who was quite tall lost a whole lot of weight sticking to 1500 calories a day while exercising. Another post by a different man said they had lost fat and gained muscle by doing intense training and sticking to a surplus of 200-300 calories daily. I feel so confused and like I don't know anything anymore. On the one hand, cutting calories down to something like 1500 seems reasonable. On the other, I doubt I can stick with my plans to spend at least an hour a day working out (mostly cardio) at those intake levels.

I think the issue is a lifetime of being told by family members that surviving on as few calories as possible was the right thing to do, and that faster weight loss is better. I'm trying to teach myself that slow weight loss is okay and consistency is most important.

Does anyone have any advice for helping that message sink in?

submitted by /u/statusconference
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from loseit - Lose the Fat