Friday, January 3, 2020

I need to lose weight

Hi everyone! I am looking for some advice. I am doing a 2 month weight loss challenge and I really want to do CICO using My Fitness Pal. I am 21 years old, 173 Ibs, 5’ 7’’, F. I was looking at both 1400 calories/day and 1200 calories/day and I wasn’t sure what to do. I do HIIT ~5 times a week (burning anywhere from 450-600 calories per workout). I was initially planning on eating 1200 calories a day to maximize my weight loss but I heard that if you don’t eat enough your body holds onto the weight and I don’t want that to happen. I also don’t want to feel like I’m starving the whole time because I’m worried I’ll quit :/

Some background, a few years ago I hit my highest weight of over 215 Ibs. I was diagnosed with PCOS around the same time and upon going on medication and doing CICO I went down to 185 Ibs. I don’t remember how much I ate a day to lose the weight but I remember being hungry and feeling deprived the entire time, which is why I ended up giving up. Over the past few years I have jumped between 185 and 195 Ibs every few months. Last summer, I started HIIT and I got down to 173 Ibs but I am stuck and I know it’s my eating.

I’m just frustrated because I know I am the reason I am not losing weight. I’m constantly overeating and snacking. I think I’ve failed at weight loss so many times and I am scared that if I lose weight I’ll end up gaining it back. Most days I still see myself as being 215 Ibs.

I just want to get to a healthy BMI. I haven’t been in the healthy range since I was a baby. Ideally I would love to get to the middle/lower healthy weight range but for now I’m setting my goal to the upper limit of a healthy BMI.

Any advice and tips and tricks are appreciated!

submitted by /u/losethebad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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