Friday, January 3, 2020


New to the forum, not new to diet/weight loss/training. 26F, I’ve been into fitness from around age 20 - didn’t always know what I was doing though. I’d like to think I know quite a bit about most systems involved when it comes to manipulating our bodies weight loss/gain, so I had done so on my own for quite a while. I have accomplished many build and cut phases - build, referring to eating in a tracked caloric surplus and utilizing progressive overload within the gym while minimizing most cardio in order to put on muscle; cut, referring to all of that, with the decrease of calories and increase of cardio. This past cut phase ended at the end of summer, my body fat was scanned in at 16.3% with a body weight of 122lbs average (using a dexa, there is room for error there although usually minor). Now, at the height of my build, my body fat is showing at 20.4% at a body weight of 138lbs. I thought it would be neat to document it for myself and anyone who may find it interesting!

Calorie intake will start at 1600 calories, which is -500 from my current intake. My average for water consumption is 5-6L per day. I do have hypothyroidism, so it’s worth mentioning. I train weights for the most part 6 days a week, unless I’m feeling particularly fried or not recovered, then I will drop it to 5 for that week, removing one of the lower body days. I am 5’3 as well! I don’t assume any ‘goal weight’, as it’s nearly impossible to say, with the added muscle, and muscle too that I may lose as a byproduct to dieting. I am going to aim instead for a body fat percentage, as the method I use is quite accurate - my aim is for around 15-15.5%. I don’t have a deadline, however I’m guessing anywhere from 12-16 weeks. I’ll post updates weekly, as well as progress photos if I happen to be so bold!


submitted by /u/peanutbutterandvenom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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