Saturday, June 27, 2020

Thank you, this subreddit changed my life.

Weight loss

I'm really shy person, so I haven't have the courage to post this until now, but thank you, I remember my old self finding this subreddit by change, while just browsing reddit to get rid of my boredom on a Sunday afternoon, I never expected something like reddit to help me loss weight, there's a lot of things that I still need to do to improve myself and become the person I really want to be, but I can at least now scratch one off that list, If you are reading this I hope it encourages you to not give up, and believe in Cico, it works, yes it can be hard to control your eating habits, but at the end of the road I will be worth the effort.

submitted by /u/godbefa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A stress injury during lockdown has halted my progress, and I was so close! I've been battling the weight loss demons in my head, and had a minor victory today.

I live in New Zealand. We had a crazy strict lockdown for a little over 2 months. During that time I was out running a LOT because it was the only cardio activity I was allowed to do during the lockdown. I had been running for months before this, but only on the weekends. I usually switched it up between cross training, stair master, and kept running down to 2 days a week. The excessive running resulted in a stress injury in April that I have yet to recover from.

I'm down 70 pounds (200 starting to 130 present, 28F, 5'9") and have been trying desperately to lose the last 5 and tighten up problem areas. Being so close to the finish and not being able to reach it has been making me crazy and brought on some serious depression lows. Today I decided to make a before and after shot, something I've been avoiding since I'm not actually at my goal yet, and looking at the progress versus the plateau put me in high spirits for the first time in a long time.

When my knee heals up I'll be able to cardio off that last 5 pounds. Today is the first time in months that I've been okay with that.

Progress photo:

submitted by /u/sg1gal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I eating too much? Metabolic damage?

Long story short: 5'10, 306lbs. Fat asf. Tdee about 2400. Doing Alternate day fasting, fasting 36 hours with an eating window for 12 hours (usually finish in much less time) A bit concerned about destroying my metabolism long term this way. On my eating window I eat 3600 calories. (Comes out to about 1800 per day). Should come out to about 1-2 pounds weight loss per week. Any advice? If this Is bad for my metabolism? Why Is that? On one hand I want to lose weight so I don't want to average over 1800 per day, on the other hand I don't want to go any lower as it may hurt my metabolism ( I know my metabolism will slow anyway as your body adjusts due to weight loss, but I don't want to do it too fast as it may cause more damage than necessary. )

Any advice greatly appreciated...

What I typically eat in my eating window (3600 calories)

1 box Orzo- 1600 calories 2 tablespoons Butter- 200 calories 2 tablespoons Olive oil- 240 calories 3 small cans Clams- 310 calories 1 package frozen shrimp Shrimp- 360 calories 2 tablespoons Heavy Cream - 200 calories 1 package Peas- 210 calories 1 cup chardonnay (used for cooking) - 200 calories 4 slices bacon - 280 calories

Lemon, Spices- 50 calories

submitted by /u/tom4705
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30[F], 180lbs, from 188, 5'1 needing help with calories

Hi. I've started my weight loss journey using MyFitnessPal.
It's been about 14 days that I've been eating better.
My current "stats": eat 1,390 to lose 2lb a week. I've been reaching less than 1,390 calories. I thought I read something here about setting goal to 1lb a week. Is 2lb a week not okay?

Some days my total calories for the day are 775, 405, 615...
I feel like I will gain weight if I eat more.. I feel like the only way I will lose this "75lbs" is if I add running.

Will I still lose weight by starting to meet that 1390cals? Will I not be able to start where I am now at 180lbs and meeting the 1390, and not gain more weight? Confused. Will I be starting over? (something like gaining some weight back then dieting from there?)

When I started out, I meal prepped: salmon, baked beans, vegetable, using it as Breakfast/heaviest meal of the day. Today, I had 25calories of orange juice (50% less sugar kind) and some (130calories) Greek yogurt. That was my breakfast. For lunch I had a SmartOnes 180calorie, and1/2 cup of the orange juice. Somewhere in there I think I had a 50calories, reduced-fat Mozzarella String Cheese.

Today's breakfast was about 250calories. Lunch was 215calories. I have read about lunch and dinner "needing" to be around 500-700.. something like that.

Thursday, my breakfast was 400calories from a granola cereal (275calories) , 30calories of skim milk, reduced-fat string cheese and a cup of 50calories Trop50. The cereal looked over 2/3cup when wet with the milk. It bothered me (I was worried about gaining weight). It gives me about 7g of Fiber though.. I like that.

My goal weight has been set at 100 (I've read that for my height it should be as low as 95lbs), but today I thought I read 105-120. That would give me new numbers. Before I gained all this weight, I was 98lbs.

p.s I'm "under surveillance" by a psychiatrist and a therapy counselor (she told me about MyFitnessPal)

Thank you.

submitted by /u/beaglelove1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

finally have some visible shoulder definition!

Tiny victory, but I’m stoked about it :)

I spent all of 2019 focusing on strength gains and just generally getting chubby buff. Put on a solid 15-20lbs. Then all the gyms closed this Spring, so I figured that was a good time to start my cut so people could actually see the muscles I’d been working to build up. Spoiler alert: changing your diet is hard at any time but especially when you’re stuck in the house with nothing to do but eat, so I spent the first two months getting absolutely nowhere with my weight loss goals.

Finally buckled down a couple weeks ago and started doing the following: - taking a 1-2 hour walk every morning while I listen to audiobooks - home weightlifting routine 2-3 times/ week - measuring all my food instead of eyeballing portions - logging every calorie religiously and not letting myself freak out and omit things if I went over my daily budget - focusing on caloric density. (Watermelon and broccoli are my snack-fiend saviors, you can eat so much for so little calories)

I’m down 8 lbs so far from 175 to 167 (I’m 5’8 for reference.) Gratuitous progress selfie here. Feels nice to finally start seeing some noticeable changes in muscle definition! I don’t really have a concrete goal weight because I’ve never had this much muscle before, but I want to drop from my current size 12 jeans back to the size 6-8 I was wearing before I started lifting.

Edit to add: I also set my lock screen on my phone to a picture of myself from college when I was super thin and y’all. That shit is effective.

submitted by /u/heysiriplayziiri
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Favorite beginner work-out videos that aren't about "getting a bikini bod"?

Quarantine has been my first foray into consistent exercise and after years of rolling my eyes when people talked about the mental health benefits, I gotta say it is soooooo good for my head

I am losing weight (through diet) but not really doing exercise for weight loss, its more just a general mental + physical health thing for me. Just trying to get moving and get my heart rate going at least 30 mins a day. I think my new appreciation of exercise is partly that it is a lil easier as an overweight person than as an obese person and I imagine it will keep getting better as I get lighter

Thing is, I'm not a big fan of trainers who talk about "burning those calories" and "getting that flat tummy" and "working for a summer body" etc. I can tune out the bikini bod stuff but I (somewhat embarrassingly) much prefer and really enjoy trainers who throw in inspirational cheesy positive messages about getting strong, getting healthy.

Any beginner-friendly videos along these lines that you've enjoyed? Also if you want to share an inspirational cheesy positive message about getting into exercise, I'll take that too :P

submitted by /u/cheesyhealthjourney
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your unique and/or interesting ways you relieve stress?

31F. 5’2. SW:138. CW:121. GW:110-115. (I don’t know how to do the little square description box some people have)

I’ve gone down the checklist of all the textbook ways to relieve stress. Exercise, journaling, deep breaths, meditation, relaxing hobbies, calming vitamins, etc etc. Nothing really comes close to fully emptying my stress tank the way binging does. I'm trying to find a strong substitute that can stand up to the way watching TV and binging is able to completely turn my brain off at the end of a long day/week. I’m stuck at a plateau trying to lose the last 8-10 lbs and binging has been a huge detriment to not only my weight loss goal, but all my other goals as well. I’m on my third week of giving up TV/streaming/videos which I thought would help (the two are often related for me) but I’m still binging. I can convince myself to not binge for a few days, practice all types of healthy stress-relieving activities, but stress finds a way to keep slowly piling on through the week until I cave.

I still work five days a week (Hello from your friendly neighborhood Essential-Grocery-Store-Employee!) so it’s not really a matter of keeping on a schedule or being bored. I’ve been working on other goals in my life as well, really trying to make a change and create more opportunity for myself, so it’s not a matter of having nothing to work on or do.

So. What do you do to scratch that itch of turning your brain off?

submitted by /u/FlyingCoach31
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from loseit - Lose the Fat