Friday, October 7, 2022

Ive gained 4 pounds and didnt freak out

I started my weight loss journey (for the millionth time) at the start of the year and by mid year lost about 9kg. I got back from a vacation ahout 6 weeks ago and although I gained no weight on that holiday I really struggled to get into the swing of my routine again with balanced eating and exercise. For the past few weeks ive felt really out of control and although I am back at the gym a few days a week my binges have been bad (my past EDs are anorexia and for past 5 or so years bingeing). HOWEVER. I decided to bite the bullet and weight myself this morning as I personally felt like I needed to know my weight gain so I could hold my self accountable and get me back in the mindset to become more balanced again and carry on losing weight. And the scale had only gone up by 4 pounds in the last 6 weeks.

Obviously id rather it hadnt gone up at all but it didnt send me into a spiral and made me feel in a postive mindset for picking myself up and carrying on. Just thought id share my weird scale victory because damn I've been on a journey with EDs and my weight (both under and over weight) for 12 or so years.

submitted by /u/__Undomiel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Weight loss

I finally lost 20 pounds. I wanna lose 40 so I’m half way there!! It makes me so emotional because i never thought I could ever lose weight. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror now and can’t seem to believe that I’m really losing weight. This journey is not easy but it really shows you what staying consistent can do. I feel so much more confident in my body and I’m finally able to take pictures with my bf without feeling insecure about how I look. I’ve only been doing cardio and watching my cals. Can’t wait to reach my goal weight!

submitted by /u/bhgjvjn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Really looking for positive motivation and advice

I’m at the heaviest I’ve been in my life around 350lb. 28M, 6ft.

I take one anti anxiety med daily that I’m sure doesn’t work, and my psychiatrist doesn’t believe me & has not changed my medication since then.

I grew up with the mentality of “always finish your plate” & “food made with love” connection to food. I use food to feel happy but now it just doesn’t help. But I can’t stop trying to eat to feel that happiness.

I was never good about my diet in my life, but I used to be so good about exercising. I was actually a steady 225-235lb. for 5 years. I could fit into a size M shirt which was fine with me.

When I met my then gf, now wife, at the time I started going less & less to the gym, mainly just because I was mentally happy & not lonely. I wasn’t depressed, anxious, etc. but then when I finally moved out of my parents & started paying bills (essentially beginning my life), it all went downhill for my physical health.

I am fairly active with my job, but I still have some work to do. My biggest challenge for me is my diet. It’s easy to buy fast cooking foods, which often times are not healthy but don’t break the bank.

My plan is to change psychiatrists & to see a medical weight loss specialist; I even have a referral from my primary care doctor. But until I see them, I’m honestly fighting this battle on my own.. I love my wife dearly, but she also struggles with mental issues and hasn’t been able to be my strongest motivator.

With all that in mind, I’d like to know what my fellow redditors have done in their journey. Did you use specific cook books, apps, etc.? What did you do mentally to keep up the motivation? Mental exercises, specific healthy fast cooking meals, etc.

I’m new to this subreddit and have seen the tremendous care everyone gives here, and I could really use your help to bring me back to my spry young self.

submitted by /u/Specialist_Waltz5560
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lose 20kg in 3 months

Hi everyone ! i know you are tired of being overweight and not feeling healthy and other issues that come with it. I was at a point where i had no idea i could lose a significant amount of weight, that too in just 3 months!

I know you have heard a lot of home remedies for losing weight that never really work. For me, i have been trying to lose weight since 2020 and i constantly failed at it , why? because i was never consistent with it. Then i tried something which completely changed my life, and kick started my weight loss journey.

You know sometimes you need therapy regarding your mental health and? well people like me who have suffered from being overweight know that it mentally drains you , and affects your confidence level to such a point that you fall victim to depression and anxiety.

I tried something which is not very unique but it is the healthiest way to lose your weight. I changed my routine, I now wakeup early in the morning, which was difficult to start,but believe me you’ll slowly get used to it and it is clearly the first step towards a healthy lifestyle!

My routine is very simple and easy to follow:

⭕️ In morning, first drink a cup of coffee with few drops of lemon in it.

⭕️ Breakfast: 3 boiled eggs ( One egg with egg yolk and rest of them without egg yolk) with 2 slice of brown bread and with a cup of milk.

⭕️ Lunch: Green salad with grilled chicken OR lentil with 2 slice of bran bread

⭕️ Between lunch and dinner have some fruits or have some dry fruits

⭕️ Dinner: Chicken breast (60g) with green salad

⭕️ One cup of green tea with few drops of lemon in it.

This is my secret which helped me achieve my goal in just 3 months and i have lost around 20kg and now i’m sharing my secret with you all, so you can also achieve all your fitness goals easily!

If you have any queries or questions comment down below.

submitted by /u/InfluenceParty1776
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss plateaued but still losing belt size and lifts are going up. Ride out the recomp or cut back?

Hi all, 30M, 5'10. I started at 197lbs 3mo ago, and was down to 190 by month 2. In the last month I've bounced around 189-191 and haven't made meaningful progress on the scale which is frustrating.

I've been targeting only 1800 calories a day and have been very consistent, although it's hard to accurately track since my office provides free meals and I go out a lot (live in big city).

I have been weight training 2-3x a week doing full body. I've been lifting inconsistently for a few years so not sure if I classify as "untrained" although I got injured a couple years ago and had to take a year off which derailed me. Some of my lifts have stalled but others have been going up every week or two. I've also been running 1-2x a week and finally hit 10k on the weekend.

While it's frustrating that I'm not making scale progress anymore, I do have some lifts going up and I dropped two belt notches this month. I can see some but not significant improvements in progress pics, I estimate I went from 28-30% BF to 23-25%. I'm wondering if I should cut back my calories further (I'm clearly overcounting but I'm fucking starving either way) or just keep what I'm doing and ride out the recomp. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Whole-Banana-8402
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have an impt family function in 2 months.

I used to be fit till start of 2020 (16% body, defined muscles, weightlifting experience of 3 years etc) and used to be around 75-78 kg (my height-180 cm).

But now, for various reasons, I'm 97kg (about 20kg overweight). Not able to fit into my old clothes. I'm thinking of a 15 kg weight loss in 2 months through intermittent fasting and weight training.

Aiming for around 2000-2500 calories deficit per day. What are your thoughts about this? Does anyone have a better plan?

submitted by /u/k25vm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The second stage or 'perfection stage' of weight loss is much harder than the 'reach a healthy weight' stage

Anyone else found this? Over 18 months I dropped from 257lbs (116kg) to 187lbs (85kg) and from god-knows-what bodyfat percentage (close to 40%?) to something like 18-20% now by my admittedly amateur estimate. I'm 185.5cm (a shade under 6'1) for context.

Now I'm at the point where I want to get closer to 12% BF and drop to maybe 77kg / 170lbs orwhatever that takes and my body is just rebelling against it. I get cravings all the time and end up eating 3000+ calories per day even though I was happily eating <2000 for a whole year when overweight.

Even 2500 for maintenance feels tough a lot of days now, like I pushed myself too far and this is the rebound effect, like a rubber band snapping back! I'm honestly not sure how much is physical and how much is psychological though.

How did anyone affected by this manage to push on through, what did you change, if anything? Is a long period of maintenance the only way?

submitted by /u/Public-Database-6771
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from loseit - Lose the Fat