Friday, October 7, 2022

Ive gained 4 pounds and didnt freak out

I started my weight loss journey (for the millionth time) at the start of the year and by mid year lost about 9kg. I got back from a vacation ahout 6 weeks ago and although I gained no weight on that holiday I really struggled to get into the swing of my routine again with balanced eating and exercise. For the past few weeks ive felt really out of control and although I am back at the gym a few days a week my binges have been bad (my past EDs are anorexia and for past 5 or so years bingeing). HOWEVER. I decided to bite the bullet and weight myself this morning as I personally felt like I needed to know my weight gain so I could hold my self accountable and get me back in the mindset to become more balanced again and carry on losing weight. And the scale had only gone up by 4 pounds in the last 6 weeks.

Obviously id rather it hadnt gone up at all but it didnt send me into a spiral and made me feel in a postive mindset for picking myself up and carrying on. Just thought id share my weird scale victory because damn I've been on a journey with EDs and my weight (both under and over weight) for 12 or so years.

submitted by /u/__Undomiel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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