Thursday, October 6, 2022

Lose 20kg in 3 months

Hi everyone ! i know you are tired of being overweight and not feeling healthy and other issues that come with it. I was at a point where i had no idea i could lose a significant amount of weight, that too in just 3 months!

I know you have heard a lot of home remedies for losing weight that never really work. For me, i have been trying to lose weight since 2020 and i constantly failed at it , why? because i was never consistent with it. Then i tried something which completely changed my life, and kick started my weight loss journey.

You know sometimes you need therapy regarding your mental health and? well people like me who have suffered from being overweight know that it mentally drains you , and affects your confidence level to such a point that you fall victim to depression and anxiety.

I tried something which is not very unique but it is the healthiest way to lose your weight. I changed my routine, I now wakeup early in the morning, which was difficult to start,but believe me you’ll slowly get used to it and it is clearly the first step towards a healthy lifestyle!

My routine is very simple and easy to follow:

⭕️ In morning, first drink a cup of coffee with few drops of lemon in it.

⭕️ Breakfast: 3 boiled eggs ( One egg with egg yolk and rest of them without egg yolk) with 2 slice of brown bread and with a cup of milk.

⭕️ Lunch: Green salad with grilled chicken OR lentil with 2 slice of bran bread

⭕️ Between lunch and dinner have some fruits or have some dry fruits

⭕️ Dinner: Chicken breast (60g) with green salad

⭕️ One cup of green tea with few drops of lemon in it.

This is my secret which helped me achieve my goal in just 3 months and i have lost around 20kg and now i’m sharing my secret with you all, so you can also achieve all your fitness goals easily!

If you have any queries or questions comment down below.

submitted by /u/InfluenceParty1776
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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