Wednesday, January 11, 2023

How can I best support my partner in his weight loss journey?

Apologies if post is not appropriate, I just don't know where else to ask.

My husband is 35 and has been obese most of his life. He is also short, which I understand can make things more challenging, though he's quite muscular and strong (he can do push ups and pull ups, even at his current weight).

He has told me many times he wants to lose weight, but it's something very emotional for him. He was quite overweight as a child, and was bullied for it even by his relatives. His parents were quite neglectful in this regard too, and as a result, he never really learned how to eat well, in fact, he's very prone to snacking on whatever's at hand because he basically grew up alone, so they never really sat down for meals, etc. He suffered from an ED/overexercising during some of his teens. So his relationship with food is not the best.

He buys treats and junk food often, and like I said, most of the day he snacks on these, or whatever else is in the fridge. The other day we had a heart to heart, because he was telling me about how he knows he needs to lose weight. So I basically told him, that from an outsider's perspective, and taking into account his history with food/childhood trauma, that he just never had the chance to properly learn how to feed himself, and that I can support him in that regard.

I want to start meal planning and prepping because I also need to lose a few lbs. We've fallen into the bad habit of not really cooking much and ordering take away often (which is also hard on the $$$). But I find it really difficult to say no to these things, so I feel I'm encouraging him. Also when we go to buy groceries, sometimes he'll pick up some candy or whatever else, and it breaks my heart to say no.

He doesn't like going to the doctor, because they always tell him he needs to lose weight, but nothing else, so he feels shamed and not helped. He has a lot of shame regarding his weight, he discusses it with me at times (like what I've mentioned in this post), but e.g. he'll never actually tell me how much he weighs. So going to the gym is also a no-go, we'll have to work out at home (which I don't like that much, 'cause it's so easy to put it off, also requires quite a bit of space and equipment for weight training).

Luckily, in my country there's a service for buying medical orders for lab tests and such, and they now offer a service for quick interpretation of lab results by a team of doctors online. So I'm thinking of having him get necessary tests (e.g. thyroid, insulin resistance/diabetes tests, and others). So if he doesn't want to go to the doc yet, start from there. Get the tests, then see if the doctors find anything that requires attention. I fear he might have diabetes, at the very least he probably has insulin resistance. But this is a very sensitive topic for him.

I'm not sure how else to support him. If you were (or have been) in his shoes, what kind of support would be most beneficial for you? If you were (or have been) in my shoes, what do you recommend?

I'm a huge pessimist, so I'm thinking maybe my support won't be enough. I mean, I wanna do my best, because I also want/need to get healthier, but I'm mostly worried about him, because he has more weight to lose, and I really don't want to lose him to something like heart problems or diabetes in the future.

Thanks in advance!

TL;DR: my husband has been obese for most of his life, and wants to lose weight, he is quite sensitive about his weight though, and it's a very emotional thing for him, he doesn't like going to the doctor, so I don't know how to best support him. I also want to get healthier, so I have no problem taking the reins, but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, because I don't know if I'll be able to help him.

ETA: he also doesn't like the idea of going to therapy, at least not at this point in his life.

submitted by /u/International_Bar181
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight tracker google sheet template [free for anyone! :)]

hi r/loseit! today i’m coming at you with a simple tool designed to make tracking your weight loss journey easy and (hopefully) fun, if you’re into percentages!

i started my weight loss journey about 5.5 years ago now — time flies! i was done by around the year mark; lost about one third of my body weight and am now rocking a relatively thin body!

for the new year, i’ve decided to start some gym gains. while making a google sheets document for me to track my daily exercise and gains, i created a spin-off designed to track weight loss.

the sheet itself is pretty simple. you input your daily weight and check off what you accomplished, and it tells you what % of your goals you met for the day, the total amount of weight lost so far, and how close (percentage wise) you are to your goal weight. it also has free input spots for intake tracking, a food log, and a step counter.

setting it up is super easy. make a copy of the doc for yourself, then all you have to do is change the “goals” labels to things you want to accomplish every day and input your goal weight. after that, you can use it daily like a food log.

this is a very simple sheet that’s more designed for people like me who are encouraged by game-ifying their process — it definitely doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that certain apps do. the default setup is a weekly log wherein each sheet page contains a new week. that would be pretty easy to modify, though.

if you have any questions, i’m happy to help troubleshoot.

submitted by /u/Bitchbasic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Would a 12lb weight loss be noticeable on me?

  • I am a 30 year old woman
  • 5’3/5’4 (I don’t know for sure but I know my height is around there)
  • 147lbs

My goal weight is 135lbs. I’m just curious if this weight loss will be noticeable given my current weight and height. I would love to hear opinions or others’ experiences if you had or have similar stats.

I’ve finally been able to work out and live a healthier lifestyle after having a surgery. The weight loss will be really good for my health, so I am really excited about this lifestyle change!

I’ve always been self conscious about my belly fat and arm fat, I’m hoping that losing 12 pounds might help slim these areas down!


submitted by /u/Plenty_Pickle_3163
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gained 8 Pounds over the Holidays and already lost it!!

Getting back on the horse really is the hardest part. The holidays are usually what causes my weight loss to weight gain and then all of a sudden it’s July and I’ve gained 30 pounds. Well, not this time. I gained 8 pounds Dec 24-Jan 3. Jan 4th I started counting calories/walking and today, 6 days later those 8 pounds are GONE. I cannot believe it.

Down 37 pounds since July and hoping for 15 more!!

submitted by /u/Fivedayhangovers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to lose weight again after 91lb weight loss is proving difficult.

So about 2 years ago I lost 91lbs. I got down to 160lbs (I’m 5’3 female) and I was super happy. Anyway I’ve gained 8lbs recently and after everyday of full eating I weight between 170-172lbs (this goes down to 168-169 when I wake up). I’ve been in a deficit for a week and I know it’s not a long time but I’m feeling so discouraged as I can’t push past 168lbs and some days when I stick to my deficit but eat higher sodium foods and drink more water I wake up 170lbs. I don’t remember it being this difficult the first time round and it was like the weight dropped off so quickly - when do you think I will start seeing results?

My goal weight is 160 again fyi

submitted by /u/Tina-belch-ahhhhhhh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calorie deficit does work!

I know it's a known fact but still a bit shocked.

I (25F, 5'4) have done the whole weight loss thing before with intense exercises 6 days a week but little to no change in my diet. I lost some weight but quickly gained it all rapidly.

In September, I decided it was time for a permanent lifestyle change. I downloaded the lose it app and set a daily calorie limit of 1,323 and was strict with it for the most part. Started eating more protein and fresh food, I had already completely cut soda 2 years back.

I couldn't work out as I wanted to as I'm schooling and working full time. Recently, I started doing 20mins cardio 3 to 4 days a week. I noticed my clothes had been getting loser so i finally decided to ignore my anxiety and stand on the scale today, was shocked to see that I'd lost 10kg (22 pounds)!

Last time I weighed in August, I was 70kg and overweight. I am now officially in the healthy weight category🥳. Still plan on loosing 5kg to reach my goal weight of 55.

submitted by /u/Otherwise-Cod-6445
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Done with year of “maintenance”!

In 2021, I lost a total of 50 lbs! (F29, SW:240, CW:188).

In 2022, initially, I lost ~18lbs, and I was around 173 lbs, and felt great. However, after a break up, graduate school failures and just life, I gained those 18 lbs back.

But I don’t feel like I failed at weight loss, surprisingly. I see 2022 as a year of maintenance, when I had to deal with a lot of emotional trauma (with therapy and self awareness).

NOW, I want to continue, and finish what I started :) My goal is 140.

To anyone restarting, you can do it❤️ It is extremely hard. For me, I think getting my mindset in the right place helped a lot. Being kind to yourself but also holding yourself accountable. It is a balance and slippery slope if you are used to the all or nothing mentality like me. But it is possible. Healing is possible.

Let’s do this :)

submitted by /u/Whoisdaatgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat