Wednesday, January 11, 2023

weight tracker google sheet template [free for anyone! :)]

hi r/loseit! today i’m coming at you with a simple tool designed to make tracking your weight loss journey easy and (hopefully) fun, if you’re into percentages!

i started my weight loss journey about 5.5 years ago now — time flies! i was done by around the year mark; lost about one third of my body weight and am now rocking a relatively thin body!

for the new year, i’ve decided to start some gym gains. while making a google sheets document for me to track my daily exercise and gains, i created a spin-off designed to track weight loss.

the sheet itself is pretty simple. you input your daily weight and check off what you accomplished, and it tells you what % of your goals you met for the day, the total amount of weight lost so far, and how close (percentage wise) you are to your goal weight. it also has free input spots for intake tracking, a food log, and a step counter.

setting it up is super easy. make a copy of the doc for yourself, then all you have to do is change the “goals” labels to things you want to accomplish every day and input your goal weight. after that, you can use it daily like a food log.

this is a very simple sheet that’s more designed for people like me who are encouraged by game-ifying their process — it definitely doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that certain apps do. the default setup is a weekly log wherein each sheet page contains a new week. that would be pretty easy to modify, though.

if you have any questions, i’m happy to help troubleshoot.

submitted by /u/Bitchbasic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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