Friday, January 20, 2023

Losing again and now it’s the easiest ever

I’ve used calorie counting to get from overweight bordering obese to a healthy weight over 15 years ago and since to readjusted as needed.

After pregnancy and breastfeeding for years (which brings my hunger to overdrive) I had settled back to just under my original overweight peak in college. I’ve bounced around since in the solid overweight range. Not letting myself get too high but still not healthy, especially for my health predispositions. I could t seem to care enough to keep it up to get back to a solid healthy weight again or maintain what I would temporarily lose.

I was trying again and doing alright but not great so I signed up for a program that was free through my health insurance (Wondr) 2.5 weeks ago (which is a lot like Noom from what I hear).

I’ve got to say it’s made this so much easier.

I’ve continued to calorie count mostly out of habit and curiosity but on days when I don’t (I’ve always had trouble with weekends) and add it in later I’ve stayed on track. Always below maintenance and often lower than my goal (but still above 1200 and feeling good).

Honestly, I’m shocked that it’s working so well. It is completely compatible with calorie counting but makes it easier/less stressful and hopefully easier to maintain. Basically they go through a bunch of methods/techniques to eat at a deficit learning healthy habits.

Some I had already figure it out on my own. Others, made sense but I hadn’t done before. Having all these techniques, obviously are helpful. But what is also nice, is that focusing on just a couple things at a time, really reduce my stress over weight loss. Even though I didn’t think I was stressed before, I found that CC as my focus was costing me more mental and emotional energy than I had realized. Now I’m more relaxed and focused on feeling good (only when I’m hungry but not letting myself get too hungry and being careful to stop when I’m full) and still have the benefit of being in a calorie deficit.

Anyway. I’m just super excited (still in honeymoon phase of a new thing, I know) and wanted to share.

submitted by /u/TealAndroid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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