Friday, January 27, 2023

I have officially lost 34kg in 25 weeks I am SO PROUD OF MYSELF!

I have some great news to share with all of you - I have lost over 34kg in just 25 weeks! I know that may sound like a lot, but for me, it has been a long and challenging journey. I've faced many obstacles along the way, but I'm happy to say that I've come out on the other side a happier, healthier person.

So, how did I do it? Well, there are a few methods that I used to lose weight, and I'll share them with you here.

First of all, I made a commitment to myself to start exercising regularly. I knew that in order to lose weight, I needed to burn more calories than I was consuming. I started by going for a walk or jog every day, and then gradually increased the intensity and duration of my workouts. I also started weightlifting, which helped me to build muscle and burn even more calories.

Next, I made a few changes to my diet. I knew that in order to lose weight, I needed to be in a calorie deficit, which means that I needed to consume fewer calories than my body was burning. I started by cutting out processed foods, sugary drinks, and snacks. I also began to focus on eating more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. I also started counting my calories and tracking my macronutrients (carbs, protein and fats) which helped me to have a better control of my portions and avoid overeating.

Another important factor was to stay hydrated, drinking water helps to reduce hunger and also helps with digestion.

One of the most important things for me was to find a support group, so I joined an online community of people who were also trying to lose weight. It was really helpful to be able to talk to other people who were going through the same thing as me. They gave me the motivation and support that I needed to keep going when things got tough.

So, why did I decide to lose weight in the first place? Well, I had been struggling with my weight for a long time, and I knew that it was affecting my health and my self-esteem. I was tired of feeling self-conscious about my body, and I wanted to be able to enjoy my life without feeling limited by my weight. I wanted to be able to wear clothes that I felt comfortable in, and to be able to participate in activities without feeling out of breath.

I'm happy to say that now that I've lost the weight, I'm feeling so much better. I have more energy, I'm able to do things that I couldn't do before, and I'm finally able to wear clothes that I feel good in. I'm also feeling more confident and self-assured, which has been a huge boost to my self-esteem.

But my journey is not over yet, I have a goal weight of 65kg and I am still working towards it. I know that it won't be easy, but I'm determined to keep going. I will continue to exercise and eat a healthy diet, and I will also continue to seek support from my online community. I'm confident that with hard work and dedication, I will reach my goal weight and maintain it for the long term.

Thanks for reading my story, and I hope that it inspires you to start your own weight loss journey. Remember, it's never too late to start making changes for the better.

submitted by /u/MercuryTheMessenger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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