Friday, January 27, 2023

UPDATE: Approximately 230lbs (105kg in metric) and I wanna lose about 20 kilos for July. You guys think it's possible?

I'm here after almost a month since my original post and, if the counter I bought halfway through the month is as accurate as it has been, I've lost 5 kilograms (10lbs)!

I honestly thought it would be really difficult to pull it off for this long, but the real hardships were at the start of the month. I was just getting into a completely new eating habit and the cravings to eat/drink junk were definitely there, but I found a way to compromise in a mostly healthy way.

I haven't really seen any significant physical results yet and yes, I've taken multiple pictures for comparison. I know it's just my impatience talking and that one month of weight loss won't turn me into a greek god, so I keep going until I can finally say there's a change!

At first, I limited myself to purely healthy food (big mistake), but willpower can only go so far before it backfires, so I opted for having the occasional diet soda (Pepsi Max or Coke Zero) as well as half a chocolate bar worth 250kcal once a day, whichever day I'd feel like getting some sugar. So far, it's been working almost effortlessly and I feel no pressure to eat any junk food whatsoever!

I've also started training 3 days a week and bought dumbbells so I can lift at home. I started cycling whenever the weather decides to get better, although my exams have been somewhat in the way of that these past few weeks.

I've calculated my daily caloric intake and oddly enough, I've settled with a deficit much higher than 500 calories, something around 1000-1500. It doesn't really hinder my energy levels or mood, so I think this is the most optimal option for me. I mostly focus on protein and try to reduce my carb intake whenever I can.

I still have 15 kilos (30lbs) to lose, but the journey seems more achievable than ever and my motivation is far from running out. I hope you guys feel the same ease on your own journeys and keep the grind going!

submitted by /u/SophisticatedTitan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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