Thursday, December 6, 2018

I'm anxious because I told someone I used to be overweight...

Hey guys!!

Constant lurker on here, I haven't really posted, but with your help I've lost 75 lbs in the last year. Also, in the last year, I started a new job. I'm 5' 9" and I went from 245 lb to my current 168 lbs, I don't know what I weighed at my heaviest in life but it may be been around 300 to 350.

We talk about food and health constantly at work as casual conversation but I've never mentioned that a short time ago I was much larger, I started this position after I had lost the bulk of my weight so they would have no idea. Most people in my life saw the transition or met me before I lost the weight so I didn't realize that I hadn't actually told anyone about my weight loss in person.

Well now that I have it's causing some anxiety, has anyone experienced this? I sort of just casually mentioned it not really thinking about the implications, I immediately regretted it even though their response was totally fine and normal. I just feel like I revealed something really personal, you know? I don't know, maybe I don't like the idea of my past weight effecting how they think of me?

I don't have any friends who have lost weight or experienced this so you guys were the first ones I thought to bring this up with, I thought someone might have a similar feeling or some insight...

submitted by /u/randomredd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[27 F] Need some encouragement - starting again after gaining back ~35 lbs

Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to contributing to Reddit but been browsing, particularly in this sub, for a long time.

I am in need of some encouragement as I'm just restarting my fitness journey after realizing just how much I've let myself backslide over the past few years, and the last several months in particular.

I've never been thin; even in high school, I tended to be on the "slightly overweight" (size 12-14-16) range. For reference, I'm also fairly tall at 5'10". When I was in college and finally started taking fitness seriously, I lost about 30lbs (SW ~210, ended ~175-180). I gained quite a bit of muscle and was toned, and felt so great about myself. After I graduated, I yo-yoed between those weights again in various phases of life, depression, work, stress, etc. The latest "good" kick was few summers back after ending a toxic long-term relationship (the left photo in the link below). At my best times, I was about a size 10 (US/European) - so again not ever "thin" but I felt healthy, sexy, and better about myself than I ever had.

In the years since then, I've been dealing with some serious personal and emotional issues, and I completely stopped exercising in any form at all. I would eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, often indulging in crazy binges. I knew I was gaining weight, fat, and cellulite, and I just didn't care to change. I didn't care about myself at all and was living in a state of complete depression.

I've recently managed to snap myself out of it after realizing just how much I've "let myself go" and decided there's no better time to start over than right now. I've begun logging meals in lose it again and starting with light workouts this week. Despite this, and despite me KNOWING that it will take time and hard work and dedication... It feels so hopeless. I feel like no matter what I will just look and feel like a cow and it's not worth it.

Can anyone else lend encouragement for someone who is really OUT of weight loss and fitness, who is starting over after having had previous success, feeling sad and ashamed, and like they have a long road ahead? Would highly appreciate a fitness buddy for accountability and motivation. Just for the record, my fiancé is incredibly supportive of me and whatever I want to do, but he is naturally athletic and thin, and can't really grasp how difficult it is for me to lose weight. Need someone who understands :)

Pics: Pics for reference

TL;DR: Used to be relatively fit and healthy, gained almost 40lbs in the last 2 years, and now feeling down about having to start over completely

submitted by /u/u_irl_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Didn’t think I was making any progress until I found an old shirt

I’ve been calorie counting and making an effort to hit 10,000 steps every day for a few months now but wasn’t noticing any changes. Today I came home from uni for the first time in a while and was digging through my closet looking for something clean to wear and I found this super old Harry Styles concert tee (embarrassing, I know- but I loved him). Here’s the story behind the t shirt. When I went to the concert it was right when I started gaining a bunch of weight for the first time, around 30lbs, which is a lot of extra weight for my 5’0 frame. I bought a size medium t shirt from a guy outside for $5, but when I got home and tried it on it didn’t fit AT ALL. Looking back it was obviously a scam and it was probably a shitty child-size shirt, but at the time this crushed me as before then I’d never been over a small. Now I didn’t even fit a medium? I’d grown two sizes in not a large amount of time. I shoved the shirt to the back of my closet and forgot about it. So today I saw the t shirt and figured, what the hell, why not try it on for a laugh? (I’ve gained some self confidence since then, regardless of my weight) And... it FIT! Not well- my arms still look like sausages packed too tightly coming out the obnoxiously small sleeves and my stomach still has a visible bump, but the shirt got all the way on and I can breathe and it’s actually kind of... comfortable? Like, it wrinkles! I have some wiggle room in it. I’m still wearing the shirt right now. I can’t believe it fits. I don’t have a scale so this is the first sign of progress I’ve gotten since September, and it’s the first proof I’ve gotten that I actually had made some changes to my lifestyle and they really are paying off. Sorry for how long this post is. This is the first time I’ve ever lost weight in my life, and it feels incredible. Teenage me would have loved to rock this shirt, and now I finally can! Sorry for the long post. No one else in my life even knows I’m on this weight loss journey, and I felt like I had to share somewhere.

submitted by /u/t0rtl3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with being cold all the time?

I’ve lost 30 lbs so far and my goal was to lose 45, weight loss is going great, except... I’m back to being cold all the time.

I know this is like, the stupidest reason to struggle with weight loss that has ever existed. Nobody in the history of the earth has ever said “all that hard work, crazy dieting and exercise and months of all-consuming dedication were nothing compared to having to wear an extra coat in the winter!”

But I’m saying it now because I need advice. Back before I gained all this weight, I was that person who’s always cold, I literally wore a winter jacket in August because I was just freezing all the god damn time, and in the winter I almost cried every time I had to leave the house. (I’m Canadian. Summers are like 75F and winters are -35F. It’s shit.)

And now I’m willingly going back to that?! What am I doing to myself?! I’m actually scared to lose the last 15 pounds because I’m dreading having to wear long sleeves every fucking day for the rest of my fucking life. I miss t-shirts and shorts and sandals already.

So, skinny people, how do you deal with being cold now that you’ve lost weight? Got any tips? Is there a magic secret like, a diet I can eat that will make my metabolism heat me up, or a certain body part to gain muscle in, or any secret other than not having to bundle up like the Michelin man every day forever?

submitted by /u/your_internet_frend
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

35 pounds down in 2 months and 1 week!

So roughly two months ago I got so big that I couldn’t even bend down to tie my own shoes. I sat by my staircase slowly crying. That was my low point. Now I’ve lost weight before but I was unsuccessful as maintaining it. On top of that, I gained like 27 pounds on top of my starting weight. Before asking, yes, I’m doing the keto diet. This is much more than just following a diet however. I’ve slowly noticed you need to be able to make the change into a lifestyle. No matter what diet you choose to follow, PLEASE be consistent and be patient! Down below will be a link of 6 tips I’ve used to help me lose weight. I hope you guys can incorporate them within your own lifestyle! Let’s improve together :) 6 tips for weight loss

submitted by /u/Thekoast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Made a weight loss bet with parents and blew it out of the water

Back in April, I realized that after slowly gaining for a couple years, I was about 5 or so pounds overweight. To motivate myself, I tried to bet my parents $100 that I could get down to 130 lbs (about 35-40 lb weight loss) by the end of the year. My mom convinced me to revise that as she wasn't sure going that low would be healthy for me, so we cut it in half to 147 lbs (now about 20 lb loss) for $50.

Well, it's not quite the end of the year, and I'm down to 138. That's about 30 lbs. It's not that noticeable but I can kind of tell the difference. At this rate I'll make it to 135 by Dec 31, which is almost my original goal.

Needless to say I'm pretty pleased with myself haha.

submitted by /u/drawakangaroo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need a bit of advice on weight lifting after meeting my weight loss goal

So I've recently reached my goal weight of 175 lbs. I'm 24, 6'0 and male. Ive lost 99 lbs since I started at 274 about two years ago.

I've been going to the gym occasionally the last few months, but I'm ready to start going 4 or 5 times a week.

Since the beginning of the year I've done keto and intermittent fasting together, as well as eating around 2000ish calories a day.

My main goal is to go from skinny fat to having some noticeable muscle. I recently heard a podcast where the guy was saying you should up your carbs a lot more while trying to gain muscle. Along with more protein of course.

So I'm thinking about stopping keto and intermittent fasting so I can start having breakfast lunch and dinner. I will definitely keep a lof of my calories and macros though to make sure I know where I'm at.

My main questions are am I fine to just stop keto and IF and start lifting a lot more? Anything I should do differently or any advice? Sorry I'm just really new to lifting and want to do this right.

submitted by /u/BeatTheBoomoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat