Thursday, December 6, 2018

How do you deal with being cold all the time?

I’ve lost 30 lbs so far and my goal was to lose 45, weight loss is going great, except... I’m back to being cold all the time.

I know this is like, the stupidest reason to struggle with weight loss that has ever existed. Nobody in the history of the earth has ever said “all that hard work, crazy dieting and exercise and months of all-consuming dedication were nothing compared to having to wear an extra coat in the winter!”

But I’m saying it now because I need advice. Back before I gained all this weight, I was that person who’s always cold, I literally wore a winter jacket in August because I was just freezing all the god damn time, and in the winter I almost cried every time I had to leave the house. (I’m Canadian. Summers are like 75F and winters are -35F. It’s shit.)

And now I’m willingly going back to that?! What am I doing to myself?! I’m actually scared to lose the last 15 pounds because I’m dreading having to wear long sleeves every fucking day for the rest of my fucking life. I miss t-shirts and shorts and sandals already.

So, skinny people, how do you deal with being cold now that you’ve lost weight? Got any tips? Is there a magic secret like, a diet I can eat that will make my metabolism heat me up, or a certain body part to gain muscle in, or any secret other than not having to bundle up like the Michelin man every day forever?

submitted by /u/your_internet_frend
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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