Thursday, December 27, 2018

How I broke my soda addiction

Hi folks! I posted this as a thread on my twitter then I thought it might be helpful to someone here. I credit the loss of my first 15 pounds to cutting out soda, along with lowering my portions. I was never raised to drink water, always juice, then soda. I hated (and still do) the lack of taste of water, especially when I’m eating something. All I can think about are those hotdog eating compétions where they dunk the bun and all in a glass of water. Soggy hotdogs. That’s what I think about when I drink plain water while eating.

I have to put flavoring packets in my water, so maybe I still have a way to go. But I’m sure you all know breaking the soda habit is an extremely difficult process, and while I may not be drinking as much water as I should yet and I have to flavor it, I’m still very proud of the fact that I haven’t bought soda over six months. I went from buying a twelve pack of Sprite every week to nothing at all.

So! Here’s how I did it:

Buy your soda at the store like normal on grocery day, but then also buy a few water flavoring packet choices that sound nice to you (I recommend the True Lemon brand), a good water bottle, and a water filter pitcher if you’re worried about water quality from the tap. Or, if you don’t want to invest right now, just the water flavoring and any size pack of plastic water bottles.

Drink your soda like normal, but mix some flavor into a bottle of water and keep it with you all day. Get used to the taste and feel of it in your mouth. Try drinking it after you do any kind of physical activity. If you can go for a walk one day, bring it with you.

Keep buying that flavoring and those water bottles (if you opted for those instead of a reusable one—but I recommend a reusable one if you stick with it). Then, when you’re feeling adventurous, when you go grocery shopping one day, “forget” to buy soda. Making choices is hard, but when the choice is between spending money and not spending money, it softens the blow. That’s why you want to do the buying of the water bottles and flavoring and stuff at a different time from when you choose not to buy soda.

It’s ok if it doesn’t stick this time. You might drive by the store later that week and turn into the parking lot and buy that soda. You might do that later the same day. But keep doing it. Keep not buying it during your main grocery trip. It then starts to become more convenient to just drink the water for a while, until you can make it back to the store. Then, until your next grocery trip... where you may buy more soda, but also more water flavoring. Then you don’t buy the soda next grocery trip. Or ever.

It took me roughly two years of this, with lots of starts and stops, to get to the point where I am now. That said, I only really got serious about my health and weight loss this past year, so this process could very well be quicker for you if you’re more committed to the change.

I hope this helps someone!

submitted by /u/whimsium
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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