Saturday, December 29, 2018

30/f/5'3" 220 --> 169 lb (51 lb lost in 16 months) and NSV (My boobs still look nice - just needed new bras!)

Hi r/loseit! First, thank you! You've really helped me with my health journey and I've been appreciative for this resource and wealth of knowledge.

I have lost 50 lbs over the past 16 months and am still working toward my UGW.

Though I still have more that I want to do, I have been trying to learn how to cultivate gratitude for the progress I *have* made and the lessons that I have learned. (One example? I am making progress less quickly than I would have originally wished. However, I am trying to build habits so that weight loss and good health is something that I can sustainably maintain in the future. I've found that bad days or weeks have been learning opportunities for me to identify triggers and then allowed me to build new, better habits.)

As I've lost weight, I struggled (for the most part) to notice a difference in the mirror or when comparing vs. old photos. One place that I have noticed a difference?! My boobs! They've looked so funny in my bras and I thought that they became an odd shape and disproportionately smaller in comparison to the rest of my body.

Well... you know what? Today, I decided to finally measure my bust to see what my bra size *should* be. I discovered that my cup size is the same - I am just wearing a bra that is now far too large! (42/44DD --> 38DD) I then went to Victoria Secret to buy new bras and the specialist verified my new size. I now have 3 new bras and they fit MUCH, MUCH better.

Photos for comparison (including progress pics from last year): FYI - NSFW.

Another great thing? Now that I've put together my progress photos, I can finally see a bit of a difference on the rest of my body too. (Hoping my mind catches up as I continue.) :)

submitted by /u/domesticenginerd_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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