Friday, December 28, 2018

The Last 590 Days

This is a follow-up to my other posts:

It's now been 590 days (just over 1.5 years) since starting, and after this time, I still haven't quite gotten used to the rate of progression. I've now lost 344 pounds (54.8% of my original weight), and still want to lose another ~75, with a current goal of ~208 (simply to say that I lost over 400 and am 1/3 the man I used to be).

The Weight Management Program continues to go well - I'm about halfway through this repetition of Stage II, which will end in early March. I feel that I still have too much to lose before I transition to Stage III (geared more toward maintenance), and may repeat Stage II one more time. At my last Doctor's appointment, he agreed to let me work toward reducing my Furosemide prescription from 80mg to 40mg over the next 3 months. At my next appointment, my goal is to then transition from 40mg to 0mg. My other prescriptions have stayed the same (90mg Vyvanse and 1000mg Metformin 2x daily), but I'm hoping to drop Metformin before too long. Along with the Weight Management Program and Doctor appointments, I still attend weekly physical therapy appointments for lymphedema treatment. While progression has slowed for the lobes on my thighs, I continue to have reductions in overall volume. With the holidays and completing my primary HealthyWager, my loss has slowed down a bit (~1-2 pounds per week), but I'm still progressing just the same.

I'm on a 590-day streak with MyFitnessPal, and I continue to shoot for ~1400-1500 calories every day. I try to keep a balanced macro-nutrient profile (40% Carb / 30% Protein / 30% Fat), and the only things that I track closely are overall calories, protein, and sodium. Overall calories speaks for itself (using CICO), the protein is mostly in an attempt to maintain lean body mass (as well as providing some additional protein for working out), and the sodium is to moderate water retention as I'm still doing several weight loss challenges. I haven't quite been able to get back into my routine of weekly meal prep after flying home for several days a few weeks ago to see family. Since my last visit ~9 months ago, I've lost an additional ~150lbs so their reactions were interesting. As the holidays wrap up over the next week, my goal is to work toward getting back into my weekly meal prep and workout routines.

HealthyWage continues to fund my weight loss journey, as clothes continue to be an expensive aspect of losing. Thankfully, I think I've finally hit a stopping point in shirts as I expect to stay in ~XL shirts, and hopefully won't have to buy many more before hitting my goal. While I will still have to purchase new pants for the foreseeable future, the silver-lining is that each pair of pants has become much cheaper, as I've been able to purchase khakis and jeans from Amazon (in regular sizes, no less). Over the last 20 months, I've gone from 6XL to ~XL/2XL (depending on brand) in shirts, and 72 to ~46 in pants. In addition to spending money on clothes, I'm within ~25lbs of my next DEXA scan, and am planning to do that in the middle of February. I have to say, I'm interested to see how my body fat changes, now that the overall weight loss is much smaller between scans. This will be the last DEXA scan from the 4-pack I'd purchased last year, but I am planning on purchasing another 4-pack while I work toward my goal, hopefully saving 1 or 2 for recomposition.

The one thing that I hope you're able to take away from this: if I have been able to lose this much weight (even though I have further to go), anyone can. It's never too late, and you're never too far gone, you simply have to start.

tl;dr (590 days) 31M / SW: 628 / CW: 284

submitted by /u/Xeruan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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