Monday, December 31, 2018

1 My 2019 starts with me at my my lowest adult weight EVER

My tum has been acting weird for the past couple of days.

I tried to fix myself before New Year's eve, I couldn't.

I couldn't eat or drink properly at the New Year's Eve Party because I was terribly unable to.

I stayed within my 1200 extremely unwillingly last night and had terrible diarrhea before bed and first thing after I woke up.

I walked to the scale and weighed myself as is my morning routine!

I see 60.8kg! WHAAA!

I started at 170lb(76kg) in June I wanted to hit 132lb(60kg) by January. I saw 60 on my scale on the FIRST DAY! AWESOMEEE.

I got my goal! Sure, I have to maintain it but it is so awesome to see that number on the scale! It's such an unexpectedly motivational way to start 2019 for me.

2018 has been iffy in terms of other life goals. I wanted to lose the weight six months ago. I set my mind to it and here I am 30 lbs lighter! Awesome!

My other goals are(seem) a lot harder. With weight loss, all I needed was this discipline. The HOW part was so clear-CICO. Not so much with the other life goals. I know what I want, but I am not sure how to get there, who to ask or how long anything takes or even I am going to get where I want to at all. It is so fucking scary. But I have definitely not been trying, just putting things off, making excuses. I'm done with running away, it is stressing me out.

This weight loss has been giving me a sense of accomplishment. I will use this as fuel for achieving my other goals. If I discipline myself enough, I can get shit done. and it will get done better than browsing Reddit all day.

Here's to more 2019 goals! Cheers!

PS: I took my Imodium.

submitted by /u/CurlyMope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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