Monday, December 31, 2018

[Major SV] Two Years Almost to the Date, and I Am Giving Myself the Best Birthday Gift "-210lbs"

Well, here we are... on the cusp of 2019, having survived one of the longest years ever ~.~ 2018 was truly trying at times for everyone, and this made losing weight kind of hard, but through it all We have kept on the path... I generally did :/


I started my journey on May 14th 2017, at a whopping 405lbs. I was just fed up with being excluded from some of life's best moments because of my weight, so on that date I made a deal with my mom. If she cooked healthy food I would eat it, and that is exactly what happened. I started out watching carbohydrates, and that soon developed into watching calories. Now my daily routine includes entering every bite of food that I eat, good or bad. This has become as regular to me as taking a shower, and that was what I needed. Being able to do the math and figure out how much weight I should be losing based on how many calories I was eating is honestly what really powered me on and kept me going, and is keeping me going through this bout of maintenance I am in(I have maintained my weight for three months now).


Not all of this journey has been about weight loss, a lot of it has been about changing my mindset on many things in my life. I keep saying that I am broken now, but I am not actually broken, I have just been reshaped in to a different person... Weight loss alone did not change me, but weight loss coupled with a series of serious events in my life has completely changed my demeanor, and what is important to me. I have now applied for a second job, something I would not have been able to handle at 400+lbs. I am hoping to get an additional 30 hours of work weekly. I will be finally getting out on my own in my own place because of this extra money I will be earning. I know I know, congrats to me on becoming less of a loser right :/ but it really means a lot to me, and I am actually really glad on the way things turned out. What has happened in my recent past has truly made me into a much better version of myself, and that is what is keeping me going now.


Now, here we are, 2019... and my birthday is only two days away(January second). I will have lived a quarter of a century, I have not been this relatively thin since I was five years old, and I truly have given myself the best personal birthday gift of my life; independence, confidence, boldness, tenacity, and 210 less pounds to deal with daily... all of that in less than two years... not to bad.


P.S. - I am still about 10-20lbs off of my goal of 185-175, but my New Years resolution should take care of that. I plan on only eating around 1300 until I get to my goal weight, and then I will maintain my goal weight within 10lbs as my resolution, and this is one I will easily keep :)


P.P.S. - Thanks for all of the long term support r/loseit ... I would not have been able to do it without this support, literally. I was about to give up around 390lbs when I hit my first plateau, but I was talked down by r/loseit, and for that, I thank you :)

submitted by /u/finchezda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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