Thursday, December 27, 2018

When family decides they know what’s best for you.

TLDR; recently gained some weight as a side effect to a drug. At Christmas dinner my aunt took my plate away and said I’d had enough. I’m over 30.

A bit of background, I recently was on an anti-anxiety medication that did a number on my metabolism. I gained 30 pounds in 3 months very unexpectedly. My doctor is currently working with me to boost my metabolism and both her and my dietician agree it was a lame side effect of this drug. (Currently off the drug and starting to see results on the scale)

So my family likes to be right. They tend to hoard information and will use random facts to support their point of view or opinion. The worst are my father and his little sister my aunt. My aunt has a few things that are very important in her life. Image and money, she claims family is important but she visits us once a year. She lives alone is recently divorced and lives in a large house in Scottsdale. She spends $1000s on designer items and plastic surgery, she’s definitely all about image.

So I have explained to my family I’m feeling down a bit this sudden weight loss and about the doctors diagnosis etc. I’m not being secretive about anything, 30 pounds is noticeable.

I had talked to my aunt a bit about how frustrated I am with this weight issue and how excited I am to start the new year with a strong workout plan a diet and support from my doctor etc.

Christmas dinner; I hadn’t eaten all day because it’s Christmas, slept in, helped cook, kinda nibbled on food as we were cooking. Maybe consumed 600 cals before dinner. Sit down at dinner and we’re talking and enjoy family Christmas dinner. Near the end of my plate and there was a small piece of crispy turkey skin on the side of my plate, took a bite and commented on how crunchy it was and well done the turkey was. My aunt then took my plate away and said thats enough for you. I was shocked, I’m an adult over 30. She took my plate.

I have a right to be fuming right? That’s not how you treat adults. I would guess that whole meal, which I was unable to finish, was maybe 700 cals. All homemade, lots of veggies, nothing packaged and heated up.

submitted by /u/lex-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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