Thursday, December 6, 2018

Didn’t think I was making any progress until I found an old shirt

I’ve been calorie counting and making an effort to hit 10,000 steps every day for a few months now but wasn’t noticing any changes. Today I came home from uni for the first time in a while and was digging through my closet looking for something clean to wear and I found this super old Harry Styles concert tee (embarrassing, I know- but I loved him). Here’s the story behind the t shirt. When I went to the concert it was right when I started gaining a bunch of weight for the first time, around 30lbs, which is a lot of extra weight for my 5’0 frame. I bought a size medium t shirt from a guy outside for $5, but when I got home and tried it on it didn’t fit AT ALL. Looking back it was obviously a scam and it was probably a shitty child-size shirt, but at the time this crushed me as before then I’d never been over a small. Now I didn’t even fit a medium? I’d grown two sizes in not a large amount of time. I shoved the shirt to the back of my closet and forgot about it. So today I saw the t shirt and figured, what the hell, why not try it on for a laugh? (I’ve gained some self confidence since then, regardless of my weight) And... it FIT! Not well- my arms still look like sausages packed too tightly coming out the obnoxiously small sleeves and my stomach still has a visible bump, but the shirt got all the way on and I can breathe and it’s actually kind of... comfortable? Like, it wrinkles! I have some wiggle room in it. I’m still wearing the shirt right now. I can’t believe it fits. I don’t have a scale so this is the first sign of progress I’ve gotten since September, and it’s the first proof I’ve gotten that I actually had made some changes to my lifestyle and they really are paying off. Sorry for how long this post is. This is the first time I’ve ever lost weight in my life, and it feels incredible. Teenage me would have loved to rock this shirt, and now I finally can! Sorry for the long post. No one else in my life even knows I’m on this weight loss journey, and I felt like I had to share somewhere.

submitted by /u/t0rtl3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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