Thursday, December 6, 2018

[27 F] Need some encouragement - starting again after gaining back ~35 lbs

Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to contributing to Reddit but been browsing, particularly in this sub, for a long time.

I am in need of some encouragement as I'm just restarting my fitness journey after realizing just how much I've let myself backslide over the past few years, and the last several months in particular.

I've never been thin; even in high school, I tended to be on the "slightly overweight" (size 12-14-16) range. For reference, I'm also fairly tall at 5'10". When I was in college and finally started taking fitness seriously, I lost about 30lbs (SW ~210, ended ~175-180). I gained quite a bit of muscle and was toned, and felt so great about myself. After I graduated, I yo-yoed between those weights again in various phases of life, depression, work, stress, etc. The latest "good" kick was few summers back after ending a toxic long-term relationship (the left photo in the link below). At my best times, I was about a size 10 (US/European) - so again not ever "thin" but I felt healthy, sexy, and better about myself than I ever had.

In the years since then, I've been dealing with some serious personal and emotional issues, and I completely stopped exercising in any form at all. I would eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, often indulging in crazy binges. I knew I was gaining weight, fat, and cellulite, and I just didn't care to change. I didn't care about myself at all and was living in a state of complete depression.

I've recently managed to snap myself out of it after realizing just how much I've "let myself go" and decided there's no better time to start over than right now. I've begun logging meals in lose it again and starting with light workouts this week. Despite this, and despite me KNOWING that it will take time and hard work and dedication... It feels so hopeless. I feel like no matter what I will just look and feel like a cow and it's not worth it.

Can anyone else lend encouragement for someone who is really OUT of weight loss and fitness, who is starting over after having had previous success, feeling sad and ashamed, and like they have a long road ahead? Would highly appreciate a fitness buddy for accountability and motivation. Just for the record, my fiancé is incredibly supportive of me and whatever I want to do, but he is naturally athletic and thin, and can't really grasp how difficult it is for me to lose weight. Need someone who understands :)

Pics: Pics for reference

TL;DR: Used to be relatively fit and healthy, gained almost 40lbs in the last 2 years, and now feeling down about having to start over completely

submitted by /u/u_irl_
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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