Saturday, May 4, 2019

How much time do you spend thinking about/doing/planning your weight loss/weight . related stuff?

Hi Everyone!

This is my first post. I love this forum, and I've been reading it daily for the last month. I was wondering how much time everyone spends on their weight loss...what I mean by this is things like meal prepping and gym, but also things like reading fitness and diet stuff, coming on here, fantasising about goal weights etc etc. I find myself spending evenings working out might weight loss across pounds as well as stone (I use kg), as well as recalculating my BMI every time I lose a pound and just really getting pleasure about every little .5cm and .2BMI % lost. I seem to daydream about healthier eating practices and mulling things over in my head...rethinking goal weights and just spending a lot of time thinking about all of it! But it doesn't feel obsessive or restrictive - I should probably say I'm in limbo work wise and location wise and it seems to have become a hobby. I'm anxious about maintaining my routine once this ends, but I usually just leave that as a problem for another day. So how much time does everyone spend and how do they feel about it? Does anyone else get pleasure at logging and calculating and staring for ages at their happyscale trends?!

submitted by /u/CatCowPlow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A Milestone Date for me: Day 60, down #65

I began my journey on March 4, 2019 (62 days ago, but I have enjoyed 2 well-planned feast days) and today I'm 60 days into it. My bathroom scale says I'm down #65 from a beginning weight of #307 to #242 this morning. I'm only guessing, but I figure I have about #20 to go to hit a truly healthy weight -- no matter what the different weight/height charts might claim. It should prove to be a far more comfortable summer this year.

My plan from the beginning was simple. Two meals/day, totaling less than 1K calories, coupled with long fitness walks every day and/or night. Plenty of vegetables, some fruit, some oatmeal, eggs, tuna, etc. Zero garbage food, no faddish diets, etc.

The weight loss has been gratifying, but it's all the other changes to my body that astound me. My hair is thicker and shinier and it grows faster too. My skin is clear -- it looks like the skin of a health food store employee that I've always wondered about. My eyes are bright and clear. My fingernails grow faster. My ejaculate is far more voluminous. My hiking ability in terms of power and endurance is off the charts.

I have been working hard putting together a book of recipes and menus to help me keep the weight off -- which has proven to be far more difficult for me in the past.

I have enjoyed reading the stories here. Everyone, keep up the good work.

submitted by /u/MatteoAttenborough
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to get motivated after friends told me they did not see a difference after 25 pounds lost?

I (20F) have lost 25 pounds since december. I always had a problem binging whenever I felt lonely or in a bad place. Since december, I hadnt binged once until a week ago. I am very quiet about losing weight and dieting because it is a sensitive topic for me, but I finally decided to share my accomplishment with some female friends. Their reactions were ‘we cant tell, its not visible’. I am so hurt and demotivated that it sent me straight into eating bad food and binging again. I went done only one clothing size (from a 14 to a 12) so it is indeed an insecurity of mine that the weight loss isnt visible enough. Can you guys please help me get back on track and reminding me that its worth it?

submitted by /u/Impulsief
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Make the Best Guacamole Ever

Guacamole, with its smooth, creamy texture and refreshingly delicious flavor, makes for a divine dip or sandwich spread.

And while this tasty dish serves up lots of nutrients your body needs like healthy fats and fiber, it’s ridiculously easy to overeat. And too much of a good thing can start to be not-so-good for your waist line. That’s why we’re serving up this lighter version of the classic guac recipe. It uses fat-free Greek yogurt and goes extra heavy on the veggies, which means you can eat more of this tasty treat than typical guacamole!


And while we’re pretty sure guac-aholics will love the fact that they can eat more of their favorite snack, that isn’t even the best part about this healthy guacamole recipe. The thing that makes this the best guacamole recipe ever is the addition of one surprising ingredient… pineapple! By adding this sweet tropical fruit to your guacamole, you’ll get a touch of sweetness that pairs quite nicely with the lime juice and cilantro.


Not a pineapple fan? Feel free to leave it off… the recipe is still tasty on its own. Pair it with your favorite crunchy veggies, or use a SmartCarb like whole grain crackers or whole wheat pita wedges and dip away! Here’s how to make it:

3 avocados
1.5 cups plain fat-free Greek yogurt
3/4 cup tomato
2/3 cup red onion
2 Tbsp. cilantro
3 cloves minced garlic
3/4 cup pineapple
Juice from one lime

1. In a large mixing bowl, mash avocados with back of fork.
2. Add yogurt and stir until well-mixed.
3. Add all remaining ingredients and stir to blend.

Makes about 8 cups

Counts as:
A half cup counts as ½ PowerFuel and ½ Extra

The post How to Make the Best Guacamole Ever appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

My beginning

TW: organ prolapse; pelvic floor dysfunction

I’m a 36F, I weigh in at 226lbs now. I’ve slowly been putting this weight on over the course of several years, since before my now 3 year old son was conceived. I had another baby 7 months ago and I breastfeed, and so I kept telling myself, “it doesn’t really matter what you eat right now. Focus on feeding yourself and your baby, the weight loss can start when you’re no longer nursing...”

Except.... exactly a week ago, I was standing in the shower cleaning myself and I found a bulge in my nether regions, something that has never ever been there before. I’ve been a nurse for nearly a decade and my mind went immediately to uterine prolapse (when the pelvic floor muscles are so weak that the uterus starts to fall out of the vagina). I went to my doctor.

The good news: my uterus isn’t prolapsing.

The bad news: my bladder and a small portion of my rectum are prolapsing.

I wasn’t crazy, I actually felt a piece of the pelvic wall containing my bladder pushing out of my body.

My doctors are all pretty matter of fact about it. The research shows that 1 in 4 women have pelvic floor dysfunction of some kind after vaginal delivery. But I’m horrified. HORRIFIED!!!

My weight gain and inattention to my own body have contributed significantly to this issue. And now MY INTERNAL ORGANS ARE FALLING OUT OF MY BODY!!!!!

Surgery is an option, but if I want any chance of having a successful 3rd pregnancy, it’s not a safe bet.

Weight loss and Pelvic Floor physical therapy were the most highly recommended if my options. I was also told a Pessary might be a good choice to help hold everything in place.

I’m just.... I’m kind of ashamed at myself for letting it get to this point. Other than being very overweight, I haven’t actually had any health problems before, so I really didn’t feel any urgency about my weight.

I’ve half-heartedly tried things, and when I didn’t have immediate results I got discouraged and lost what motivation I had and gave up. Not all at once mind you, but rather “oh just one cookie is ok, I did well today.” “Oh a piece of cake isn’t such a big deal.”

I don’t know why I expected the weight which has come on over a period of 5 years should just melt away in a matter of weeks. My expectations were ridiculous and self-defeating.

Well now, I’ve got maybe the best motivation. In addition to suddenly feeling like I’ve been a horrible model for appropriate/healthy eating habits to my children, I’ve potentially created a future in which THEY’LL have to someday TAKE CARE OF ME!!

Oh hell no. I’m going to be one of those awesome grannies who cruises around in fitness gear, plays tennis like a pro, and takes the grandkids on fun adventures. I’m not going to be a bedridden old woman who has to be fed and bathed and catered to. I’ve seen the light.

So now when I reach for those cookies, I say to myself, “are you freaking serious right now? Really? Your organs are falling out of your body and you want to compound the problem by eating a cookie? Don’t do it.” And I don’t.

I use [an app] to log my meals and help me count calories and manage my Macros. I’ve known about this and these strategies for eating right for a long time now, I’ve just never committed to them before.

Well, today is day 5 of logging my meals. I’m not going crazy. This is about endurance, not a sprint. Baby steps. I’ve logged a calorie deficit of 200-400 calories each day, without feeling starving. (Anxiety about health problems is a fairly potent appetite suppressant for me, it turns out). I think more importantly, I’m seeing that what I’m eating is shockingly unbalanced. Did you know that THERES FAT IN SOOOO MANY FOODS!!!!

Not that taking in fat is bad, I know this. But i’m taking in WAY TOO MUCH!

Anyway, this has gotten very long. I just really wanted to get on here and share my story from it’s beginning. I wanted to further cement my commitment and share my health issues. And I wanted something concrete to look back at when I finally reach my weight loss goals.

Right now, in this moment my goals are simple:

  1. Get that diet on point- eat right, eat healthy, eat balanced.

  2. Get a little more active every day- take the kids out for a walk 3-4 days per week. Do mommy baby/toddler yoga 3-4 days per week. Just do something and make it fun for everyone.

  3. Model better behaviors for my littles to see and learn from.

I’m not even worried about the scale right now. I think I may measure my weight once every couple of weeks. But, from reading everyone else’s stories, I know that if I just focus on my goals, the rest will come.

My first physical therapy appointment is on Monday. But I feel.... I’m in this for the long haul. It took me years to put this weight on. I have to be realistic that it’s going to take me years to take it back off again. If I keep that in mind, I can keep on track.

submitted by /u/aboppymama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can only stick to a cardio routine, hate weights!

I'm starting on my weight loss journey and have about 30 lbs to lose. I know people recommend weights for toning and what not but I really only enjoy cardio and can do it almost daily because I actually like it. Forcing myself to do weights/resistance training/HIIT or whatever makes me dread working out and I cant even push myself through it. I'm thinking maybe as I get more and more used to cardio (via running/walking) I'll build up to HIIT? Or do I have to stick it out and mix in some training?

When I run I push myself for about a minute and a half and catch my breath for about 30-45 seconds then do it again until the end of the workout. I work up a good sweat and am beat by the end.

Tldr- is weight training absolutely necessary even thought I HATE it?

submitted by /u/rachaelmaree
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV F/29/5'6 my mom started seeing changes in me!

Hi! First time posting in this sub, but I've been following it for a while. Last year I had started my weight loss journey, but it crashed when I moved in with my ex when weekend eating habits began daily eating habits, along with no longer going to the gym and having a couple glasses of wine a night, more on weekend, resulting in about a 50lb weight gain.

The relationship ended a month ago and I moved in with my mom. I decided this was the perfect opportunity to work on myself physically, mentally, and financially. I started CICO the first day, and although it was super hard at first (so hungry) it got easier. With that I also haven't had any alcohol since the move, just a cup of coffee in the morning, water the rest of the day. Can I just say how much clearer my skin is now??

So far I've lost 17lbs since April 1st (265lbs-248lbs) in dietary changes alone. No eating out, focusing on whole foods, taking a daily multi, and a halotop on the weekends.

This past week my mom has been complementing my pants and jeans, although they're the same ones I always wore, just a lot looser now. Today I was wearing a regular t-shirt and yoga pants and she mentioned that I'm shaping up quite nicely! It's the first time anyone had mention it!

So, I decided to try on my pre relationship jeans, and they button now! I still have a while to go before they look nice however, but after the water weight slow down her comment was the motivation I needed to keep going!

submitted by /u/Iamdarkhorse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat