Saturday, May 4, 2019

A Milestone Date for me: Day 60, down #65

I began my journey on March 4, 2019 (62 days ago, but I have enjoyed 2 well-planned feast days) and today I'm 60 days into it. My bathroom scale says I'm down #65 from a beginning weight of #307 to #242 this morning. I'm only guessing, but I figure I have about #20 to go to hit a truly healthy weight -- no matter what the different weight/height charts might claim. It should prove to be a far more comfortable summer this year.

My plan from the beginning was simple. Two meals/day, totaling less than 1K calories, coupled with long fitness walks every day and/or night. Plenty of vegetables, some fruit, some oatmeal, eggs, tuna, etc. Zero garbage food, no faddish diets, etc.

The weight loss has been gratifying, but it's all the other changes to my body that astound me. My hair is thicker and shinier and it grows faster too. My skin is clear -- it looks like the skin of a health food store employee that I've always wondered about. My eyes are bright and clear. My fingernails grow faster. My ejaculate is far more voluminous. My hiking ability in terms of power and endurance is off the charts.

I have been working hard putting together a book of recipes and menus to help me keep the weight off -- which has proven to be far more difficult for me in the past.

I have enjoyed reading the stories here. Everyone, keep up the good work.

submitted by /u/MatteoAttenborough
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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