Monday, June 17, 2019

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wondering how I got to this point (28f)

I'm a bit of a lurker and I love this sub, this is my first post here. I'm on mobile so sorry for formatting. I'll try to keep it short. TL;DR at the end

So a few weeks ago I stepped on a scale after a few months of not weighing myself....and the number shocked me. 107 kg and I'm only 160 cm tall. I sat in the bathroom and cried for like 10 minutes. In those few weeks I managed to get the weight down to 100.3 kg - a lot of that weight was apparently water weight because it was just before my period.

I've never been really skinny but I was never this huge. I feel ashamed and I hate myself for doing this to my body. I know a huge part of my problem is stress eating and eating to cope with negativ energy from others and I'm really struggling keeping emotional eating in check.

I really want to lose weight and for the life of me I can't figure out what is it in my head that's holding me back... I'm terrified of having lose skin, which is one of my biggest fear will happen if/when I lose weight and I know that's a huge factor but surely this cannot be the only thing holding me back... I start a weight loss almost every week and I can't ever make it past Wednesday. I hate myself for being so weak... and I hate myself for how I look. My boyfriend says he likes me like this and still finds me sexy but I'm constantly afraid at one point he will leave me because I look a whale stranded on a beach...

TL;DR I somehow pushed my weight up to 100 kg, don't know what's holding me back when trying to lose weight, afraid my boyfriend will leave me

submitted by /u/91noize
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"I'm on a diet, but you should eat this so I can live vicariously through you"...

F/35 5'10 SW:180 CW:169 GW:145 Just needed to rant and see if anyone else is going through a similar peer pressure/ willpower situation. This seems to happen to me a lot lately. I know of two people currently (and several in the past) who were successfully losing weight through diet and exercise who seemed to become cheerleaders of eating bad for others, but when they are offered the same foods, they act as if it's poison. It seems very strange to me, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

For example: Dieter Debby, who I work with, has lost 50+ pounds. Good for her, I was encouraging her all the way, and I'm truly happy for her. Dieter Debbie knows I struggle with willpower, and have not been as successful as her because I yo-yoed while she kept her weight off. She notices I'm having a bad day, and asks if she can buy me a cupcake at lunch. I say "no, thank you, I'm trying to count my calories". She goes out and buys me one anyway, and is offended when I say I don't want it. I'd ask her if she'd eat it, and she'd get a shocked look and say "No, I'd never eat that s$*t!" and she'd get offended that I'd offer it to her after all the hard work she did to lose the weight. This happens a lot, and it gets intense. I'm talking true peer pressure to eat unhealthy, meanwhile Dieter Debby would never dream of even eating a slice of bread much less the giant cake slices she tries to get me to eat. Sometimes she is successful and I eat bad things (it's my fault too, I know), and I hate myself afterwards. I feel like she is happy that I'm staying larger than her, possibly because she used to be larger than me in the past?

This is currently happening with two different people I know in two separate areas of my life. Both know I struggle, yet both feel it's ok to shove their bad food my way. The other (Weightlifter Warren) literally gets given sweets from relatives for him, but leaves them for me to eat even though I told him not to, and if I'm feeling weak, I'll eat it sometimes. Instead of telling relatives not to give him the food anymore, he gives it to me, and he won't eat it, but will look hurt if I throw it out ("but Aunt So-and-so made that!").

Why, Dieter Debbies and Weightlifter Warrens of the world, is it ok for you to peer me into eating bad food just because I haven't lost a ton of weight like you? I am not a trash compactor. Just because I'm not as successful in weight loss as you doesn't mean you should shove all your bad food at me. I guess really it's my fault for not having willpower in the end, but I feel like it's weird for people who know the struggle to peer pressure others into eating bad. Both Dieter Debby and Weightlifter Warren have actually sheepishly admitted that they are "living vicariously" through me with bad food.

submitted by /u/qwertykoala
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The story of me, my weight, and meth addiction.

Hey I'm a recovering meth addict. as of right now, I am one week away from 8 months clean and sober. I figured I'd tell my story here on r/lose it. about my weight loss, weight gain, and my efforts to lose that weight I gained from recovery. So at one point, I was pushing 300 pounds at the age of 15. I hated it but had no clue on how to even lose weight, and never cared to figure out how. I would just day dream about me being skinny in the future, thinking it would just magically happen. of course that's impossible. anyways, I come from a family full of drug addicts and I never expected me to become one. all I did was smoke pot religiously but eventually I was introduced to meth at the age of 15. I absolutely loved it. I went in deep after the first hit and started cooking it, and smoking it every day for at least 4 months. than I quit for about two but what was weird I had absolutely no weight loss. fast forward to the end of my freshman year, and start of sophomore, i was about 280 pounds. I got into vyvanse heavy and did meth when it came around, I was on vyvanse for 2 years. this is when I lost over 100 pounds and I loved the benefits of it, I was more confident and excelled at school. of course that all ended when I got caught with the pills at school and caught a felony charge. well after that I lost my vyvanse connects and got into meth really bad. I lost even more weight. my meth binge didnt end for 5 months it was every day i was getting high. than i got put on probation went to jail, got out off jail, and started right back to using meth. well i got drug tested 12 days after i was released failed it for high levels of meth, and went right back for 30 days and put on drug court. which changed my life. I got clean but had massive weight gain. I was down to 180 at 6'3 and gained 60 pounds in under 4 months. I had horrible self esteem issues, now I'm finally doing something about it . I'm on a loose diet and I've already lost 30 pounds doing it, without meth and I couldn't be more proud of myself. it feels better too, my health isn't suffering and I'm doing it without using cheat codes but that's my story sorry it's so long.

submitted by /u/juices_christ
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What helps when I can’t stop thinking about food?

So I’m down about 40 from my all time high, with another 50 to go to my ideal weight. Over the past few years, I’ve just bounced back and forth over 10 pounds or so, and have a really hard time sticking with anything because no matter which method I use (calorie counting, keto, my own made up rules), it doesn’t address the fact that I have kind of a messed up relationship with food and think about it all day long. Even when I’m eating, I’m thinking of other things I’d like to eat. The only thing that ever helped was adderall and fasting (not at the same time) and I’m not medically able to use either of those right now.

It’s like taste is the most pronounced and pleasurable of my senses. If I could get out and do more fun things, that might help me not think about food so much. But with the little ones to take care of, most days are pretty routine and eating is the most fun thing I get to do sometimes.

Does anyone else feel like this? What helped you change your obsession with food and press forward on weight loss? I feel like the problem is in my mind, and once I get that straight, it won’t be such an uphill struggle to stick to a program to lose the rest of the weight.

submitted by /u/valleycupcake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

14 pounds from goal weight and other fun experiences

So last week I weighed in 14 pounds from my 200 pound goal weight. I’ve lost 36 pounds so far and I’m really excited about these last 14 because it actually seems doable. I hadn’t really noticed a change in my clothes or anything yet despite the weight loss. I mean my face is more angular and less chubby but my clothes were still pretty much fitting the same till I went to work out today and put on a pair of xl high waisted leggings. I run 30 seconds of sprints with 1 minuet of walking for 8 minutes to warm up and today I couldn’t do it because my pants would not stay up. I just had to walk briskly because I was horrified they were literally going to fall off my butt.

submitted by /u/trashpanda9395
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from loseit - Lose the Fat