Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Time to start again, hoping to start caring about my appearance

I’ve lost and gained weight a ton of times through my life. I was 215 for a while and finally got the right dosage of insulin for my diabetes and in 4 months I have gained 17 pounds…

Doctor said insulin can lead to weight gain. I think she’s just being nice.

I also realized I have cared about my personal appearance less and less the past 3 years. I shaved off my beard tonight which I had been growing for at least 6-9 months.

I want to feel good about my appearance and want to want to look nice when going out in public.

I have some slight body dysmorphia issues so maybe some weight loss will be the answer

Wish me luck I follow CICO every time and signed up for the local gym!

submitted by /u/smallfranchise1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3d0BI51

Losing weight at 40ish

They say losing weight as you get older is harder, but seriously I don’t think it is. Today I turn 40 years old. I am at the healthiest weight of my sober adult life even though I still have a ways to go. I am in a smaller size pants than I have been since I gave birth 17 years ago. I am in such a better headspace than I have ever been. And…. I am so proud of myself.

I started losing weight in late March or early April. I am down over 65 lbs. None of this has been torture. I maintained for a month through thanksgiving and hopped right back on track to keep losing.

I’ve made it through one major plateau, I’ve maintained a pretty large deficit, and easily adjusted when continuing that large of a deficit would have become unhealthy. I weigh every day, and don’t freak out when the scale goes up a little. I manage bad news, bad moods, and pms cravings; and I’ve done it pretty gracefully if I do say so myself.

I never could do this in my 20’s and probably not in my early 30’s. I wasn’t clear headed enough to leave the emotions out of weight loss. I would have stressed every bump on the scale, and agonized any over eating.

If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to separate your emotions from your weight loss journey.

I started with a 1000 cal deficit and when my weight dropped enough that the deficit would bring me under 1200 cal a day, I simply ate above 1200 knowing full well that my weight loss would be slower and now eat at a 750 cal deficit. When weighing everything became tedious, I just ate basically the same thing and took a break. I don’t do cheat days because I’m not married to my food, so there is no cheating; just days that I eat more and days that I eat less. When I know I’ve ate too much, I enjoy it and move on doing better the next day. There is no guilt or shame in my food.

My second piece of advice is to really evaluate what you are doing, you may be making this much harder on yourself than it has to be. Being in the right headspace has made this so much easier.

You can do it. You are doing amazing, you are making progress (even if it’s slow). Remember to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness.

submitted by /u/Contemplating_emu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3G0qbiA

How much has walking impacted my weight?

M / 5'11" / SW: 270 / CW: 200 / GW: 185

Over the course of this year, I have lost 30 lbs. I have made some significant changes in a number of areas, but there are two that stand out for me most:

  1. Reducing my drinking (though somewhat replaced with marijuana that comes with the munchies)
  2. A lot of walking

I set a target of 10,000 steps/day average over the course of the year. So far, I've crushed it and I'm averaging around 10,900 steps/day YTD. Last year, I averaged 5,350 steps/day.

It got me to thinking how much of my weight loss this year is related specifically to my increased walking this year. So, I did some math, but I'd love for thoughts on whether my thinking is reasonable or whether I'm making any incorrect assumptions.

This article gave me a formula for calculating calories/min: calories burned per minute = 0.0175 x Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) x weight in kilograms

I got my MET from this site and while I think I typically walk at a very brisk pace, I'm using a conservative MET of 4.0.

0.0175 * 4 * 90 kg = 6.3 cal/min

6.3 cal/min * 90 min = 567 calories /day

567 / 2 = 283.5 (this is roughly the difference between this year and last year)

283.5/day * 365 days = 94,405 additional calories burned due to walking this year

94,405 / 3,500 calories in a lb = 27 lbs

Is it accurate to say that my walking for the past 12 months has contributed to 27 lbs of weight loss vs. if I had just maintained my walking pace from last year? Or put another way, I would have lost 3 lbs if I only had my diet changes?

submitted by /u/crazy_canuck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3I7xerC

Monday, November 29, 2021

30 Day Accountability Challenge - December Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers!

It's almost December, which means it's time for a new DAC!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!



And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it:

Maintenance calories:

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work 3 days a week): X/X days.

So I know it's not November, but I'm going to keep working on this. Is that weird? Maybe. Nanowrimo -1,666 words a day(replacing the journal goal for this month): 54561/50000 words.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Thanks, I hate it. Today I'm glad I choose to

How about you? What are your goals for the final month of 2021?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xE3FJ7

Kinda lost. Any advice welcomed.

I’m honestly feeling a bit down. My primary Dr called to tell me that my blood test came back as pre diabetic despite losing 20 pounds since the last time we saw each other. I’ve been prescribed, Metformin to help regulate sugar/ help with weight loss but I’ve been holding off on taking it because I always believed that if I worked hard enough, id be able to be healthy without constantly relying on medication. At my heaviest, I used to be 310 pounds. Now I’m stuck in the 260’s for about 2 months now. I weight lift, cardio every other day and sometimes train with a coach. My gynecologist suggested I count calories with an app called, “Lose it” and I sinked my fit bit. My calorie budget is 2,418. On average I step 14k-20k steps. So while my activity goes up, the calories that I consume go down and most of the time I eat my last meal at 6:00pm and won’t eat till the next morning. I replenish some of the calories I consume but since I’ve hit a plateau I’m kinda lost. I keep track mainly of my protein, carbs and fats. And I mainly prioritize my protein/water intake. Supper sorry for the long post! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/HakunaArtNessie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ZBOnIx

Weight loss after recovery

Hi all!!

(CW: eating disorders)

I’m posting here for some advice from the most positive weight loss sub I can find - I hope that’s ok! Disclaimer - I know no one here is a professional, I’m just looking for some honest thoughts or opinions from people who may have been through some similar things/just have some genuinely healthy ways of losing weight

To keep a very long story short, I (F23) developed various eating disorders from the age of 11 - unlike most, the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns were the shock I needed to sort my eating out and - while it is still a long road ahead - I have for the most part recovered!! I still have many food-related issues, but no longer any physically damaging behaviours, which is an enormous win! Unsurprisingly, my metabolism cannot handle this, and I imagine I also probably don’t really understand portion sizes or intuitive eating etc. My recovery has led to my (previously healthy) weight increasing exponentially, and I have shot up about four dress sizes, to the point where I am borderline overweight, and have been for maybe six months. As the world has opened up again, this has led to an avoidance of social situations - especially those where I have to look nice!

I need to lose weight, not just for how I look or to improve my own self esteem, but to keep my body healthy. I want to get fit again, but I haven’t exercised in a year, and I find the knowledge that I will not be as strong or as fit as I used to be (while also being way heavier!) is something that keeps me avoiding the gym at all costs. No doctor I have spoken to has anything other than generic unhelpful advice (‘eat less’ - objectively correct, but a dangerous thing to say to me)

I know the solution is to be kind to myself and be gentle, but that approach seems to result in me sitting around the house and not doing anything! Short of the self-love approach, every other weight loss tactic I’ve come across seems to be based in the self critical - something I know will end in a relapse or total hatred of my body, which obviously isn’t something I am willing to entertain with my history. Does anyone have any ideas for motivated, but kind, weight loss? Has anyone been through anything similar? I would appreciate any and all advice, or even any thoughts that you have!!

submitted by /u/rososie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ZBOmEt

What kind of digital environment do you build for yourself to inspire your health journey?


When it comes to keeping your health and weight loss as a priority, how do you build a digital environment for yourself? For example, do you use specific boards on Pinterest or follow specific YouTube channels? Do you change your screensaver to something health or fitness-related? Are you on certain discords or do you have health-specific social media accounts that you keep separate from the rest of your stuff?

Especially during COVID I'm curious how you maintain the idea that you're part of a community that's focused on health (beyond this particular subreddit).

submitted by /u/poppa_di_corn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3D6XcaI