Friday, March 17, 2023

How long with minimal scale movement before you make an adjustment?

New to weight loss. I know weight loss isn't linear, weight fluctuates from factors other than bodyfat%, etc. but would like to know how long of seeing minimal scale movement before you should reevaluate your strategy rather than chalk it up to normal fluctuations.

Meaning, how long is a large enough sample before you should reconsider your TDEE calculation, reduce your calorie intake further, or reevaluate the accuracy of your calorie intake tracking? 2 weeks? 4 weeks? 8?

Please note, this isn't a "I'm not losing any weight!" complaint, just a question I would to have the answer to as I move forward.

submitted by /u/Special_Sherbert4617
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Goal weight, skin removal scheduled.

I haven’t been on this sub in a few years. After a heartbreaking divorce, I finally lost the last 30 lbs, hit my goal weight and have maintained it. Since I got into recovery on 4/15/2017 and originally started my weight loss journey, I have been dreaming of the day when I could get skin removal surgery. When I got into recovery, I needed a hobby that was healthy and felt good. Bodybuilding has been my answer. I have been in the gym six days per week minimum without missing any time. I even broke my leg twice in one year from a motorcycle accident and was hobbling around the gym on crutches. I was obese since age five and have never taken my shirt off in public. I carried a lot of weight in my chest and was picked on all the time for it. Growing up as a young man in my body was not fun. This was how my drug use started.

Yesterday I scheduled and paid the deposit for skin removal surgery. For my chest and abdomen the total is $20,000. Even though I have good insurance and have lost more than 100 lbs, it is still considered cosmetic. My good insurance comes with low pay (local govt employee) so I never thought I would get here. I still have to take out a loan to cover half of it but I doubled the amount I expected to save in advance. I’m 34 and I want to get out there and enjoy my life so the payments are worth it to me. Surgery is scheduled for late June. I can’t wait to share before and after pictures. Thank you all for the support over the years. Even when I wasn’t actively posting, I was still lurking.

submitted by /u/MrPoopyButthole1989
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss coach

Does anyone know if any phone-based weight loss coaches (in the us) or programs? Ideally, I'd like to pay someone to call me a couple times a week to check in on what I've done well and what I've struggled with and help me come up with ways to succeed more the next week. I keep finding services where either it's a texting coach (tried it, I ended up ignoring them or didn't feel bad lying to them since it stopped feeling like a real person) or full service coaches who will plan your workouts and meals (I can plan workouts and meals, I just don't stick to them, mostly the meals. I also don't want to pay for full service if I just want to talk to someone for about 30 minutes a week max). Does anyone know anything like that?

submitted by /u/themomentisme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Long-Term Weight Loss

I was a healthy weight until I gained 80 pounds the year after i graduated high school (discovered eating out and stress). That was 10+ years ago. Since then, my weight goes up and down and up and down and WAY up, and kinda down (just like my mom and the women in my family).

I was in a healthy range and lost a lot of weight for my wedding a couple years back but a severe injury and depression led to another weight gain cycle of 70lbs over 6 months.

Now I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been and recovering from my injury, but can’t twist, lift heavy weights, or do high impact cardio or lean forward (so cycling/Pilates is out). Walking and strengthening muscle groups (not combination training) is really my only route and I’ve just recently been able to add swimming to what I can do, but only a time or two a week or I’m wiped out for now.

That’s not the point… the point is I want to lose weight for good. And it seems like my body is clinging to weight now that I’m approaching 30.

I want to lose so slowly that my body doesn’t know what my plan is so it can’t sabotage my results. So far, I’ve lost 10 lbs over 3 months working out, but was surprised to find cutting out sugars and getting 7,000 steps in didn’t shed weight like it used to. I know I need to up my caloric deficit, but I guess…

Tl;dr I’m wondering if & how anyone has been able to keep weight off long-term after returning to a maintenance diet.

Also, I’m 5’ 10” 29F 234lbs but my maintenance calories currently seem to be less than 1500 even when I’m putting in 30 minutes of weight training and a solid couple miles of walking a day. So it’s like my metabolism has slowed to a crawl after a year of barely being able to walk. I was hoping after 3 months of going to the gym 6 days a week and watching my calories, I would start to see improvement in my metabolism.

submitted by /u/Suspicious_Excuse_55
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey

Hi Reddit not sure if this post belongs here but here goes nothing. I am F 16 5’7 and currently 237lbs. I am very unfit I stay in my home all day, online school and I’m not allowed out much because my neighborhood isn’t the best regarding safety. I have always been obese as long as I can remember, the lightest I remember being was 140lbs at 11 years old. My family is mostly overweight and have just accepted it. My confidence is very low seeing other girls my age wearing what I want to wear and being able to run and do sport freely. I don’t know where to start , my family is off no help, they buy groceries and make food I have no money I can use to buy healthy stuff I always eat a lot I am always hungry i don’t know why. Please help me how I can I lose weight to start I want to be 130lbs and be able to run without breathless and wear cute clothes like my friends

submitted by /u/makemeprettyplzz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, March 16, 2023

55lbs down- CICO is the way, *pics linked

Link to progress pics:

I didn’t take the best before photo- “after” photos were taken today. For the first time in almost 10 years, I bought a bikini 🫣

I’m a mom of 3 who believed my body was just destined to look how it did after 3 kids. Yes, I still have a funny mom belly button- but I’ll take it. I was 135 pre-kids, and my initial goal was to get back to my pre-mom weight.

I used to eat out of stress, I replaced that habit with crafts- paint by number, gem art, etc. I do Body Pump group fitness at the gym, recently started running and began a marathon training plan to have a schedule. Ran my first 13 miles last Sunday. Absolutely bananas.

The first 30 days were the hardest. I started in June 2022, and used to believe counting calories was for EDs. Now I know it’s not- and I was eating the same amount of food my 180lb husband was eating. No surprise I became 180lbs and sustained it for as long as I did. I started counting calories in July 2022, and started using a food scale in August 2022. Stuck with my deficit through the holidays. Celebrated/looked forward to the holiday day vs gorging for months. Made the meals that much more enjoyable.

Big turning point for me was realizing a lot of highly-palatable processed foods are purposefully designed to be profitable & addictive.

Anyway- I feel incredible. I was initially frustrated weight loss took/would take so long, but now I’m glad it does. It gave me enough time to learn so much & I’m still learning; about me, about the process.

I will never, ever, ever regret the every day choices I’ve made to get to this point. My kids think my “muscles” are cool, and they think how far I can run is super rad. My middle boy runs a mile with me weekly- he’s a big reason I started running, he enjoys it & I couldn’t run far before.

Don’t give up, you won’t regret it. You’re stronger than your cravings and the instant gratification- you won’t remember all of that. You can see it through- it’s worth it.

submitted by /u/seayouIntea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

42 pounds before & after!

I was talking to a new online friend today about both of our weight loss journeys. She asked me for progress pics and I decided to take a new shirtless photo. I haven't taken a shirtless pic since last year.

I was not prepared for there to be such a noticeable change. I had this dumb smile on my face for a solid 15-20 minutes!! I was just so happy. It makes me want to work even harder and do more at the gym!!!

Here you go!!!

Also here's a short video I've made about what it's like to lose 40+ pounds and things that've become easier for me since losing this weight! (Note: I have lost 70+ pounds, it's just that the progress pics from this specific angle are a 40-pound difference).

submitted by /u/TheFitato
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from loseit - Lose the Fat