Hey everyone! I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I've yo yo'd over the years, always been overweight, my heaviest was at the start of this year. 6"1 and 330lbs.
After a particularly embarrassing moment on a trip to Tenerife where I wasn't able to ride one of the slides at a water park, I decided to really double down.
I'm 30 lbs down now, steadily lost across the year. Still struggling with eating too much at weekends but making progress and small steps every week.
I wanted to share one of the concepts which really helped me with this effort so far. On a post a couple of months back, a user mentioned the idea that our bodies were made for hunting and surviving in those times, and now we don't have the same environment and food is more readily available (although not for everybody in the world, I of course understand), we have to work against some of our primal instincts. The idea that calorie dense food is particularly attractive for us as hunter gatherers, as we didn't know where our next meal would come from - that isn't an issue for the majority of us. So there is something innate which attracts (some) of us to these types of foods in a big way, it's not just our willpower, greed etc.
That thinking has helped me gently persuade myself away from extra treats or wanting to eat as much as I can on a 'cheat day'. I know there are more opportunities to try different foods, eat cake, drink cocktails, so I can eat everything I want in moderation, but not in a greedy way. The food is going to be there next time.
I just wanted to share this as it was a particularly 'breakthrough' moment for me, after many different diets and experiments.
I also want to shout out the NHS weight loss service in the UK. I know not everybody has the best things to say about them, but the group meetings for a few months and discounted gym membership have been a big part of my success so far.
There's a long way to go, but I'm enjoying weight loss alongside my day to day life, and am sure there will be more posts here that inspire me and help get me over any future roadblocks. Thank you everyone in this community!
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/srQBog7