Friday, October 12, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 13 October 2018

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not sure what I'm doing wrong..

I currently weigh 430 lbs and am 5’3’’, 27 and male. I’ve been significantly overweight since I was about 4 years old despite always having what I would personally classify as a generally “normal” diet. That’s a long story though and I’d rather just focus on the present. My diet at the moment is currently only one meal a day most days, dinner. I’m usually not hungry when I wake up in the morning and on the few days that I am I’ll have a bowl of cereal or a granola bar. I don’t eat at work because I’m not hungry and don’t get any desire to stop and eat anything. When I get home we eat dinner, which consists of meals that could be described as ‘classic Americana’ – meat, starch, vegetable or pasta. For example, a typical meal could be a pork chop/loin with roasted potatoes and green beans or meatloaf with mashed potato and corn. I only eat one plate worth of whatever we have, and the calories aren’t anymore than 800-1,000. As for drinks, I only drink water. No alcohol or soda except on rare occasions – maybe a handful a year. No coffee, no juice, etc. I have a 30 oz water bottle that I’ll drink throughout the day at work and when I get home I have a 52 oz jug that I’ll drink most of during the evening. We don’t eat out or order in except, again, on rare occasions, and I don’t eat after dinner. I get my exercise at work where I typically walk anywhere between 1 to 2 miles a day, depending on how busy I am. That’s not a ton, but it’s much more than I was doing before I got this job a few months ago. All in all, I eat less than 1500 calories and walk roughly the distance of 1 mile every day of the week. Despite that, I’ve gained 7 pounds in the last 5 weeks. I’m not really sure what I should be doing.

Some doctor backstory if interested: Started gaining weight right around the time I turned 4. Nothing in my life changed at that time but for some reason I started to balloon. My doctors told my parents I’d grow into it. I passed 200 pounds when I was in the 5th grade. When I was 11 I started seeing a nutritionist when it was apparent I wasn’t going to grow into anything. My parents made sure I followed her advice religiously. I hit 300 pounds in 7th grade. Throughout my teenage years I saw doctors of all kinds, several nutritionists, two endocrinologists and a handful of therapists and they all just told me to eat less and move more - that my weight gain was me not being honest with them/myself. I kind of became numb to doctors by the time I hit 400 pounds when I was 21. The last time I saw one was mid 2016 when I brought her 3 months of detailed calorie counting that showed her essentially what I typed above. She picked out the 2 ice teas I had in that time and said I needed to drink less sugar and I should consider bariatric surgery. I agreed to look into it and filled out the initial paperwork and went to the seminar but couldn’t continue because the insurance I had at the time said they wouldn’t pay for it unless I was diabetic, had heart disease or sleep apnea, and I had none. I really don’t want to have surgery.

I’ve had different eating habits all my life, like most people I suppose. They weren’t all perfect and the one I’m on right now is what I’ve done for about 2 years, but I’ve never eaten in a way that I feel would justify my weight gain like eating lots of junk food, binge eating, liquid calories, etc – all the classic things that weight loss guides tell you to stop day 1. I stayed around 400 pounds for a few years for some reason but in the last year I’ve gained the extra 30 and I’m worried I’m on a B line to 500 pounds and don’t want it to happen, but I don’t know what I can do anymore to stop it. I’m hoping you all might have some advice. The one thing I figure I should be doing is eating a protein breakfast of some kind. I’m just intimidated to eat much these days, but I can get myself to do it if it’s necessary...

submitted by /u/WAJSITE
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just hit - 80lbs today, cried my eyes out!

Female, 18, sw: 283 cw: 203, 5'7, gastric sleeve

I went to the doctor today to check out some stuff and to get labs done. I usually try to stay off the scale until Saturday, but they needed to weight me. -80lbs. It was such an amazing feeling, I haven't been this weight since I was 14 or 15. It feels so good to feel like this, I'd never thought I'd get here.

I've been bigger most my life, it started when my family and I started moving around. At my highest, I was 283lbs. I'm a CNA, so I move around quite a bit. I cannot believe that I did everything I had to do at work at the weight I was at. I can finally breathe, take off my residents shoes without sweating, it just feels absolutely liberating. Not only has my weight loss been amazing, my eyebrows are a little more under control. (Haha) I know the it's a Snapchat picture and it's a horrible picture, but it's the only picture I really have of me at my lowest point (emotionally mostly). Getting the gastric sleeve was not the easy way out, I had to work for it for 6 months, strict diet. Then I had to only drink nasty protein shakes for the whole week before surgery. I continue to feel sick every time I eat something that may not agree with me, and that changes on a day to day basis. But I am do incredibly happy to have my life back and to continue down this road.

submitted by /u/kennedylea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve had it

I’m done being fat. I’m currently 211 lbs and on a 5’4” frame, it’s a lot. I have asthma and horrible issues with my ankle. I’ve posted on here multiple times about needing to make a change and intending to, but I can never seem to follow through with it. I think I’ve come to the realization that the reason I can’t stick with anything is that I’m scared. It’s stupid, I know.... but I have a huge issue with change and well changing my diet is big! I’m worried about never being able to eat the foods I enjoy again. I have a limited diet as is, due to food sensitivities and also extreme pickiness, but I know that if I don’t make a change now, I’ll probably be dead before I’m 50. I know that this can’t be a temporary change, which is why I worry about never eating the foods that i like again. I feel like if I end up eating say a hamburger, that I’ve ruined my diet forever and then I just go back to eating like crap. I guess I really could just use some advice and support. I’ve done it before, but have always gained it back. I really want to make my weight loss permanent this time.

submitted by /u/T-Rex_Turds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 20lbs and feeling confident that I can keep going!

Me: Male, 38, 5'11", Starting Weight - 284lbs, Current Weight - 263lbs, Goal Weight 203lbs

Thanks everyone! r/loseit has really helped me to change my relationship with food and weight loss. I've lost 20 pounds and for the first time in and long time, I feel confident that I can reach my goal weight. I was never the fat kid growing up and in my early twenties. I could eat anything I wanted and as much as I wanted and due to exercise and the military, I never gained a pound. Get and go to school full time, work full time in IT (very sedentary), start a family, stop exercising, and keep eating the same. Before I knew it, I was a hundred pounds overweight.

I tried all sorts of diets and would start well, but would get discouraged and quit whenever I wasn't able to keep perfection or gained a pound. One bad day would turn into two would turn into quitting and gaining back everything and more. I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't like I was eating chips by the bag and burgers morning, noon, and night. I was tired of having to keep buying new, fatter clothes. Something had to change!

One day, I discovered loseit. I read your stories and took heart. If it is humanly possible to do something, I should be able to do it too! So I downloaded a calorie counter and committed to just logging food for a week. Didn't matter if it was as small as a peppermint; if I ate it, it got logged. I found that I drank a lot of my calories and that little snacks could sure add up. Small combo platters at a restaurant could easily top 1000 calories. Between breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks/colas, I was easily eating 3000 calories. No wonder I was gaining weight! I bought a body fat scale and went to a tdee calculator. With that knowledge, the next step was simple (though not always easy)

Calorie counting has been so simple. Lots of calories in = get fat. Fewer calories in = get skinnier. Counting calories led naturally to eating (mostly) better. I want to eat "normal" food with my family, so I eat little during the day. Dave's killer bread and peanut butter for breakfast, diet shake for lunch, then a normal supper. If we want pizza, we get pizza. If we want burgers, we get burgers. I still have colas, but now only one of those little cans and night with supper. I'm trying to cook at home more and have been loving trying new recipes. As long as I stay under my calorie count, I lose weight. It's been so liberating! I don't have to keep to any sort of perfection. I don't have to live in a gym (though I do plan on exercising again). I won't lie; I get pretty darn hungry during the day, but knowing that I get a normal meal at home sure does help. And knowing that I have to log everything helps prevent afternoon trips to the vending machine.

Sorry for the long post! Just wanted to thank everyone for their help. There's a whole bunch of people like me that lurk and rarely post and your stories really help!

submitted by /u/IansaneDevilDog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Mindset That Helps Me Lose

I lost 50 lbs 4-5 years ago, and gained back 25 with 20 being over the last year (thanks new relationship weight and broken scale). Nearly down 10 again and I wanted to share some of the mindset and mantras that really helps me lose best. They're ones I have either retained from my first go around with losing weight or my current weight loss journey.

  1. The time will pass either way. I can either be looking back months from now happy that I made this choice for future me, or I can feel down about not changing before this point and wondering why I waited so long.

  2. I can't remember what I ate two weeks ago. Food seems important in the immediate, but do not live like the meal you have right now is the last one you'll ever have.

  3. Choose good enough. Can't decide what to eat because you're feeling picky? What is "good enough". Think of something, and eat it. Don't make it into a big production every time. It doesn't have to be the most delicious thing ever. As long as you are still mildly enjoying your food, its not bad food.

  4. Weigh yourself consistently. It can be every day, every week, or every month. Choose a regular time that works in keeping track of where you are at. Don't let a broken scale be an excuse. That's how you gain 20 lbs in one year. Weighing daily also helps eliminate fear of stepping on the scale because it becomes a daily habit.

  5. Celebrate success not with food. You lost another lb this week! So treat yourself to committing to making today another success, not an excuse to indulge since you've lost so much already.

  6. Forgive and move on. You ate more than you planned today? Okay, accept it as something you can't change at this point and focus on right now and tomorrow. Plan for success rather than worrying about failure.

  7. Exercise every day. Do it. Just do it. Do it. Do it, do it, do it! Do it enough, and it helps balance out some of the times you eat more than you planned during the week. It does not balance all of those times though, so don't make a habit of using those "bonus calories".

  8. Weight is lost in the kitchen, but bodies change shape in the gym. Losing weight will change the body to be a smaller version of what it was. Exercising, moving around, gaining muscle changes the actual shape of it.

  9. Track progress physically and visually, not digitally and mentally. Its easy to blow off an app that sends six notifications a day. Make a chart in excel as a calendar and print it off. Add whatever info you want on it. Cross off every day you succeeded. I use mine to cross off the days I have run. I've done everyday since August 8, its physical visual reality that I have reached my goal every single one of the those days. Its a lot of X's. I put my goal weekly weight (1 lb/week loss) on it as well and I check off when I hit it. It is deeply rewarding to see how far I've come.

  10. Eat the way that works for you. I don't feel any need for breakfast, I don't get hungry in the morning. I get hungry in the evening/night. So I choose to have a lighter lunch and no breakfast so I can allocate more calories to dinner or after work snacks. If I've eaten my lunch already at work and am still hungry, I keep an apple nearby. If I'm hungry enough, I'll eat that. Otherwise, it can just be apart of tomorrow's lunch. This works for me, but may not work for you, so figure out what times you feel hungriest versus not and balance it out.

  11. You have to learn to be an adult to yourself and say No. Sometimes you are going to feel hungry, or really want that certain food. But you're out of calories for the day. Sometimes you can get away with getting a small piece of it and enjoying it having only gone over your calories a little bit. But sometimes you have to buy that whole bag of Doritos and your self control isn't so good once you've had a chip or three. So say No now, before you even taste it. You know what the outcome will be, so be the adult in control over the situation. Parent your own self. Saying No may not be easy, but it is rewarding.

  12. Make it an excuse to try new food. You've had skittles before, you can skip having them now, you already know what they taste like. But what about X food? I haven't had that before and its a lot lower in calories/sugar, or its a smaller portion size, or is just something new that I can learn about. Eat that weird looking fruit because its way more adventurous and rewarding an experience than those skittles (especially since they changed to the apple flavor. RIP lime). You can always remember what something tastes like, eating it again is just confirming the memory of it.

submitted by /u/NorthFocus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Fear of Being the "Fat Kid"

I was talking with a coworker a few days ago who was commenting on my weight loss, mentioning he had lost a lot of weight after being heavier as a kid. "You'll always be a fat kid in your mind," he said. He was right.

The low-mid-160s seems like a fine place for me to be scale-wise in my mind. I recently had surgeries on each of my knees, and that process meant I actually briefly broke into the 150s, but I decided that that number seemed too low to me. So I resolved finally to shift gears and start doing what gym-rats call recomposition - not maintenance, but trying to add muscle and shed fat at the same time.

I think it's working? My love handles feel noticeably smaller, though I suspect that most of the fat I have left to lose is still in my butt. I'm not 100% sure it's working, is my point. If I strain my eyes just so, things look ... smaller ... I think?

But the number on the scale is going up, and I'm shocked at how panicked that makes me feel. It's been going down steadily for 16 months, and I've made more progress than was previously imaginable, but I've added 2-3 pounds in the last two weeks and I'm kinda freaking out about it.

But I should be gaining weight if I'm adding the muscle I think I'm adding. I was doing a pullup program that just wrapped up with a 10-minute pullup challenge (I got through 32 pullups in 10 minutes, which is obviously represents new muscle that I've added).

But I'm not sure how to deal with this fear. I saw 167 the other day and my heart rate jumped. Now, 167 is fine. Under no colorable definition of anything is that heavy, especially for a person who's lifting 4 days a week and eating in the 2000-2200 calorie range with 170g protein every day. I know these things. But that number freaked me all the way the heck out.

Has anybody else who finished and moved into maintenance felt this? Because I had thought losing the weight would make me less sensitive, but like that coworker said, the body image issues that come with having been heavy my entire life ... they're really a thing.

submitted by /u/KFcoecjORVPv
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from loseit - Lose the Fat