Friday, October 12, 2018

Down 20lbs and feeling confident that I can keep going!

Me: Male, 38, 5'11", Starting Weight - 284lbs, Current Weight - 263lbs, Goal Weight 203lbs

Thanks everyone! r/loseit has really helped me to change my relationship with food and weight loss. I've lost 20 pounds and for the first time in and long time, I feel confident that I can reach my goal weight. I was never the fat kid growing up and in my early twenties. I could eat anything I wanted and as much as I wanted and due to exercise and the military, I never gained a pound. Get and go to school full time, work full time in IT (very sedentary), start a family, stop exercising, and keep eating the same. Before I knew it, I was a hundred pounds overweight.

I tried all sorts of diets and would start well, but would get discouraged and quit whenever I wasn't able to keep perfection or gained a pound. One bad day would turn into two would turn into quitting and gaining back everything and more. I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't like I was eating chips by the bag and burgers morning, noon, and night. I was tired of having to keep buying new, fatter clothes. Something had to change!

One day, I discovered loseit. I read your stories and took heart. If it is humanly possible to do something, I should be able to do it too! So I downloaded a calorie counter and committed to just logging food for a week. Didn't matter if it was as small as a peppermint; if I ate it, it got logged. I found that I drank a lot of my calories and that little snacks could sure add up. Small combo platters at a restaurant could easily top 1000 calories. Between breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks/colas, I was easily eating 3000 calories. No wonder I was gaining weight! I bought a body fat scale and went to a tdee calculator. With that knowledge, the next step was simple (though not always easy)

Calorie counting has been so simple. Lots of calories in = get fat. Fewer calories in = get skinnier. Counting calories led naturally to eating (mostly) better. I want to eat "normal" food with my family, so I eat little during the day. Dave's killer bread and peanut butter for breakfast, diet shake for lunch, then a normal supper. If we want pizza, we get pizza. If we want burgers, we get burgers. I still have colas, but now only one of those little cans and night with supper. I'm trying to cook at home more and have been loving trying new recipes. As long as I stay under my calorie count, I lose weight. It's been so liberating! I don't have to keep to any sort of perfection. I don't have to live in a gym (though I do plan on exercising again). I won't lie; I get pretty darn hungry during the day, but knowing that I get a normal meal at home sure does help. And knowing that I have to log everything helps prevent afternoon trips to the vending machine.

Sorry for the long post! Just wanted to thank everyone for their help. There's a whole bunch of people like me that lurk and rarely post and your stories really help!

submitted by /u/IansaneDevilDog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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