Sunday, May 12, 2019

friendly PSA!!

I'm usually a lurker, and seeing all these posts on this community really motivates me to lose weight, but I thought I should give a friendly reminder here,,

please remember to moderate your exercise and hydrate yourself! Just recently I overdid it and got really dehydrated, which resulted in two fainting episodes, a concussion and a trip to the hospital :") so I really hope everyone can stay safe and drink up! While weight loss matters, overdoing things can bring more harm than good!! Idk if anyone will read this but if you do, please take good care of yourself! The fact that you're starting on your weight loss journey/are in the middle of it, is admirable, just don't go overboard.

Have a nice day!

submitted by /u/cherishthething
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do those of you with loose skin manage it?

Hello all! I was wondering how those of you manage loose skin after weight loss. I'm still not done with my journey yet, but I'm close! I started at 402, and as of this morning I weighed 226! With all of this joy comes a bit of apprehension. I've known since the beginning that loose skin was going to be a problem I would eventually have to deal with, and I'm starting to really feel it's effects now. It's especially bad around my stomach and arms, but my inner thighs are right behind. I intend to get surgery when I can, but from everything I've read it's recommended to wait until you've been at your goal weight for 6-12 months. So what can I do in the mean time? What do those of you with loose skin do?

submitted by /u/terrahjeanette
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Clothes and weight fluctuation?

Hi! I am about 10-15 pounds away from my goal weight. I started my weight loss journey about a year ago, and so far I've been fine with buying a few outfits as needed. Since I'm starting to get closer to my goal weight, I'm getting excited about potentially being able to get a new wardrobe! I will be starting college in the fall and want to get as close to my goal weight as possible before then. My question is, how have you guys approached buying clothes when you're weight might fluctuate? In my situation, if I don't hit my goal weight in time, I'll still have to get some decent clothes. Say I lose another 10 pounds, but still want to lose 5 more...? I'm not 100% sure if the extra 5 pounds will make a difference.

submitted by /u/sjtx1366
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dealing with weight loss and medication

I've been trying to lose weight for awhile and having extreme difficulties. I'm a 20, 5'1, female.

I used to be super fit and healthy. I used to weigh 110. Now I'm overweight and have trouble exercising. I now weigh 170. Mostly due to my medication I'm on and depression. Along with daily stress of not having enough money to eat super duper healthy and not enough time to work out. I do have difficulties getting motivated too due to depression and binge eating when overly sad or not eating at all if too sad. That up and down does not help at all.

I've been trying for awhile. I've tried different types of diets and working out only to not be able to lose weight. I can either only maintain my weight or gain. I've tried the keto diet. Low calorie. Low sugar and carbs.

I found the keto diet the easiest to make work with my salary and time for preparing meals.

I've talk to me doctor and he isn't helpful at all. And gets angry if I'm not losing weight. This doesn't help with motivation.

Has anyone dealt with this? Does anybody know good diets or exercises to help? I'm mostly looking for diets as I do a wide range of exercises, unless I should be focuses on certain exercises.

submitted by /u/throwwayoutthetrash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will this jowly/puffy face go away with weight loss? It’s bumming me out.

It may not be particularly obvious in my photo, but in the last 5-6 months I’ve noticed that the lower half of my face looks puffy/heavy and I have these little pockets of fat that sort of stick out on the sides of my mouth. I don’t remember ever having this before and so it’s sort of freaking me out? I’m only 26 and honestly I don’t quite recognize myself/feel old. A big part of why I’m losing weight is to look thinner/more defined in my face. Has anyone else my age had this lower face “jowliness” become more pronounced with a quick 20 lb+ weight gain and then go back away once they were at their goal weight? For reference, I’m 26/F, 127 lbs now, 105 goal weight, and 5’2” with a very small frame/little muscle mass. Gained about 20 lbs quickly last year thanks to BED/a lot of personal issues. Thanks for help making face gains!!!


submitted by /u/cortita
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help! So confused and over it!

Hi everyone. Okay here it is:

Me: 35, female, 5’3” 218 lbs First Realistic Goal: 170 Biggest issues: always hungry, sugar Fun Fact: I’m going through fertility treatments. Currently on round 2 of medicated IUI (femara). Also I take under-active thyroid medication.

I’m currently a weight watchers member (for the 10th time in my adult life). They tell me eat lean protein, whole foods, generally carbs are okay, stay away from basically all fat. I’ve done weight watchers many times, and in my 20’s I lost about 70 lbs. However, that was on the old points system.

I also have a personal trainer. She’s telling me to eat carbs only with lunch. No refined white sugar or any sweeteners that are not stevia. I don’t really need to count calories, and I need to eat fat and protein to feel full.

My doctor’s telling me not to do keto because I have borderline high cholesterol.

I’ve done MyFitnessPal periodically. I really struggle with consistent tracking, and I’m always hungry.

I swim a few days a week. I work out with my trainer 1-2 days a week. I like exercise.

I feel like I’m just always going to be fat. I have specifically been struggling since 2016. I’ll loose a few pounds and then gain it back or plateau for so long I feel like something must be wrong. I’m getting all this conflicting advice from “experts”. I know the basis of all weight loss is eat more vegetables, but really, what should I do? I’m so tired of disliking myself.

What’s your opinion? What worked for you? Give me some advice reddit friends.

submitted by /u/snails1014
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(M/6’4”/40/~250lb) Finally found a solution to the scale that has worked for me and has helped me stay on track.

I was an athlete in college and in fairly decent shape through my 20s. In my thirties I developed a fairly nasty alcohol addiction and the last five years I added depression on top of it. I struggled with my weight for all of my thirties. I don’t want to live the next decade of my life like that. I’m likely as heavy as I have ever been (or close to it) though I’m an avid weightlifter and put on a lot of muscle the last 3 or so years. So I think I weigh similar to what I did when I was 35 but look somewhat better in the mirror. Still chubby/fat though.

I’m one of those people who can’t make any progress in weight loss unless I weigh myself. However I hated doing so. It gives me a lot of anxiety and I find it very frustrating and demotivating. First I have to weigh myself the first time which if I haven’t done for months (or maybe a year sometimes) is going to be a huge depressing number. ….I actually cheated this time using an old trick to keep the number slightly unknown, I add that later. I don’t know exactly what I weigh, but I can see the difference from week to week and that is all that matters to me now.

My problem with the scale is the fact that my target weight loss goal (let’s say 2 lbs a week) is less then the weekly, or daily “noise” of normal weight fluctuations of water weight. On any given morning my weight can fluctuate +/- 2.5 lbs based on when I ate last, what I ate, the salt content, the water content, when I went to the bathroom last, how much water I might have drunk during the night (I keep water bottles by my bed). If I were to weigh myself every Wednesday, I might have have actually lost 2lbs of body mass but the scale says I gained 0.5lbs. That’s crushing. Or maybe it goes the other way and says I lost 5lbs! That’s exciting, but though deep down I know it isn’t really real, it still makes me take my foot of the gas a bit or allow myself an extra cheat day.

The real issue is the anxiety over trying to recreate the same conditions week to week so I can see the actual progress. If for instance one Tuesday I didn’t eat after 6pm (not very common because I don’t sleep well if I’m at all hungry) and didn’t drink anything, I might get some great number Wednesday morning. But the following Tuesday I became obsessed with recreating this same food pattern, because I know doing anything else will likely shoot my number way up no matter what I might have lost, and that kills my morale. And once I’m anxious about it, now I’m really going to struggle sleeping, fretting all night about that weigh in. Maybe I break down and eat something. Then I refuse to weigh myself and decide to wait a day. Then it becomes two days. Then I just forgot. Now I’m back to not weighing myself. And in short time will be back to not making any progress.

But the last few weeks I’ve come up with a solution to my troubles. Instead of weighing myself once a week, I weigh myself every day. Now that number is guaranteed to jump all over the place, but I don’t consider that my weight. Instead I calculate a running average of the last 7 days and I consider that my weight. I have been recording my progress daily in a spreadsheet. I wear a fitbit and use it’s results for daily calories expenditure. [I understand there is some question of accuracy with that but so far it has given me results that correlate well with my progress and other calculators I have tried or what gym cardio equipment estimate]. I pretty religiously record my food calories with MyFitnessPal. I calculate the calorie in vs calorie out and keep a running sum and have compared that daily to my 7-day running average weight. It’s been two weeks so far, and since about day 3 after just a few measurements to start averaging the average weight has never been off by more than 0.5lbs then my calculated weight from my CICO.

It’s really changed everything. I’m not afraid of the scale. Sure it helps that I’m tracking my CICO closely, so maybe I know I had a 1000 calorie deficit the day before, if the scale says I weigh more that’s something else. But scale says I’m 1.5lb heavier? We’ll see about that. Put it into the spreadsheet and the 7-day average declined by 0.4lb. Right on track. All and all it’s given me a lot of confidence and motivation. After years of struggling I really feel this is the path that’s finally going to get me to my goals.

Now I just need to reign in my drinking so I can keep that calorie intake at target levels.

Appendix: For context in those weight loss numbers, I’m a regular gym goer and have decentish cardiovascular health and I’m pretty strong. I do cardio everyday, and 4 times a week go back to the gym in the evening to lift weight (3 times) or do an extra cardio session (once). I’d be in great shape if I didn’t drink all that back in the course of a few hours being an absolute boozehound [not to mention the junk food I like to eat when I get drunk].

The reason I don’t know my exact weight is because I couldn’t bring myself to see the real number so I grabbed a backpack and threw in a few heavy textbooks. I wear the backpack every time I weigh myself, obscuring my real weight. It’s silly and a bit tedious but it works for me. I’ve lifted enough weights to know it is likely in the 20-25 lbs range, but I can’t be sure and I purposely try not to think about it. If (no I mean when!) I lose a substantial enough amount of weight I’ll take it off and retroactively scale all my old measurements.

submitted by /u/TheDodgerBeast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat