Thursday, June 13, 2019

High-Protein Breakfast = Hungry All Day?

F, 5’4”,145, 22 years old.

Hey guys, I’m currently on a weight loss journey of losing my skinny fat (about 25% body fat) and gaining some lean muscle.

I notice if I eat a high-protein meal at the start of day (and I’m a lifelong vegan, so the protein is always plant-based), I notice I’m hungry all the rest of the day. Like, I’m eating huge salads and other healthy meals rest of the day, but I’m hungry while still eating them, and I’m making something to eat soon after.

Why is this? Is this a sign my metabolism is revving up? Either way, I actually don’t mind the feeling (it feels good to me in a weird way!) just wondering why.


submitted by /u/tofugirl505
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where to start


I have been having major issues knowing where to start to lose weight. I am a 20 year old f who is 5'2' and weighs 250lbs. I have been to my doctor to discuss where to start, which he wasn't very helpful and prescribed me metformin to try and aid in the weight loss.

I have been tracking my daily calorie intake which I have set to aim for ~1670 per day, I am eating about that sometimes a little over sometimes a little under.

The main issue I am having is finding the motivation, time, and energy to exercise. I don't know where to start. I have considered a gym membership however I feel like I dont have the push or drive to go regularly nor do I feel I have the self confidence to go there infront of others. I have tried to go for walks around the area where I live but again im finding it really really hard to find the motivation after I finish work to do it.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks to help me along this journey? I have been obese my ENTIRE life and the idea of losing enough weight to be even considered just overweight, is daunting and it really really feels like I will never get there. Why try when you wont get there right?


submitted by /u/EllzTrap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Here we go (again).


It's time for me to be accountable for my actions. I stood on the scale today at 284. Ive been putting off this weight loss journey since January. Each and every day I'd tell myself tomorrow.

The last 6 years I've worked nights in a hospital. Its been terrible and ive watched a lot of people pass on and I think ive been depressed longer than I know. I td myself that we never know when we could go so I might as well enjoy myself. I over eat, I choose unhealthy options. I live off fast food and pizza.

The problem is I know how to lose weight. The last couple years ive bounced 220 to 260 and now I'm at 284. This is the most ive ever weighed.

I got some really good news a couple months ago. I got a really good job and im finally out of orientation. I dont work random 12 hour shifts on random nights. I work a normal monday to friday and I get off work early. I also get to sleep at normal times and its worked wonders on my mood.

Im ready to do this for real. Today ive started calories in calories out. I got myself a gym membership for the first time (Does anyone have any workout routines for a newbie?) . I want to be accountable so im writing this post. Hopefully this fuels me and gives me motivation. Ive been looking at progress pictures on another subreddit and its helping.

Im doing this, whatever it takes.

submitted by /u/Whateverittakes182
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just saying no...

So I am really trying to get back on track with my weight loss. Short story: I lost 35lb between October 2018 and February 2019 ish. I've since gained about 10lb back, and I really want to get going again.

One of the biggest issues for me right now is the Tuck Shop I run from my office at work! It is filled with my favourite chocolate bars and crisps (aka chips) and I am alone with them a lot of the time. I am an huge secret binge eater so it is taking all of my willpower to not demolish the lot.

However... this is day 3 of resisting eating ANYTHING from the shop, and it feels good! I have had to constantly write NO on my hand, and slap myself a few times to stop myself... but damn, it feels good to be in control again.

There wasn't really a point to this post, I just felt proud of myself! Maybe if I celebrate the small successes, it won't seem like such a huge, achievable journey...

TLDR: I avoided binge eating the snacks I'm stuck in a room with. Yass.

submitted by /u/humidex-7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 13 June 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight has been one of the hardest/easiest things I’ve ever done

That moment you’ve hit your goal weight is almost the exact feeling as when you’ve won the lottery. That’s it, you’ve done it. You’ve got it all. I never realized how hard it was to lose weight until I actually tried. Many of the days on my journey were a world of pain, especially on the day that I broke my collarbone.

When I went to the ER and the doctor told me that, I figured it was all over. No point in trying anymore and it’s not like anyone really cared to begin with, right? Many of those days after my injury I just sat in my room playing Xbox, just rotting away. I’m not sure what happened, but after a couple weeks there was a voice in the back of my head that told me to quit moping, keep on going and not to stop trying. So I did. I pushed myself at the gym, even with my limitation (I also learned how much you use your collarbone for) and I planned all my meals and followed the CICO diet. I’m not sure how, but I made it through my road to recovery while maintaining the weight loss AND I hit my goal weight. I guess that just goes to show that you just have to keep going.

Once you hit a bump like that in the road you feel like it’s all over and the monumental progress you’ve accomplished has all been for nothing. Except it hasn’t. I just want to tell anyone out there struggling with losing weight that it’s ok to make mistakes and a lot of the time, life happens and there’s nothing you can do to change it. If anyone needs motivation or just someone to talk to, feel free to DM me. Just keep on losing!

Also, here are a couple progress pictures from right after I first started (12/19/18) to today:

submitted by /u/Rausss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

11 of the BEST Summer Running Tips and Summer Run Planner

Here’s a round up of the BEST tips for running in the summer. Heat and humidity can really make every mile seem harder – but use these tips and hacks to run strong, even in the hot summer weather! Plus – I’m sharing a free print-able pdf to plan your summer running and have the best season yet!

_Tips for running in the summer heat humidity

11 Summer Running Tips:

1. Run your long run / harder workouts on the coolest day of the week.

Check the weather report and note the weather for each day of the week. If possible adjust your training schedule to run your long run or hardest run on the coolest day of the week. This takes good planning and experience – you  shouldn’t be doing your hardest runs back to back. But if you have 1 run that is the most challenging or highest priority – try to set yourself up for a great one by planning it into your schedule on the best day possible.

Bonus: Use the Summer Running Checklist below. At the beginning of each week – check the weather report and note it. Also note any vacations or scheduling conflicts that might impact your workouts. Then, plan your training for the week around those factors to the best of your ability.

[Click here for the Summer Running Checklist printable version.]

Summer Running Checklist and planner

2. Run during the coolest TIME of day.

When you’re checking the weather also check the fluctuations in the day’s temperature AND sunrise/sunset. Plan to run during the most mild weather each day factoring in safety precautions such as daylight. If possible run when it’s the coolest or when it’s the coolest during day light. I try to run first thing in the morning as soon as the sun is out. It might be a little cooler before sunrise but I don’t want to run in the dark.

3. Hydrate and Fuel Properly

Make hydration and electrolyte balance a priority. Go into every workout well hydrated. This means you can’t just think about hydration right before or during a run. Be prepared before, during and after. Bring a water bottle, run where there are water fountains, have water ready for after your run.

Also consider using an electrolyte or sports drink option – especially if you’re doing a longer run, it’s extremely hot/humid or you tend to need some extra help in this area.

I use Nuun tablets and Spark drink (Mango and Fruit Punch are my favorites)

4. Get ready for the sun with sports sunscreen.

Getting sunblock in your eyes is the worst!! Prevent sun damage and stinging eyes with these reminders…

  • Use sweat proof or sports sunscreen
  • Apply 10 minutes before you start running so it dries / sets
  • Bring it along and reapply if you will be out in the sun longer than 80 minutes (refer to your bottle for time constraints)
  • Remember to use spf lip balm
  • Spray sunscreen on any areas you can’t reach

5. Visor and Sunglasses.

If you can’t run in the shade at least give yourself some! Consider wearing a light colored hat or visor and sunglasses. Wearing sunglasses with 100% UV protection is also very important to protect your eyes. Repeated exposure can add up and cause health issues.

Check out my Summer Running Must Haves here from Amazon

Summer Running Must Haves Amazon store

6. Wear the right gear for the weather.

Use sweat-wicking, light colored, properly fitting gear. This isn’t about vanity or getting new running clothes. Proper gear is important for performance, comfort and morale!

Sweat wicking and properly fitting gear can help keep you cool and prevent chafing (those horrible burns you get from your skin being rubbed repeatedly). And once chafing or blisters start – it’s hard to avoid irritating the area when you try to run the next day.

Light colored gear can help reflect the sun and keeps you visible to cyclists and drivers.

7. Prep & Plan your hydration.

Use a hand-held water bottle, fuel belt or camelback during your runs as needed. How much water you’ll need depends on the temperature & humidity, the type and length or your workout and your body.

8. Run according to your effort instead of pace or time.

Adjust your goals and workout plan as needed. This might mean doing a tempo run and


Your training plan says – Warm up 1m. Run 5 miles at tempo pace 7:30.

And that pace is a medium-hard effort for you… use the effort scale to determine how much effort that run usually requires and run at the EFFORT LEVEL not the prescribed pace.

Run Effort Scale how to measure hard to run

9. Choose the best route.

Opt for running routes with shade and water fountains when possible. If you life near the beach or mountains – consider doing your long run somewhere that’s cooler than where you live.

I’m in southern California and the beach is usually 10 to 15 degrees cooler than just a few miles inland.

10. Treadmill – in extreme weather conditions run on the treadmill.

11. Give yourself time to adjust to the changing season.

If the summer heat arrives overnight after a cold winter or mild spring… your body will need time to get used to it. Be patient (and persistent). Listen to your body and accommodate it’s needs as you transition to running in hotter and/or humid temperatures.

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for daily updates and tips!

Run Fitness Instagram to follow

Question: What effort level was your last workout?

The post 11 of the BEST Summer Running Tips and Summer Run Planner appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat