Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tired of Not being able to find Clothes. Journey Begins Now.

I’m sick of not being able to find clothes that fit me in stores like Calvin Klein, American Eagle, etc. I’m 20 and I have to wear drab clothes to find xxl-xxxl sizes. I hate it, and I’m embarassed when people want to get me clothes.

One of my goals is to get down to an XL, which realistically is probably going to be the smallest I can wear without it being too short on my torso.

I’m 20 years old, 6’5 and ~280lbs, so you can imagine the kind of effect this much weight is having on my relationships and self confidence. I gained ~35lbs these past two years of university and my goal for now is to get down to 220lbs or 20% body fat. Whichever is lower considering my muscle mass.

I’m looking for and am open to any advice and encouragement from you guys while I try to get myself into weight loss mode and monitor my eating again.

Sorry if i’m rambling on.

submitted by /u/zmlari
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YopPRo

Monday, August 5, 2019

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2MImzJp

Hey mods -- advice or rule or FAQ on emotional health issues?

Like in other advice / self-improvement related subreddits, I often see posts here that cite depression or other emotional health issues. Sometimes it's mentioned as a reason or excuse for weight problems or lack of weight loss success. Other times, it's not mentioned explicitly yet it's obvious that a person's weight and self-image issues are wrapped up in a high degree of hostility/despair/self-hate/whatever.

We (everybody, everywhere) tend to do a poor job of supporting people who need help in that area. And since /r/loseit members seem to do a great job of trying to help each other with weight loss, I'm curious what the community and the mods think about how to best address the needs of people whose weight loss situation also has emotional health factors. Should there be something in the FAQ for this? I think so.

I sometimes respond to people with something along the lines of "please consult your doctor/counselor/therapist so that they can help get you into a happy and healthy state", because I think it's risky for John Q Public to be offering unqualified advice to somebody who is vulnerable. I hope this doesn't come off as defeatist or obstructionist or condescending like "oh, you can't have or deserve weight loss because of your depression", but I do expect (and correct me if I'm wrong) that successful weight loss is a lot more difficult when you're not in a positive state of mind.


submitted by /u/7sins-sloth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YpUlKF

Can I whine and complain for just a sec?

I’m sure this has been posted a million times on here but it really does seem to be the hardest part. I know how to lose weight. I’m on MFP and eat clean for the most part and on a deficit. I go to the gym, kick-box and run. Get plenty of sleep. Drink all the water. Weight loss comes easy except for this one obstacle. The dreaded social outing. My boyfriend and I enjoy sporting events, trivia, festivals, karaoke and brunch. I love getting together with my girlfriends for coffee, lunch, dinner and drinks. Work is notorious for hosting happy hours. I enjoy and look forward to these things.

I know, I know. All in moderation—one brunch with mimosas won’t kill you. Or center your outings on other activities that don’t involve food and alcohol. Totally. I love to hike, do yoga, arts and crafts. There’s a plethora of other activities that my boyfriend/friends and I could do that don’t involve drinking too many beers and eating a pound of guacamole. I guess I just needed to come here to vent and maybe read some thoughtful advice and inspiring words from you guys.

In the end, food and alcohol will always be there. My beloved wings and pizza at trivia night aren’t going anywhere. I probably just need to take a break from them for a while.

Okay, thanks for letting me get that out! Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

submitted by /u/jacksonian84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YNoEXf

Thoughts on Phentermine?

Hello friends, I've been a long time lurker and just recently started my weight loss journey since I have new health insurance through my new job. I started a medically supervised weight loss program with bi-weekly visits to a dietician and doctor interchangeably. So far I've learned a lot! Especially about calorie intake and eating "right" and of course have learned a lot through this subreddit too.

One of my major issues is over eating and always feeling hungry. My Dr offered to put me on Phentermine to help with the weight loss but I'm not sure about it. Anyone have stories/tips about it? Bad experiences even? Is anyone currently using it here?

submitted by /u/DeezRuts
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2GMLzeS

I'm tired of being the slowest, fattest one in my hiking group.

I'm an undergrad, and I work for the outdoor program at my university. We went on a staff training backpacking trip last week, and while I love backpacking/hiking, I definitely held us up on the uphills. It sucked, and the embarrassment was worse than anything - everybody was great and supportive.

I started haphazardly counting calories at the beginning of the summer, but fell into my old habits of stress eating because of some family issues. I went to the doctor today because of some poison ivy I got on the trip last week, and I've gained ~10ish pounds since the last time I was there a month and a half ago.

This sucks, and I'm done with it. The trip was embarrassing, but the weight gain pushed me over the edge. I'm starting on the eating healthy train again tonight.

What I'm going to be doing, going forward, in addition to healthy eating/counting calories with MyFitnessPal: - I'm going to start slowly trying to incorporate OMAD/IF into my lifestyle - not just as a way to lose weight, but as a change to how I look at food forever.

  • I have to work a ten hour shift tomorrow, but starting on Wednesday, I'm going to be doing bodyweight exercises until the school year starts back up and I can get into the school gym.

  • I'm not buying an on-campus parking pass. My school has a train station, so I'm going to park for free at one of the parking decks, take the train onto campus, and walk to class from there. The train station is on the other side of campus from where my classes are, and there's some serious uphill, so I'm definitely gonna get some workout there in addition to going to the gym.

  • I have a friend who's teaching pilates classes starting in the fall semester. I'm gonna go to her classes and work on my breathing and flexibility.

I'm leading two trips this fall, and I refuse to embarrass myself in front of people I'm supposed to be teaching how to hike and backpack. I'm not expecting any great strides in weight loss between now and the first trip, but increasing my endurance and speed would be awesome.

Thanks for reading my vent. I needed to get that off my chest.

submitted by /u/hailsizeofminivans
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2M2byn0

Lost weight but gained issues

Throughout the last year or so, I've lost 105 punds, and gone from BMI 43,3 to 29. Even lost two shoe sizes. Still got another 40 punds to go before I can consider myself "done" with this journey.

But even with all this hard work and dedication, I've never had a worse body image than i do now. Maybe it's just because of all the focus i've had on my body this last year, but I spend more time in the mirror judging myself now than I did before.

By now, people are obviously noticing my weight loss, and are giving me compliments and comments on the loss. They are all positive, supportive and impressed, but I hate when people mention it. I've hardly talked about this journey with anyone, and would rather fall down a hole than to open up about it. Pretty much kept the weight loss to myself. I don't know why. Perhaps it's because it forces me to realize what I used to be, but it also gives me a clear image of what other people thought of me back then.

I'm happy to loose the weight, it makes my physical life so much easier. But it's like even though my body evolved to the better, my mind stayed behind or was kind of lost on the way. Do you or anyone else have the same experience??

submitted by /u/SindyCrawford
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33cBlOx