To be honest, I don't even know what I want from this post, but the last week or so has been so frustrating and I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
To start with, I'm a 35 year old man, 310lbs, 5'9". Yes, I am aware I am overweight, I'd be thrilled to be at 250 again. I've tried on and off for a few years with various results. For awhile I was trying keto, but I heard that's not great for you and I felt like I always wanted carbs. I tried the Pesce diet, but stopped after a week.
I'm just tired of feeling like my body is rebelling against me. A couple of years ago I had a bad outbreak of gout, I got steroid treatment for it, but I was told weight loss was the best course of action. They suggested my drinking was part of the problem. Which I hated hearing because I drink, a lot.
Eventually I managed to figure out it was my sodium intake. For awhile I was living exclusively off off boxed meals and frozen foods. Once I cut those out, my gout pretty much went away on it's own. I keep an eye out on sodium on packages now and I am absolutely flabbergasted how much of this shit is in everything. A bag of frozen peas? 25% sodium! Jesus!
Of course I've had back, knees, feet, joint problems.
My visit to the oral surgeon stated my blood pressure was above average, but it wasn't a major concern, yet. It's embarrassing when your dentist is telling you to lose weight.
Last Sunday I had a really painful external hemroid, last Friday night I had to sleep in a recliner and when I woke up, the hemroid popped and my pants were full of blood. That really scared me, but the hemroid has stopped constantly bleeding and it went from like a golf ball size down to almost nothing, the pain is dramatically less. I'm beyond thrilled. I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow because it involves sitting on a hard rubber chair for 10 hours, but I bought pads to line my pants so I don't bleed through and plan on bringing a pillow with me or something.
Anyways, this feels like the final straw. I sick and tired of it. According to some articles I've read, obesity absolutely does play a role in hemroids.
I haven't eaten much, when you are in constant nagging pain, food doesn't have the same appeal. I've been eating because I know I have to, but I've lost 10 pounds since all this hemroid business.
Since the Sunday I discovered the hemroid I haven't had any alcohol, I was advised away from that and now I'm thinking of just seeing how long I can stay dry. I'm positive a lot of my weight is related to my drinking habits. I was fit in high school and didn't start drinking until my late twenties. There's days I could hammer out a 30 pack in less than a night.
Although admittedly, I've been using cannabis to help ease the pain.
So that's where I'm at. I'm sick of my body being sick because of my lack of inaction. And while I'm aware losing weight requires a proper diet and exercise, I still feel lost.
Firstly because I'm not planning on doing anything remotely intense until this hemroid heals, even walking I feel like a old man.
All of our local gyms are closed. Our company offers free access to the YMCA, but since they shut down that's not an option. I have a few dumbbells I'll lift when I watch TV or whatever.
As far as my free time, during the week I work until 2AM, go home, sleep for two hours, get up, take my Mom to work, go home, try to go back to sleep, wake up at noon, get her, take her home and then go to work. I'm already running on 4 or 5 hours a sleep a day Monday through Friday, a lot of times on the weekend I just wanna sleep in.
Although not exactly relevant, people reading this are gonna pick up I live at home. Yes I do, my Mom is in her sixties and lost her drivers license last year, so I moved in to help out and drive her around. Although admittedly, she also poses a minor problem, she loves cooking a lot of awesome food, that's incredibly unhealthy and anytime I don't polish off anything that's left over, she gets pissy about it. This isn't exactly a problem, we have a very blunt relationship and if I tell her I'm not eating her food anymore, she'll accept it, she has no other choice, but I know it's really going to hurt her feelings.
Even the things I used to find enjoyment in I've been ignoring. It's like work in, work out, sleep, do it all over again.
I don't know if there's anyone out there that's been in a spot like this? Did you manage to crawl out? Do you have any tips? I know it sounds like I'm making a lot of excuses, I just feel really lost.