Friday, February 28, 2025

Need help figuring out where to start.

I’m 5’2” 26F and about 3 years ago I lost 110 lbs. I did it through diet and exercise, I went from 240lbs to 160lbs, I then got pregnant and gained pretty much all of it back but after I had my child it all just fell back off in the following 3 or so months. After that I continued losing the weight until about a year later I had landed at 130lbs, this was also when I went through my divorce and stopped working out. I however stayed 130lbs, didn’t start eating worse or anything but would continually forget to eat.

Until about 8 months ago I started gaining weight. Nothing changed between my divorce and when I started gaining weight, I’m not eating more, if anything I’m more passively active than I was due to the type of work I was doing before the weight gain. I don’t understand, I’m crazy bloated all the time and my energy is low. I started counting calories again and exercising daily to try and combat what was happening but after 2 months of that there was no change, maybe more energy but no weight loss, no stop to the bloating. I finally went to the doctor to see if I had PCOS because I’ve got some major pain and was told that I do have cysts on my ovaries but no blood work was done so now I’m in this limbo where I don’t know what to do.

What I’ve done previously isn’t working for me. I worked so hard to lose this weight and it’s coming back. I’m sitting at about 153lbs right now and have been for probably 4 months. Admittedly it not working did cause me to stop trying so hard, it’s incredibly defeating to be working for this on top of 12 hour days and a kid just to see no results. Any help would be appreciated because at this point I’m lost and I feel helpless.

submitted by /u/TheAppleDoctor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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