Monday, October 8, 2018

My first plateau and I'm fine with it!

I've been hovering at 290 for about 2.5 weeks after losing consistently since June at a rate of 2-3 lbs per week (SW 360).

In previous weight loss attempts this was extremely demotivating, but this time I'm really not fussed, except for breaking my losing streak and interrupting that pretty, steep downward slant on the graph.

A few weeks ago I noticed some light headedness when bending over, so just to be safe I started to decrease my deficit for 2-3 days a week. The dizzy spells quickly disappeared.

I've also had a couple trips out of town since then and while I've maintained a deficit (except maybe on the sushi lunch!), I know I've far exceeded my goal of 60g of carbs.

Even though the scale hasn't changed yet, I am comforted by the fact that I have maintained a deficit, and make use of my kitchen scale daily.

Hopefully over the next week of returning to consistent macros, my body will surprise me by releasing my water weight. I'd love to see 285 come next week.

submitted by /u/Shermer26
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How does one fight obesity while surrounded by family that isn’t supportive?

Hey all, I’m new to this subreddit but just started my weight loss journey and it’s been a big help so far. I’m a 17 year old female, 5’5 and currently 263lbs but have lost 14lbs recently.

However, I’ve had this issue with my family - we’re ALL obese and I’m the only one who is open to change. Now, don’t get me wrong, they don’t force me to sit around all day, they don’t make me eat junk food, I know I’m 100% responsible for my decisions and what I do/don’t do.

My concern is that I’ve struggled with binging before. I wouldn’t consider it a full blown ED or anything at all but it’s still an issue because there is always junk food available. My mom is always telling me to eat more, try these chips, try this cake, etc etc. and ever since I started eating better and eating the right amounts, she claims I’m starving myself simply because I no longer eat gigantic portions of unhealthy stuff.

It’s just extra difficult to fight temptations right now because I’m still very early on in my journey and find myself craving sugary and salty and unhealthy things, even if I am sick of them - because right now it’s still like an addiction that I haven’t broken yet.

I’m honestly just overwhelmed, confused, and I can’t talk to them about it - they always get really angry at me. I feel super alone in this because of it, and I’d feel so much better if someone could even say they relate in any way at all. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/emptyheadedchick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 09 October 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

quit sugar.

After watching some videos on youtube about going zero sugar I decided to quit for October. (For information, I'm not using white, brown, raw sugar, molasses, etc, honey, agave etc, artificial sweeteners. I've also cut out any foods with added sugars and I am not eating anything with more than four or five grams of naturally included sugars such as quinoa. I am eating fruits but not that many.) . I'm on day eight. The biggest change is splenda in my coffee. At worst I wanted a cookie and couldn't eat one. I didn't get grumpy or migraines or anything. Actually I think my mood has improved. But I live alone and I don't like doing dishes and I have an insulin/crashing problem so I only eat one meal a day. So I thought I would lose more weight by cutting out little snacks or that this would have a profound impact on my body. So far I have lost 1.8 lbs. I would recommend it because it's easy. So if you're thinking about quitting sugar but are nervous I would say, don't worry because it 's not as bad as people make it out to be. But don't expect crazy results like losing 15 lbs in a month. It's all very moderate. Happy weight loss!

submitted by /u/SpaceiLLiad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is food only your fuel?

I have been lurking on this sub for a while and have noticed a lot of people repeating the food is fuel mantra, and it’s something I have always immediately rejected because I love cooking and I think eating should be an enjoyable experience. I’m currently 70 pounds down (on mobile so not sure if my flare will work?) and one of the most important things for me on this journey has been acknowledging that it’s ok to enjoy your food. If I spend hours working on a complicated dish I do want to enjoy being able to eat it. I don’t want to feel guilt when I’m eating because I don’t think it’s particularly productive, so what I’ve been trying to do is use my love of cooking and my enjoyment of eating as tools to further my weight loss journey. Finding good low cal recipes can be like a scavenger hunt but I feel accomplished when I find another delicious meal to add to my repertoire. I try and be careful with portioning but one of the greatest things about CICO in my opinion is that you can eat most things as long as you plan your portions and daily calories correctly. I’m curious if there’s anyone else out there who flinches away from the food is fuel mentality, and if anyone has any sources for low cal recipes they want to share. At the moment I follow a lot of recipe blogs for inspiration (which I can list if anyone is interested) and make a point to calculate nutrition on recipes when I save them so the information is ready for me when it comes down to actually cooking.

One last thought - I actually sometimes find myself hesitant to use recipes from weight loss blogs and sources because they are just lower calorie versions of a high calorie dish, and for me you can usually taste the difference. The dishes that work for me tend to be constructed on their own merit and happen to be lower calorie because of the ingredients or processes used.

(Sorry if super rambling hopefully my thoughts are somewhat coherent)

submitted by /u/ellyro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can't lose that last bit

Howdy everyone. I'm (15M) 6 ft. and 150 lbs. Over the course of I'd say about two years I went from a pretty chubby kid to an average sized teenager. My goal is 140 lbs. Or 135 lbs (Can't tell yet). But I've run into a challenge. The majority of my weight loss wasn't too hard for me (which I'm very thankful for) but it's getting harder. My eating habits are usually alright of course, I have cheat days as well but for the most part it's pretty good. So back to my dilemma currently at 150 lbs. Trying to get to 140 (or 135). What can I do to get rid of this last bit of lower belly fat I have? I really don't like it and I want it outta here. I know it's simple exercise more and eat healthy foods but if you have any tips or "secrets" that have really helped you out I would appreciate it a ton. Also I only drink water so cutting out sugary drinks is already done. Thanks for reading. Peace.

Edit: Just read 135 lbs for my age range is underweight so let's keep my goal at 140 lbs.

submitted by /u/WholesomeContentOnly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat