Friday, January 18, 2019

Should I be concerned?

Background story:

22, 5’2” started at 170 (October) now down to 150 by cutting out most added sugar, low carb (salad instead of rice, or potatoes, lettuce wraps instead of bread, zucchini instead of noodles), and working out 5 days a week (30 minutes cardio, 45 minutes weightlifting). It’s honestly been a lot of fun and I feel healthier so I’m super excited.

Here is my concern: The last two weeks I started counting calories after losing 5 pounds in a week after switching to lower carb and cutting out sugar. I was concerned I wasn’t eating enough because I mostly consumed just veggies and protein which can be low in calories. I would only eat when my body was hungry too. Which when I counted my calories, I was consuming 1000-1300 a day. Which is pretty low but I felt really full and eating more made my stomach hurt.

I read that after awhile your body gets used to the low calorie intake so it’s a good idea to carb up/increase calories a day a week or every other week. So today that’s what I did. I had roughly 1900 calories, more carbs than normal (oatmeal, rice noodle ramen, and fiber shake) and even two cups of ice cream and a few pieces of candy.

My stomach feels awful and I’m wondering if I messed up by doing that or how I can be healthy with my weight loss. I don’t want to mess up my metabolism and I feel like I’m all over the place. Did I mess up? Am I doing this all wrong? 5 lb in a week (never gained back so it wasn’t water weight) is a bit much. Help.

submitted by /u/ascherger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 Big Announcements for the New Year

Hello! Welcome back to the Run Eat Repeat podcast! I have a lot of exciting announcements!! One is about my new roommate, we’re going to make some changes to the show – which may involve you… and I’m going to run a race very far away from home. I’m very happy you’re here and we finally can catch up!

In case you’re new here…

I’m Monica, founder of – a site I started to document my running and weight loss journey. After being overweight most of my life I started walking for exercise and eventually took up running. Now I’ve run over 50 half marathons, 30 marathons, lost weight and have become a holistic health coach. 

I love talking about running, eating and how I can help you!

Now let’s start with a warm up before we get into the announcements…

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Warm Up – Podcast Updates and New Segments

New segments are coming to the podcast and I need your questions, ideas and maybe voice.

1. Questions on Running, Nutrition, Lifestyle and Monicans

Ask the expert – I’m going to talk with runners, coaches and nutrition experts more in the coming year.

If you have a question… ask!

a.) You can leave it in the show notes at Run Eat

b.) email

c.) call and leave a message: (562) 888-1644

d.) DM on instagram @RunEatRepeat 

If you have any questions for a Running Coach or Nutritionist – send them to me.

2. If you’re a running coach, nutritionist, doctor, experienced runner and would like to be on the show…

Fill out this form – Run Eat Repeat Podcast interview form

3. Running Buddy chat:

I’m also starting a series talking to runners, walkers, joggers like YOU. I want to talk with you about your BEST race ever and current running and eating habits and goals. If you’re interested in being on the show fill out this form and I’ll send you more information!

If you’re a runner, eater, listener, friend and want to be on the show…

Fill out this form – Run Eat Repeat Podcast interview form

I want to talk with runners of all levels on their current training, best race ever, how you PR’d, tips, random thoughts, etc.

4. Podcast Episode Ideas

Also – if you have any topic ideas please let me know!

Main Event:

Big Announcements…

1. Diego!! I got a dog!

Diego Redvera is my new golden retriever puppy. He’s the best. And sometimes he’s not the best – like when he pees while walking around.

And I have had a few mini-melt downs after different failures in puppy training.

And yeah, everyone that warned me about how much work it was going to be was right.

But it’s also been very eye-opening and I’m rethinking everything.

2. Edinburgh!!

I’m going to be running the Edinburgh Marathon in May!

Where are there the MOST redheads?? Scotland! At least I’ve read that – I haven’t confirmed it yet. So I keep saying I’m going to see the land of my ginger family. I want to wear a kilt and talk with a Scottish accent and walk a Scottie dog…


3. Running Challenge coming soon!!

I’ve been getting a lot of requests for another half marathon training plan and Pile on the Miles Challenge. It seems like I get a lot of the same questions over and over and there’s a focus on what to eat, getting faster and half marathons.

Don't Miss It!

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More info coming soon on that!

Make sure you’re subscribed to the email list to get a note when it’s coming.

1. Favorite Running Posts of the Year.

I have a round up of my favorite running posts from last year up now!!

Check out my favorite running posts here.

2. Favorite Podcast Episodes of Last Year:

#72 What to eat during a long run or race podcast

#102 How to Make All Runners Feel Welcome with 300 Pounds and Running’s Martinus Evans

#87 The Mt. Everest Marathon with Holly Zimmerman

Into Thin Air – book on climbing Mt. Everest 

#94 How Runners Can Protect and Defend Themselves

#97 Crisis Text Line free help for anyone that needs help 

Homework – if you aren’t sure what races you’re running this year… check out my How to Plan Your Race Calendar video!

Thank you for listening! Remember to fill out the form to be my Running Buddy in an upcoming episode!

And tag @RunEatRepeat on Instagram and let me know what you’re doing right now!


The post 3 Big Announcements for the New Year appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Run Eat Repeat Podcast Interview Form

Hello! If you’re a running coach, nutritionist, doctor, experienced runner, new runner interested in a coaching call or expert in your field and would like to be a guest on the Run Eat Repeat Podcast – please complete the form below. Feel free to highlight your area of expertise and share links to your website and/or social media.

If you’re interested in being on the show as a running buddy … please complete this form and note “running buddy’. Note any relevant topics you’d like to chat about.

Thank you for your interest!

Podcast guest interview form Run Eat Repeat (640x640)

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Due to the number of requests and interest – we are not able to invite every runner, eater or expert on the podcast. But we try to respond to every complete form within 10 business days. We really appreciate your time and interest. Have a great one!

Thank you!

Monica @RunEatRepeat 

The post Run Eat Repeat Podcast Interview Form appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 19 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling a little lost!

I started my weight loss journey back in October of 2017. I was 5’0 at 195.

I am now down to 155 having lost 40 lbs eating low carb!

I love it and had no issues staying on the diet up until November of 2018.

Since basically Thanksgiving I’ve been yo-yoing back and forth. I’ll tell myself ok I need to get back on since I want to lose at least 20 more lbs. I will go back on for a few days and be perfectly happy. I even joined the gym in December and go almost everyday.

But.... then I will just be like “yeah I will eat that donut” for no real reason at all.

I was back on for a week and doing really well and then got the flu. Today my husband brought me some soup (which was low carb!) and it came with crackers and bread and in my flu addled mind I was like “screw it” (which made the soup no longer low carb!).

I once again threw away any progress I made to get back on track. I have been maintaining at the same weight all this time but I want to continue losing and I’m starting to feel depressed that I can’t seem to find my will power anymore.

submitted by /u/marleosif
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I had a craving I couldn't shake so I gave in, and I feel amazing

Female. 5'6". SW: 362lbs CW: 358lbs GW: 130lbs.

My Journey began November 17th, 2017. I quit smoking and drinking (4+ times a week, one pack a week). However, I replaced both with more bad habits - soda and chips. I went from post pregnancy 240lbs to 360lbs. That's a lot. I could feel it in my knees and my back. My legs began to swell from the sudden weight gain.

Now I had a craving. It started on Thursday, January 10th, 2019. I didn't know what I wanted, but my body was wanting something. Usually I wanted soda or chips, but for some reason I didn't want them. I didn't want chocolate; it's been 3 weeks since my last chocolate/candy indulgence. I couldn't quite put my finger on this craving and got antsy.

Then my SO suggested a casual walk (he is supportive of my weight loss journey). I took him up on his offer. I thought I'd be huffing and puffing, but once I started sweating I felt a huge surge of energy. I never felt this good and in such a long time. Ever feel like your body wanted something so bad and instantly relaxed once it got it? That's how I felt! My SO also bought me a water bottle in September 2018, and I finally broke it in. I finished the entire thing and I felt so satisfied. The water was delicious and refreshing. All of a sudden I'm downloading MFP and a step counter.

Ever since last Thursday I haven't felt the urge to have soda, chips or any junk food for that matter. I'm sleeping better since I'm slowly reducing my caffiene intake from 3 cups a day to 1 cup a day; and reducing the amount of sugar I put in said cup o' joe. My associations with food isn't healthy, but I plan to stop by the book store and read up on portions, calorie counting and healthier recipes.

8 days later and I'm down 4lbs. I'm nowhere near my goal weight, but I feel so good. I can't wait to see what I feel like in the future. Especially now that I bought my daughter and myself a couple of swimming passes!

Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/MsJubilant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[NSV] I haven't tracked calories or weighed my food for a month! (Let me explain)

So this is a bit different that maybe your typical post in this sub but I really wanted to share this because I am very proud of it.

From February 2017 to September 2018 I lost and was maintaining the loss of over 100 lbs (240 > 125(ish) @ 5'6.) During that weight loss time frame I became religious about tracking everything I ate - and religiously following macros all the way down to minerals and vitamins. In addition to this I was weighing every single thing I ate to the point of not eating out EVER because it was difficult to take my food scale with me in public (although I did once or twice).

I did it so much that even after being in a maintenance mode for several months to a year and longer I was still unable to stop weighing and tracking everything I ate, it was almost a compulsive disorder. Well when I went home for the holidays for a bit I promised myself I would ease up and lay off on being so strict on myself bit. I managed to stop weighing and tracking every meal and even had quite a bit of cheat food. I also noticed that the scale was not changing too much and in fact I bounced right back down to normal weight easily after the holidays and decided to continue to try to not weigh, track or "freak out/panic" over food and meals, for fear or somehow gaining all 110 pounds back overnight. It honestly feels amazing to be almost "free" and feel less like I have an obsessive disorder.

I do still follow IF and track that with an app but that's just due to it being easier to keep hours with an app. and because I just love the comfort of eating in an IF fashion.

Long story short if anyone else is dealing with similar issues, hang in there and just keep trying. I'd imagine there are worse habits to struggle to shake but it is possible to be "normal" again.

As of this morning I am actually a few lbs lighter than my "goal weight" so it looks like I get to have a few extra cheats this weekend :)

Sorry for the long post and thank you for letting me share.

submitted by /u/DB1616
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from loseit - Lose the Fat