Friday, January 18, 2019

[NSV] I haven't tracked calories or weighed my food for a month! (Let me explain)

So this is a bit different that maybe your typical post in this sub but I really wanted to share this because I am very proud of it.

From February 2017 to September 2018 I lost and was maintaining the loss of over 100 lbs (240 > 125(ish) @ 5'6.) During that weight loss time frame I became religious about tracking everything I ate - and religiously following macros all the way down to minerals and vitamins. In addition to this I was weighing every single thing I ate to the point of not eating out EVER because it was difficult to take my food scale with me in public (although I did once or twice).

I did it so much that even after being in a maintenance mode for several months to a year and longer I was still unable to stop weighing and tracking everything I ate, it was almost a compulsive disorder. Well when I went home for the holidays for a bit I promised myself I would ease up and lay off on being so strict on myself bit. I managed to stop weighing and tracking every meal and even had quite a bit of cheat food. I also noticed that the scale was not changing too much and in fact I bounced right back down to normal weight easily after the holidays and decided to continue to try to not weigh, track or "freak out/panic" over food and meals, for fear or somehow gaining all 110 pounds back overnight. It honestly feels amazing to be almost "free" and feel less like I have an obsessive disorder.

I do still follow IF and track that with an app but that's just due to it being easier to keep hours with an app. and because I just love the comfort of eating in an IF fashion.

Long story short if anyone else is dealing with similar issues, hang in there and just keep trying. I'd imagine there are worse habits to struggle to shake but it is possible to be "normal" again.

As of this morning I am actually a few lbs lighter than my "goal weight" so it looks like I get to have a few extra cheats this weekend :)

Sorry for the long post and thank you for letting me share.

submitted by /u/DB1616
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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