Monday, February 11, 2019

The Cognitive Dissonance of telling myself “I’ll wait until the weight is off before doing other things.”

Hello everybody. I’m mostly making this post as a note to myself, but I figure if it can help somebody else on their journey that would be cool.

I am down 34 pounds. I feel better. At the beginning of this whole thing I was a complete mess. 24 year old man with nothing going on. Didn’t take care of myself. Didn’t treat people well, and when I did it was at the expense of myself and my own feelings. A sudden epiphany, triggered by God knows what, occurred within me. I was wasting my life. I thought back to when I was 18 and 6 years had passed. 6 more and I’ll be 30. The clock is ticking. I started my weight loss battle that day. Much to my surprise, the eating has been the easiest part. I don’t really have a choice in that matter, that’s something I can’t and won’t fail. The struggle comes more on the mental and emotional side of the coin. I am impatient. I want results now. Except when it comes to improving other areas of my life. For some reason I’m pretty lax there. I refuse to be anymore.

“I’ll get a job when I can physically do it consistently.” “I can’t get my drivers license yet because I can’t pay for gas and insurance if I don’t have a job.” These were excuses I told myself, inconsistencies in my thought process that would have been perfectly at home in the brain of the old me. Waiting for the weight to come off is totally fine, just not for myself.I can’t wait. The early stages of weight loss have reignited my passions. I need to do more. This post serves also as a memo of accountability. I WILL have my liscence by Easter. I WILL have a job lined up in the same time frame. I have been getting better at self-love, and by proxy of that self-love, I will not allow myself to fall short.

We all have to deal with how we go about this process. For the first time in a long time, I’m putting myself in control.

Edit: I wrote this on my IPhone, and the autocorrect feature on this thing is out of control. Sorry for any errors due to that.

submitted by /u/KevinStallingsIsISIS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Science tip: Your body freaks out when you think you have to 'lose' weight.

I swung between dieting, starving myself and then swinging the other way to full-blown overeating / bingeing for a longg time, before finally breaking free. Overeating would be anything for me, from all-day grazing to restricting calories massively and then later reacting with out-of-control binges. Sometimes my weight would look normal when on the inside I was suffering, sometimes I'd start getting a bit skinny and sometimes a bit on the fat side. Whatever weight however, I never felt in control. Even though from the outside I probably looked ok. There was always a battle happening inside my head. I know so many people dealing with weight issues also experience this inner disharmony between their conscious desire (to be slim, healthy weight) and the way their subconscious makes them act (struggle to be slim)

One thing that always got me was why on Earth do my diets keep leading back to overeating, and why did I use to be free of the cycle completely when I was a kid? How come some people have no issues with food at all and others suffer so much?


Basically I became a practitioner of a specialist form of hypnotherapy, which enabled me to understand how the mind works more and then create a model that broke myself out and is now breaking many clients, even ones with pretty hardcore eating disorders ie. bulimia. I want to share one of the secrets I use with everyone because I know that just talking about it - beyond what I do in my practice - really helps people to understand their own behaviour a little better and how their use of language and mental programming affects outcomes.

We are more averse to loss than we are attracted to gains. If you're familiar with Daniel Kahnemann, then you'll know what I'm talking about. What I mean by this, is that humans fear loss and will do anything to prevent themselves from losing something. We fear it so much, as a general rule, we'd rather stop ourselves from losing something we already have over gaining anything. Just think about the word LOSS for a minute: loss of job, loss of house, family, friend, child, money, car, football game, possessions... loss completely sucks. There is only ONE example where the word 'loss' is used in a regular context in society (though if anybody here can come up with some other positive examples of loss, do tell!) and is meant to correlate positively .. with weight. " Weight Loss " :(

The subconscious mind (which runs at least 95% of your thoughts, actions, behaviours) is binary and can only process a concept as either positive (making it want you to move towards it, to gain) or negative (making you want to do anything you can to get away, avoid is). When you tell your self you need to LOSE weight, your mind starts freaking out. It cannot differentiate between one example of 'loss' being positive and one being negative. Through the course of growing up in childhood, most people's subconscious will have built an overall view that 'loss' is a very bad thing. This stacks your subconscious programming to have strong foundations to reason that it must avoid loss at all costs.

Bottom Line - when you use the word loss, your mind struggles to accept your desire - to lose weight - as a positive thing and does what it can to prevent you from doing it. You could be setting yourself up for more failures, and more struggle, that you can free yourself of simply by changing your language

Tip - reframe your weight goals to something undeniably positive and affirmative ie. "gain a great body" "get rid of excess fat" "release unwanted weight" "free body to be slim and healthy" "be a wonderful, healthy weight". You need to catch yourself out when you I think 'I need to lose weight', intervene with your thoughts, and start rephrasing the way you talk about your quest to drop the pounds!


Throughout the majority of our evolution, millions of years, assuring food has been top of our priority list of things to do to survive each day. In fact if we didn't carry out this above task, the risk of dying of starvation was very real!!! In less than 100 years, it has become so easily accessible for developed countries, that getting food takes pretty little effort by contrast. However this has all happened in less than 0.01% of our evolution..

.. this means when your body - your subconscious mind - believes that it has to 'diet', meaning that food will be scarce and restricted, biological alarm bells start ringing. It thinks that it needs to store more calories and do whatever it can to force you to act upon the stresses and fears of having no food and eat what it can (often anything that is in sight). Even if you manage to control those urges for an amount of time, you enter a battle between your conscious mind's innocent wills and your subconscious mind's stubborn, fear-based reaction. These freaks out spike cortisol, nervousness, anxiety.. ..and if you also battle with emotional eating habits too.. you've just hooked, lined and sunk yourself out of your wonderful 'diet' intentions. Even if emotional eating isn't really you, well.. ..your body is going to go against the grain and try to keep more weight on than you might otherwise naturally drop-off without really 'thinking' so much about it.

Bottom Line - simply rephrase the words you use, the way you talk to yourself, to be more successful in reaching your goals. be aware of your subconscious mental programming and work to change your inner thoughts to align more, and be in greater harmony, with your own primal inclinations!

Hope this strikes a nerve with a few of y'all and you've gained something from these insights :)

As a practitioner w psychology/medical physiology background who applies this in RTT hypnotherapy all the time with big success and top popularity ratings in my city, feel free to ask me any questions about using your mind more to break out of these self-defeating cycles when it comes to weight. I'll do my best to answer any questions on the topic!

submitted by /u/inquisitivetree
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bouncing back!

I went out on the weekend. Had some (a lot of) drinks, definitely went over my calorie budget and didn’t go to the gym. In previous years I would get so down on myself that I would essentially give up and just continue to eat poorly.

Today (Monday) I bounced back, logged my calories and worked out and I don’t feel ashamed for having a cheat day.

The most growth I’ve experienced during my weight loss journey is mentally. My will power has increased, I’ve broken emotional eating habits and I’ve learned to not hate myself for indulging every once and a while. I feel not only healthier in my body but my mind!

submitted by /u/mantistobogganmMD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

False Starts

After almost 3 years of false starts, self hatred, and broken resolutions, I'm finally going to dedicate myself to healthy, sustainable weight loss. I've tried just about everything else, from fad diets to starvation. I'm sick and tired of the anguish that follows each binge-eating session, and I'm ready to leave it all behind. This time, I'm not just shedding fat, I'm shedding all the self-esteem issues and self-deprication that came along with it. Today's finally the day that I will look back on and proudly say that I successfully began not just my weight loss journey, but also my mental betterment. This is it!

submitted by /u/Sophijasper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Early in my journey, already noticing a side-effect, wanted to share and talk.

First-time poster, so here's the very basic rundown: 34F, 160lbs give or take, used to hover around 140, had a baby two years ago, then entered a MA program. The stress of other numerous traumatizing life events plus the aforementioned two big-uns helped me keep the baby weight. Two straight years of self-hatred. I look at old photos of me when I was 25 and hot, rocking out in my punk band wearing a mini skirt and thinking, "I didn't appreciate that body, and now it's gone forever. I'm doomed to mom-bod. I am a living rectangle." (disclaimer: 160 may not seem like a lot compared to other people's struggles, but I'm 5'4" and was always pretty petite prior to the baby and riddled with super-low confidence my whole life, so these are just my personal parameters)

The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back: My mother posted a photo of me on facebook. She was so proud of me for completing my MA for Occupational Therapy. I dressed up for the ceremony, my sister did my hair, I wore a SUPER FINE dress, put on makeup, the whole nine. But the photo that she posted made me realize that I would absolutely not tolerate looking like this in photos for a second longer. I hated that photo. I hated it SO MUCH.

Oh, I tried to console myself with articles about how people look worse in cell phone pictures than in real life, but how much leeway could I possibly allow? I was legit 20 pounds heavier, that's not nothing for a girl my height.

I downloaded the Couch25k App and used it as a guideline to start doing exercise: ANY EXERCISE at all. I am perpetually desk-bound and exhausted, part and parcel of being a graduate student and mother of a toddler. I hate exercising. The husband has tried for 10 years to get me excited about sweating with an elevated heartbeat but it never stuck. Turns out what they say is true: you have to do it for yourself, and no one else, or it will never stick. TRUE FACTS. I love my husband more than life, and it still took me deciding for myself and my own happiness over his.

Irony: 4 weeks in, haven't lost any weight yet. This is partly due to the regimen: I have made no change in diet (I don't eat terribly, but I'm not strict) and the app only allows for three days a week (I'm less than strict with the schedule).


With semi-regular exercise (actual exercise, with sweat and elevated heartbeat just like my husband recommended), my libido is making a comeback. And I didn't even realize it had waned until all of a sudden it was BACK. My husband has definitely noticed, and helped me make the connection. Honest to god, it's only been four weeks, but it has been so great for us and our relationship. My confidence and desire to have sex has helped him realize what I've been saying throughout my turbulent depression: I find him incredibly attractive and sexy. I already know about all that research saying exercise leads to better general chemistry of the brain, could this be a manifestation of that research?? GEE, IS SCIENCE REAL?

My long-standing depression, while by no means cured, is definitely taking more days off. My shape is subtly changing, despite the no change in weight loss. Four weeks, guys.

It's early days, but shit... is exercise actually as effective as people say it is? /s

It's not that I don't believe the articles, I do. But when you're exhausted and stressed and a new mom and you hate your body, sometimes you need more than facts to get you going.

This is my giddy rambling for the day. I want to emphasize that I wouldn't call this easy OR overnight success. It's not just 4 weeks, it's two bloody years of struggling and crying and eyeing the mirror and deleting selfies and untagging myself in people's facebook posts... there's a lot of emotional bullshit that came before this. And I have terrible discipline, so there have been 20+ barely acknowledged/aborted regimens because I was so stressed over my fluctuating calendar I couldn't keep to any sort of guidelines.

I think this is working. I think this is doing it for now. The app is supposed to get me to a place where I can run a 5k by the end of 8 weeks and I'm halfway there. I really hope I can do it. Because if I can run a 5k, that means I can do it all the time. I can keep the happy brain chemicals, I can keep my libido, I can keep the new shape and maybe an even better shape!

For 30 minutes a day every other day, that seems pretty fucking worth it. Thanks for listening, keep sharing those happy stories. And the real ones as well.

submitted by /u/PixieFurious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat