Thursday, June 13, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 14 June 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

hoping someone can check my health plan and maybe offer some advice?

hi folks ive posted once before but never really outlined my plan for a better lifestyle and was hoping to get advice on any changes/improvements i could make for a better weight loss!! sry this is gona be a longer post! im 19F at about 120-121 (varies throughout day) and im 5’1”. short term weight goal 110 (hoping before september) and longterm around 100.

TL:DR i run daily and chug water and plan to count calories but im not sure it’s enough to lose 10 lbs by end of august. Any advice?

-exercise (For past few weeks) I run almost everyday about 2-6 miles and then do 4-6 abs after. i have also started doing body workout classes with a friend! mostly arm stuff

-diet i have a nalgene and i try to drink 2 “nalgene bottles” a day to keep me feeling fuller and hydrated. i mostly drink water, sometimes juice and occasionally coffee if i have an 8 hour shift.

I also started counting calories even though i really dislike it, but i know that losing weight is mostly about diet so ive been doing 1200 calories a day. i sometimes eat some pretzels and peanut butter, but im trying really hard to resist my bad foods — So yeah thats kinda where im at. Im better in the summer, but at college i stress eat a LOT and i often dont have time to workout cuz my classes/homework/friends take up time in my day :// thanks for reading and hope you can help ;)

submitted by /u/goldfinche
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I think I might be hot now.

Hey, all.

I know how this sounds. I also know how motivating the idea is that weight loss will make us more attractive. I feel conflicted about thinking these thoughts, but here it is.

I have been fat my whole life. I gained weight for the first time when my grandparents died when I was 12. Parents divorced, money problems, coming to terms with being gay, etc. And I dealt with these struggles with food. At 18 I was diagnosed with binge eating disorder, and struggled so much. I hit my heaviest weight at 325lbs at the age of 16. At 19 I was able to get down to 270 but bounced between 280-290lbs in college. I told myself I was okay as long as I didn't teeter over 300lbs.

I was 22 when I made a change. I was miserable and I hated myself. I hated how people looked at me. I had never dated or had sex - I'd asked out two people who declined, one saying "you're just not the kind of person someone would want to date." Fuck that dude. I felt I was missing out on life, and my depression was only getting worse and keeping me from going to class and being successful in life.

I changed. Running with CICO and some water fasting. I didn't believe it was possible. Seeing a loss of only 2lbs some weeks made me believe I would never be able to do this. Now I'm 25 and sitting here at 186lbs. I haven't been this weight since middle school (I'm tall).

It's an adjustment. I went from being someone no one ever looked at, to someone random people at the store want to stare at. It makes me very uncomfortable to be honest, I liked feeling invisible when I wanted to. People flirt with me for the first time ever - it's so strange. I'm not used to speaking that way, or feeling like I'm the type of person who someone would want to love (yeah, I still have issues I'm working on).

Going from being physically unattractive for the majority of my life to being on the more attractive side of the spectrum is so strange. I really wasn't sure if this was all in my head, and my friends are nice to me, so I posted a photo in a "rate me" sub on my main account. People out of my league get a score of "8", so I was nervous. Every comment said I was a 10. It's really hard to believe, but there it is.

This is an adjustment. The idea that someone is being nice to me because they think I'm attractive is repulsive to me, but at the same time I feel like I'm finally being treated like a person. The way larger people are treated in my culture is disgusting. People used to ask me to move because I was so large. Now people stand uncomfortably close to me in lines, touch me a lot, and random strangers say "hello, boss." I'm not your boss, go away.

So...NSV, I think.

Gotta say, I do love my legs now. I'll say that I think they're hot, and that my time on the leg press is paying off.

submitted by /u/anonthrowaway249587
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I was discouraged by the scale, but yesterday I realized how much my health had improved

Hello! I haven’t been on this forum that long but I wanted to share something that happened to me during my vacation this week. I had been feeling frustrated because since I started weightlifting on top of cardio, my weight loss has slowed a bit. My family and I were over at a family member’s house and some of my cousins decided they wanted to walk to an ice cream place near the house (about a 20 minute walk). I was reluctant at first because I’m used to being the one who gets winded and tired before everyone else and was wearing platform Tevas, which while generally comfortable aren’t the best for walking longer distances. My older cousin offered to drive me and him but I wanted to spend time with family and said “fuck it” and decided to walk. To my surprise not only did I not get winded at all during the walk, but I was leading the group despite walking in those tall ass shoes lol. This was the same girl who a couple months ago could barely walk up stairs without breathing heavy. Even if the scale is moving slower, I’m so happy to see how my health is improving and how much it’s going to improve in the future!

submitted by /u/bemnistired
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose skin after losing 180lbs

I have seen a lot of posts on the subreddit about loose skin as of late.

I think that it os important to share the realities of massive weight loss! I understand it can absolutely be scary, especially because it os such a foreign concept.

Loose skin is pretty standard, but the amount is going to differ person by person. I know people who have lost more than me that have much less loose skin, and much more.

Its not all about how fast you lose weight, or how much water you drink, its a mixture of EVERYTHING (In my opinion)

Weight lost, age, how long you were over weight, genetics, and even more! That is why "Wraps, and creams" are a waste of money in my eyes.

I have had loose skin for 6ish years. No about of muscle is going to make it go away (unless I got absolutely massive again)

It is a reality, but its not a HORRIBLE reality. I can still run, jump, and live a totally normal life.

I don't plan on getting surgery, but that is an option for those out there that feel it is needed!

Its ok everyone, let those terry folds do their thing!

Here's some skin

submitted by /u/drumjohndavid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hey guys, I’m back...

Hi guys, I’ve been away for awhile and looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. I’m 23F, 5’10.5”, and weighed in today at 180 pounds. Back into an overweight BMI. Once upon a time, I was down to about 160 pounds.

Most of my weight loss occurred when I was in college. Admittedly, I think I slipped into a bad mental health state and can attribute some of my weight loss to that. Some of it was in a healthy was (CICO), I’ve come to realize I may have been a bit too extreme.

I graduated college in May 2018 and let myself go a bit. I started working full-time as a RN on the 3-11:30 shift, which is tough. I tend to not have fabulous eating habit — I tend to graze all day, then binge when I get home at midnight. I also work on floor where there are always snacks and desserts.

But, I’m ready. I still have a lot of weight loss under my belt, but would like to get down to at least 160 pounds again (148 pounds would be the ultimate dream goal for 80 pounds lost). Anyways, here I am jumping back on the wagon, and just wanted to say hi!

submitted by /u/meg-c
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just don't know how to get back in the headspace I used to be in

2 1/2 years ago, I lost 40 lbs. I was feeling amazing - jogging a few miles a few times a week, eating a good plant-based diet, not overeating, and generally in a great mental head space.

2 years ago, I had a lot of life changes. My weight loss stalled, but I was sustaining a fairly healthy lifestyle. My diet was decent and mentally I was okay.

In August 2018, shit sort of hit the fan. I was in an LDR, my longtime best friend stabbed me in the back, I lost family members, began seriously struggling with money, and just had a series of really shitty luck. Over that time, I gained back 15 of the 40, went back up a dress/pant size or two, and completely lost track of my mental sanity.

Since the beginning on this year, I've been slowly on the mend with my mental health. I've been reunited with my S/O and I finally cut out that best friend. Work is stressful and I'm stressed about paying for school this upcoming semester, but I know I have options if I need them.

Still, I can't shake some of these feelings that have crawled back into my brain again. The mirror and the scale are something I try to avoid. I feel ugly and fat and gross.

I'm sick of feeling like this again. I'm sick of having a big plastic tub full of clothes that I can't wear anymore. I'm sick of feeling like every time I push aside time for my health and fitness, it ends up biting me in the ass because some other responsibility builds up and then stresses me out.

Part of this is just a way to vent, I guess. But, has anyone been in my shoes? Any advice for balancing work, life, and health? Or just generally pushing yourself through the hump and getting back into some groove of prioritizing health and physical fitness?

submitted by /u/lemoleschwab
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from loseit - Lose the Fat