Saturday, October 31, 2020

How do I go on from here?

Hi guys so I really need your help. When I started my weight loss journey in January of this year I really had no idea what cico was. I just told myself to eat 1000 kcal a day and walk for 4 hours every single day. Needless to say I did lose weight. But I also learned how to actually calculate the kcals that I need to eat per day and decided to download MFP. And it was going great for while I upped my calories a little 1400kcal per day and I kept walking for 4 hours.

Now that I kind of plateaued at 60 - 59kg (not really my goal weight but nonetheless happy with it.) I want to start maintaining now. The problem is I have used way to many calculators. And got different numbers like 1650 or 1720 some even went up as 1900. And I choose sedentary for all of them. What do u guys think is my maintenance calories?

Also I want to quit walking for too long. 4 hours are just too long and I have other things to do. Would stopping walking and eating on my maintenance make me gain weight? I have been walking since the beginning of my journey, it feels like I have to do it forever to keep my weight now.

Tbh I don’t even know how much 4 hours of walking burn exactly. I just kept doing it because I saw progress and was too scared to change it.

What do you think I should do? How much should I eat daily? How do I decrease the walking? Will I gain weight if I decrease the walking since am plateauing now on 60kg while walking 4h a day and eating between 1600 - 1800 kcal?

All of your replies r very appreciated.

Female 20y 167 cm Sw:83kg Cw:60kg Gw:56kg Daily exercise: walk for 4h at 2,5 mph

submitted by /u/Saltbaecookie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss slowing down

At the start of quarentine, I was around 180-185 pounds, not the best for someone my height (5'2''). Since then, I've brought myself down to the 155 pound area, but I can't seem to lose more. I've decided to take a short break from dieting, but I'm planning on going back to it after this week. Was this the right decision? Normally, aside from this little break, i eat a max of 800-1000 calories a day, my school's online zoom PE class is keeping me active. I'm not too sure what exactly I'm doing wrong. My goal is to get around 115-120 pounds, but I seem to be stuck. Any help at all is appreciated.

submitted by /u/mothman_is_cornflake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Counting calorie OUT - how accurate is Fitbit? I compared my CICO data over 11 weeks

First off, I am grateful to this sub for all the great resources and the inspirational posts. I have achieved something I didn’t think I’d be able to. Since July this year, I have lost 33 lbs. I am now in the normal BMI range, something I haven’t been in over 7 years. I’m going to include more details about my journey at the end, but now let’s get to the main part of this post.

After starting to track my calorie in/out, I always wondered about the actual amount of calories I’m burning every day and how accurate the calories shown in Fitbit was. Yes, I used the TDEE calculator but without knowing my BF%, I couldn’t be certain about the numbers. Yesterday, I compared my calorie in and out using the data from MFP and Fitbit over a period of 11 weeks. And, I was very surprised with the accuracy! The calculated and actual weight loss values were less than one lb apart (24.50 vs 23.56), which is impressive considering all the variables that go into the calculation. Here’s a chart showing the details of my calculation. Note that, the calculation was done starting about 3 weeks after I began my weight loss journey to negate the effects of water weight. Here’s my complete weight loss trend.

It would be interesting to see how accurate the fitness tracker is for people of different age, sex, etc. I found an older post describing similar experience, and I am interested to hear from you who have compared their results. I don’t own any other fitness trackers or smart watches so can’t compare the performances. But I expect other brands like Garmin and Apple to perform on a similar level. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have!

submitted by /u/DwightUC
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, October 30, 2020

Losing weight while taking ADHD medications

I've struggle with weight for years. (Male, 40, 111kg, 184cm). I eat in a fog, not noticing I am doing it, and struggle to maintain routines.

A big part of this is, I have recently learnt, is because I had ADHD. The theory is that my brain has less dopamine transporters and so I struggle to focus and make clear decisions.

On 2 October I started taking dexamphetamine and it has changed my life. For the first time, I can make clear decisions about what I eat and how I exercise. I still make bad decisions sometimes (I'm only human) but the decisions are MINE.

This means that I have lost 4kg (8.8 pounds) since the start of the month!

HOWEVER, one of the side effects of dexamphetamine is weight loss because it acts as an appetite suppressant and makes the body burn calories faster than usual.

I need to lose weight but I want to do it in a healthy way.

I'm currently eating an average of 6000kj a day which I think might be too low.

What do you all think?

submitted by /u/griefofwant
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In a caloric deficit but not losing weight

So little background on me I’m 23 now and weigh 180 pounds at 5”10. A couple years back at the age of 17 I was 228 and hated the way I looked. I decided to go on a weight loss journey and worked my butt off 2 times a day for 5 days a week and got my nutrition in order to cut down to 150 in about 8 months. So after that I have been maintaining my weight at around 165 but quarantine the last couple months made me gain 15 pounds that I’d like to shed off now. I started three weeks ago with a caloric deficit and 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week as well as a weight lifting routine 5 times a week (Monday chest tris, tuesday shoulders, Thursday back and bis, Friday legs, Saturday bis tris and abs). I started at 180 and now three weeks later I am still at 180. I’ve been weighing myself every other day in the same conditions and the scale fluctuates from 179-182. I know I’m in a caloric deficit because I’ve accurately counting my calories at 1700 every single day and my tdee is 2793 cal a day. Sodium is at 600 mg a day and no more than that.It’s been extremely frustrating and I have no idea what’s going on. This is the first time in my life I feel helpless with all the work I’m putting in but seeing no progress. I want to put it down as water weight but I have no clue why after 3 weeks I would be holding this much water weight every single day.

submitted by /u/arabianmango
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need help getting back into routine :(

Hey everyone,

I began my weight loss journey at the beginning of March this year and I had lost around 10kg by mid-July. However, since, the end of July, my willpower and commitment to my diet has completely fallen off. Like, I remember slacking off at the end of July because it was a friend's birthday and similar events after it. When I'd celebrated other birthdays etc whilst on my weight loss journey I'd get back on it the next day. But for some reason this time it was different.

It's now almost November and I've completely reverted back to the destructive eating habits that I used to have. I'm typing this after eating an entire share bag of chocolate buttons and I had four chocolate eclairs for lunch. I've gained 3kg and I'm kicking myself because I can feel myself slipping back to my original weight and I keep thinking about all of the progress that I could have made if I had kept it going in July.

If anyone could provide any advice or tips on how to get back on the bandwagon again, I would be very grateful. I've honestly gone back to how I used to be, by telling myself that I'd start again tomorrow or on Monday. I don't want to wake up one day and realise that I've gained it all back.

TLDR: fell off the bandwagon after months of good progress, back to bad eating habits + gained 3kg. Please help!!!

submitted by /u/ms930652210
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Different experiences with (unhealthy) diets and workouts

Hellow fellow redditor or anyone who is reading this, I would like to talk about my experiences with weight loss in this post.16F, 160 cm/5'3 SW: 100 kg/220 lbs, CW: 65 kg/143 lbs, GW: ~58 kg/ ~ 128 lbs. I have started my weightloss way back in March 2019 with my highest weight of 100 kg. I've lost around 23 kg by being on a diet, which I absolutely hated, but in total took me 2,5 months. The diet originally consisted of eating cooked buckwheat 5 times a day with some dash of salad. I could barely eat it once a day and replaced 2 portions with some instant soup(or other low calorie alternatives). So at that point I was weighting around 77 kg and I stopped my diet till end of July 2020(I tried going back to the buckwheat diet beforehand, but I was unsuccessful). I was around 82 kg when I started dieting again. This time I would eat about 600-800 calories a day, if I was not exercising. I basically ate just whatever if it wouldn't go over the calorie limit I would have set for that day. It was going along just fine, but I thought it was going to slow, so I decided to bring in exercising. I've tried many workouts before, but the best of them all was and the one that I still use till this day is Chloe Ting's 2 week shred challenge(maybe some of you have heard of it before). In the end I would see results faster than me losing a bunch of weight, even if my weight wasn't going down as quickly. But I really do not recommend my approach at basically starving myself, since a healthy diet should atleast be around 1200 calories.Mainly because it has brought many side effects: hairloss, being tired all the time, bad breath and at some point it almost came to a blackout. (Just do not try it longterm. It is better losing the weight slow than fast, because your body needs to get used to a lighter weight and it won't get it on so fast if you'll end up eating) Setting unrealistic weight loss goals were not helping either (give your body the time it needs). Also even if you are the same weight and height as someone else, your body can look totally different than the other person's, which leads me to my actual, first GW of 49 kg/109 lbs. I realized I do not need to be near that number because I would be skin and bones at that point, because of my bones themselves/or general proportions (I'm not saying that someone else would look bad at that weight, it's just what I think about weight fitting my body in general). BMI can differ from body to body and it may not apply to someone with a different body complexion, but in most cases you should aim to be somewhere around the normal weight range. RN I'm still trying to lose weight, but not limiting myself too much, since it would harm me even more in the long run. TL;DR: I hopefully could prove to the reader, that you shouldn't starve yourself/shouldn't eat what you hate and taking it slow in any changes with your body.

submitted by /u/ikorinqwq
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