Saturday, April 9, 2022

230 to 160 seemed impossible...

But then it was possible, then probable, and then the day came where I knew I was capable! That was the magical moment.

I'm a 5'8, 27 years old woman who has been overweight ever since I was 7 years old. It's only fair it seemed impossible, and I know so many others in the same position. I hope this helps you, particularly.

I started exactly on January 1st of 2021 and have reached this goal April 2022. It was not quick, not easy, took a long time. Keep working for your goal every day, and those days will add up.

I started with fitness, but I hated running, high aerobic workouts, and sweating. Really. Everything about it reminded me how I was slower than the group physical classes in school. I had to find a fun way to move my body. I discovered low impact fitness, which made me move, got my heart thumping, and my body sweating.. but it was enjoyable. My muscles felt sore in a worked way instead of complete fatigue and burnout. Daily, I started adding my low impact steps into my video game time instead of sitting to play. Soft jogging with the character on screen was pretty fun, actually.

The diet change was gradual because I loooooooved food. It was definitely a coping mechanism that I had to work through. I ate to try and make myself feel better, or would stuff myself to get a hard nap afterwards. That took a long time of repatterning my thinking. What I mean by that is, I would come behind my impulse thought with a second thought. "I really want some more x, y, and z..." (not trying to trigger anyone) "I already had a lot of y and z today. Can I eat something else with more a, b, and c?"

After re-evaluating my relationship with food, I started reading about dietary needs. The more I read, the more my diet progressed and changed. (Don't forget I'm still doing my exercises with all this.) First, I cut out red meats and white refined breads, then I cut out all meats except fish, then cut out the fish, then I cut out all dairy. Ultimately, I made a lifestyle change and started eating vegan.

I'm not saying everyone should go vegan to lose the weight I did. I'm only pointing it out because it did impact my weight loss. I called it was a lifestyle change because I was motivated by more than my diet to go vegan. But the vegan diet did help me to lose the last 20 lbs. I had reached a plateau for a good two months where I maintained 180lbs and searched everywhere for the answer to break my plateau. Hiking helped, weight lifting did a little dent to the scale, but brought it up too. Eating vegan and low impact fitness got me through that last bit at a healthy 2lbs a week.

(I am not a medical professional but I know some people just cannot sustain a vegan diet for medical reasons sooooooo always check with your doctor first!)

But I give you all of that text just to celebrate reaching the "healthy weight" category of the BMI table, and let others know that the impossible is possible. Read and journal your thoughts towards food, get professional help if you do need, but please don't give up. I'm cheering for you!

submitted by /u/dodger8it
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6'0 M sitting at 165 lbs. Time to stop the weight loss journey and maintain?

6'0/19/M SW: 306 Lbs CW: 165-166 Lbs, GW: 155 Lbs

I've been eating at around 1200-1500 calories everyday for around two months now with occasional slipups, and while I don't expect to be losing at the rate I did when I first started my weight loss, I've been at a plateau of 165-166 for the past two months and the times where I manage to get myself down to 162-163, I bounce right back up to 165-166 after a singular slipup and reverse the progress I had made that week. While it isn't morally damaging, it's just annoying to see how long my plateau has gone on for, so is it time for me to just reconsider my goal weight and maybe settle for 165?

submitted by /u/UltimateSD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dating during/after weight loss?

26F 5’9 HW: 295 CW: 228 GW: 180

I would say I’m in the middle/ nearing end of my weight loss (not my journey of course that is life long) but now that I’m getting close and closer to onederland I’m considering dating again as I just got promoted in my job, and have become more comfortable with my appearance.

I don’t know when I’ll start “looking” as I’m still definitely obese. I started as a size 20/22 and now I’m a 14/16.

I’ve been overweight since I was 10 so I’m no stranger to dating while plus sized.

Thing is a slightly unexpected result is I have a TON of loose skin. That I can tell by the looks of it isn’t going to get better with more weight loss.

I had a very large lower apron belly, large thighs and big arms with a small waist and chest at my largest.

The stomach is flatter from the side and all around but still hangs a lot, (I mean a lot, it almost touches my thighs) and now it’s very mobile, squishier than my breasts, wrinkly and hangs just as low as before. My belly button is a line. I can pick up my stomach and literally pull it away from my body/hold it under my arms like a ton of pizza dough. My inner thighs are all wrinkly and my arms have very thin skinned hanging bat wings. I have the body of someone who’s lost much more weight than i already have.

It’s weird, my ribs jut out, and stick out farther than everything else when I lay down. with very defined obliques/abs and you can see my hip bones when I’m laying on my back, but the sides of body look like they’ve melted to the ground. I can just like move tons of skin all around on my body. I have a theory that I probably have 10+ lbs of loose skin. And I still got 40lbs to lose.

My measurements are 42-32-47. Like I’m just loose skin hanging on bones.

In some ways my body looked better before. Whilst naked I mean.

I’m really nervous to date because what I look like in clothes is much different than what I look like naked. A coworker once talked to me about her “gut” and how I don’t have one. But I do, I can just tuck it into pants now so it lays flat.

Any advice on “warning” partners? Or waiting until I get skin removal surgery? I’m nervous that I’m “false advertising”

submitted by /u/Palladininpluto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, April 8, 2022

I'm sick of the "Don't compliment weight loss" culture that has reared its ugly head.

There's been a pretty prevalent push (at least online) where I have read comments from people complimenting a person's weightloss and then replies giving them shit because "what if that person is sick." "What if this" "what if that".

I'm firmly in the camp that I am happy to hear compliments or comments on my weight loss or how "good/thin/skinny/fit" I look. If I've been working my ass off to get in shape it makes my whole life to hear a friend or family member who I havemt seen in a while say something positive about it!

I am a person who likes and appreciates the external validation and its fucking annoying that the social norm corrections train is rolling through Complimentsville.

Complimenting someone's fitness and weight should NOT be a taboo when obesity has become so normalized in society. I'm all for keeping weight compliments around and not shaming them out of existence.

"Have you lost weight? You look fantastic!" shouldn't be met with "You cant say that!". I earnestly believe the only people mad about it probably haven't stepped on a scale lately or are part of the "HAES" fallacy and believe being overweight and obese is normal and not damaging to your health.

Bring back skinny compliments!

submitted by /u/dearthofkindness
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Glad I started lifting from the start!

So, I’ve gotten to a “normal” BMI before, but when I got there, I felt like I was too skinny. Maybe it was body dysmorphia? I don’t know.

Anyway, on my most recent weight loss journey, I emphasized weight lifting. I didn’t follow a program or anything, but mostly doing push-ups, working on a pull-up bar (still can’t do one, but working towards it) and dumbbell exercises.

After 6 months, my jean size and shirt size are on par with where I was when I was at my lightest (29 lbs down from where I’m at). I’m technically overweight, but I fit in a medium shirt! My previous shirt sizes alway started with an X! As a chronic yo yo dieter, I just wanted to share my experiences with you all. I’ve gained and lost weight before, but for the first time in my life, at 28 years old, I’m finally feeling confident in my body!

M 28 5’11” SW 251 CW 203 GW 174

submitted by /u/Boopsiebeeps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An interesting and simple strategy for discipline with weight loss or maintenance

A colleague recently told me his strategy for maintaining his weight. He is committed to doing "three hard things" every single day when it comes to food and drink. This could mean 1) passing up a cookie or donut at work, 2) stopping a meal when he is only 80% full, and 3) resisting the urge to have an afternoon snack, for example. This commitment has helped him to maintain a significant weight loss and he noted that he finds it manageable. Do you do anything like this? I thought it was an interesting tactic and would love to hear if you do anything similar. Thanks!

submitted by /u/NutmegGirl912
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weirdly enough... I lost a bunch of weight when I stopped worrying about it so much

Hello to all the wonderful people of loseit, thank you for your camaraderie and can-do spirit, it has helped me a lot on my weight loss journey.

This post is yet another reminder that each one of you is deserving of love, respect, and admiration. We all have our battles, we fight on so many fronts, and we are answerable to so many people. Simply exisiting can be a tough challenge. It takes immense energy, willpower, and effort to keep doing our routines day in and day out.

You are worthy of love. You are deserving of love. You are enough. You don't need to prove anything to anybody.

The moment I stopped being so hard on myself the weight just melted away. I think it is important to let habits form and then have them move to the subconscious, after a certain point, worrying simply becomes a net loss.

submitted by /u/gogirimas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat