Saturday, April 9, 2022

230 to 160 seemed impossible...

But then it was possible, then probable, and then the day came where I knew I was capable! That was the magical moment.

I'm a 5'8, 27 years old woman who has been overweight ever since I was 7 years old. It's only fair it seemed impossible, and I know so many others in the same position. I hope this helps you, particularly.

I started exactly on January 1st of 2021 and have reached this goal April 2022. It was not quick, not easy, took a long time. Keep working for your goal every day, and those days will add up.

I started with fitness, but I hated running, high aerobic workouts, and sweating. Really. Everything about it reminded me how I was slower than the group physical classes in school. I had to find a fun way to move my body. I discovered low impact fitness, which made me move, got my heart thumping, and my body sweating.. but it was enjoyable. My muscles felt sore in a worked way instead of complete fatigue and burnout. Daily, I started adding my low impact steps into my video game time instead of sitting to play. Soft jogging with the character on screen was pretty fun, actually.

The diet change was gradual because I loooooooved food. It was definitely a coping mechanism that I had to work through. I ate to try and make myself feel better, or would stuff myself to get a hard nap afterwards. That took a long time of repatterning my thinking. What I mean by that is, I would come behind my impulse thought with a second thought. "I really want some more x, y, and z..." (not trying to trigger anyone) "I already had a lot of y and z today. Can I eat something else with more a, b, and c?"

After re-evaluating my relationship with food, I started reading about dietary needs. The more I read, the more my diet progressed and changed. (Don't forget I'm still doing my exercises with all this.) First, I cut out red meats and white refined breads, then I cut out all meats except fish, then cut out the fish, then I cut out all dairy. Ultimately, I made a lifestyle change and started eating vegan.

I'm not saying everyone should go vegan to lose the weight I did. I'm only pointing it out because it did impact my weight loss. I called it was a lifestyle change because I was motivated by more than my diet to go vegan. But the vegan diet did help me to lose the last 20 lbs. I had reached a plateau for a good two months where I maintained 180lbs and searched everywhere for the answer to break my plateau. Hiking helped, weight lifting did a little dent to the scale, but brought it up too. Eating vegan and low impact fitness got me through that last bit at a healthy 2lbs a week.

(I am not a medical professional but I know some people just cannot sustain a vegan diet for medical reasons sooooooo always check with your doctor first!)

But I give you all of that text just to celebrate reaching the "healthy weight" category of the BMI table, and let others know that the impossible is possible. Read and journal your thoughts towards food, get professional help if you do need, but please don't give up. I'm cheering for you!

submitted by /u/dodger8it
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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