Monday, April 25, 2022

ED Warning: Vent. The only way i can lose weight is if i starve myself. I feel like i'm literally ment to be fat.

I've been vegan for 5 years, transitioned from my ED into veganism, because eh, might aswell keep eating veggues, you can't get fat by eating veggies, right? WRONG, not with my body.

My body cannot do anything right, i am chronically constipated and i eat a lot of veggies, i tried smoothies and it still does not do anything. It just doesn't want to pass unless i have laxatives.

I tried "confusing my metabolism", Hiit trainings , on the weekends i walk 11 miles and i cannot lose 1 lbs. I have actually gained 2 lbs since Saturday, after exercising. I walk on a daily basis and i eat around 1200 cals a day, i have tried weight loss pills, lost 1 pound gained it back. I have tired eating even less cals, stating under 900, doesn't do shit.

I honestly feel so defeated and i feel like my only choice for me to lose weight is spiriling down into anorexia and bulimia (i miss the days where i was 99 lbs and everything fit). I am now 160 lbs and i hate myself, emotionally and i hate my body. I would honestly kill myself just so this stupid thing can suffer like it makes me suffer.

So HOW in the fuck do i lose the weight in a healthier manner, because honestly after this post i am about to give up. My SO is not attracted to me physically because of my gain weight, as shallow as that feels, most of my weight went to my arms and stomach and i look 6 mo pregnant even tho i am not. I just look disgusting and i'm tired of nothing fitting me anymore.

Edit: Also, how many cals should i b3 eating? Female, 20, 5'6, current weight 160, but looking to go down to 130. Every app says something different, with Samsung health saying i need 1000 (yes, my info i imput in there is correct).

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Today99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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