Monday, April 18, 2022

I could be _lbs by now! (Please stop thinking this)

After losing 50 pounds with another 50 to go, I have found myself at a standstill. It is definitely not a mystery why my weight loss has come to a stop for the last few months, I haven't been putting the effort into losing weight, just maintaining it. But every once in a while I will have a bad body image day and find myself beating myself up. Thoughts of "If you had just been tougher and stuck to your original plan you would only have 20 pounds to go" or "Ugh I am still so fat" plague my mind. A standstill can be so hard to deal with because even if you don't gain weight, your mind has become used to the size you are and all the progress you made doesn't seem to register in your head. 175 pounds has become my "normal" for the last few months and I hate it some days. I am still overweight (no longer obese though, yay!), the levi's I bought at my dream size still don't go over my hips, and with summer around the corner shorts still scare the ever living hell out of me.

But on days like this I try to remember where I started. 225 pounds, too depressed to get out of bed, acne destroying any confidence I had, spending all of my money on late night food deliveries, and gaining weight with each passing day. Because while my weight loss has stalled, I could very well still be 225 pounds. Or I could have continued on my trajectory and been 250 pounds by now. Letting your weight loss take the back burner for a few months doesn't mean all your hard work disappears, it just means you needed a break. Taking a break is totally okay, in fact I think it has definitely helped me sort out many of the eating issues that have haunted me since I was 13. These last few months I have learned how to eat and maintain my size, not just being in a constant state of either losing or gaining weight. And with my life clearing up, allowing me more time to focus on my weight loss, I now know I am capable of maintaining my goal weight when I hit it. So while I am beginning to refocus on weight loss now and hope to hit my goal weight by the end of November, I am trying to appreciate my body and mind for all the hard work I have already put in. And if I need another break, I will take it.

So please, try and remember all the work you have put in to better your mind, soul, and body (that's right, body is last because it should honestly be last when you're focusing on weight loss). Stop thinking I could be _lbs by now and try to remember that you have come a long way whether it be 5lbs, 100lbs, or if you have even just cut pop out of your diet. You have made progress and pat yourself on the back for doing so!

submitted by /u/Salt-Meringue8517
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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