Friday, April 15, 2022

People’s attitude towards fat people is really depressing and kind of demotivating (especially on reddit)

Disclaimer— not blaming others for my weight or anything like that, i accept full responsibility for my choices that lead to me gaining weight. But holy shit, the way some redditors talk about fat people is fucking brutal. It’s like they view you as a pathetic burden with no other qualities aside from being a greedy eating machine. If there’s a post featuring a fat person there will always be numerous comments completely disregarding their accomplishments and just focusing on how unattractive or unhealthy they are.

An example—this post about a cancer patient receiving a life saving bone marrow transplant

Thankfully, many of the top comments are positive. But it doesn’t take long to scroll down before you get to the awful comments. A lot were eventually deleted by mods but they were staying stuff like ‘this is like giving an alcoholic a liver transplant, what a waste of resources’ or, ‘why are people saying she’s beautiful? She’s fat not stupid’ or , ‘she needs to sort out her diet first.’ these comments received a lot of upvotes and all the comments defending her were heavily downvoted.

Someone pointed out that steroids and cancer treatment can cause an increase in appetite, fluid retention, and weight gain. That she probably doesn’t feel like working out or restricting right now, because, you know, she has fucking cancer. This response was heavily downvoted. A couple people replied saying shit like ‘CICO, steroids don’t magically cause weight gain, eating too much food does’ (again, significant amount of upvotes). Well, fucking duh. Of course eating too much leads to weight gain, but there are many barriers that can lead to weight loss being difficult. It’s like telling someone with social anxiety to stop feeling nervous around large crowds— it seems like an obvious solution, but there’s obviously a lot more to it if you even have a shred of empathy. That poor woman is going through hell and all they can talk about is her weight?

This is just one example, and there’s so many instances of this attitude offline and online and it’s so so depressing.

People don’t resent others in the same way if they do extreme sports, or drink too much (in the Uk at least lol), or have some other vice that is detrimental in some way. So many people have vices, but I guess when you’re fat your poor decisions are visible for the world to see. You’re seen as less attractive, which just makes people angry at you for some reason. And they don’t care if you gained weight after being sexually assaulted, or because antipsychotic medication increased your appetite, or because you’re severely depressed. No, it’s obviously because you don’t understand ‘calories in, calories out’ and you’re greedy and lazy and you deserve to be shamed

I’m not promoting HAES, being fat is undeniably unhealthy. But it would be nice for fat people not to be dehumanised just because we have a disordered relationship with food. People on reddit are so quick to mock people who offer solutions to mental illness by saying ‘holy shit! I’m cured’, but they don’t extend that mindset to people who have issues with overeating. it isn’t just a case of people being greedy or stupid.

I’m ashamed to say I used to be one of these people, tbh I felt superior because I was skinny. Then a series of awful things happened, I fell into a deep depression, stopped caring and gained over 100lbs. I really regret how callous and ignorant I was. It’s difficult to lose weight and It’s funny because shaming people in this way seems to have the adverse effect.

submitted by /u/Spunky__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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