Saturday, April 16, 2022

Body looks awful after weight loss

I have been so depressed lately over how my body looks like. I’ve gain a lot of weight and lost it twice now. Both weight gains were due to health issues. It was rapid and my body is covered in stretch marks. Now that I’ve lost all the 50lbs from the last weight gain my skin is sagging everywhere. And I don’t mean a little pouch here or there. I’m in my 30s. My body looks like it’s in its 130s.. not only I have a bunch of skin on my stomach and arms but the stretch marks make it look so wrinkly on top of all that. My boobs don’t exist anymore. They aren’t even pancakes. They are flat out wrinkly crepes. Just two lumpy wrinkly empty sacks. I’ve noticed how wrinkly my hips and butt are today. And I’m about to cry. Everybody is keep complementing me on my weight loss and I hide this hideous body under the clothes pretty well. No one knows that underneath there’s a body of a 90 year old. Heck, I’ve seen better 90 year old bodies. I feel lost and so insecure. I hate that I’ve worked so hard, fought my health issues at the same time just to look like this. I can’t imagine the reaction I’d get from any guy that I undressed for. I can’t and won’t be able ever to afford the surgery to ‘fix’ it. I seriously feel like my romantic life is over. I want to and need to ( health again ) to stay in the healthy range of weight. But all I want to do today is just load up on junk food to fill up that skin again. How do you cope with this? Have your skin improved at least a little bit free awhile? Do you get people run away from the bedroom after you take your clothes off? I’m a pretty confident person, I get hit on and asked out. But the more weight I was loosing the less comfortable I feel getting to know anyone. I’m so terrified of being naked with anyone. I love the skin on skin feeling but I feel like now I’m doomed to be always covering half of my body if I even opened myself to the idea of just giving a try with someone. It’s literally ruining my life atm. I’m in my 30s and fear I’ll be alone until I’m 90 so my body matches my age .. How did you guys coped with that? What is your experience? Does it ever get better?

submitted by /u/ItalianCreamSoda69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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